Friday 3 August 2012

Letter to my 24 year old self..

When I was 11 (2005) I made a memory box to be opened in 2010...
Somehow it lasted five years and I opened it...
Altthough it was very nice to open...I must admit I was slightly disappointed with my 11 year old self when I opened it..
I'd written on a piece of paper things about myself...
However instead of writing about my then hopes and dreams and all that Jazz for life for me to look back and Awwwww over, I'd written things like..

Parents name: Amanda and Michael (funnily enough still the same five years on...)
Favourite colour: Yellow. (still the same)
Favourite food: Roast Dinners (still the same)

So yes; nothing much for me to reflect on...
I'd also put in...
A scarf I bought at Party in the Park
A little lipgloss that my (then) boyfriend had got me
A picture of me with my new cool haircut
And a piece of paper that said...This is the smell of my favourite perfume (I assume at some point in the past it HAD smelt of something...though I cannot remember what...)

Lovely; Yes - and also highlighted how simple life was for me as an eleven year old...

Now at nineteen life is still Lovely? Yes. But fackin 'ell - it is far from simple!
The other night it got to about 01:00 - I was still awake, our internet was still not existing (it is now...woohoo!) and our television was not working. It was at this point I began having one of my occasional "AhMaGaaad what's going to happen in the future? What do I want to do? Or what about the present? It's so confusing? My brain is such mush! So many feelings and thoughts and conflicting emotions and Ohmigoddd I'm such a poor, tragic confused Drama student WHAT DOES LIFE MEAN TO ME?" moments.

So I did what I always do when my brain is over run. I wrote. There was too much crap going on for me to write a decent blog, so I decided to write a letter, to my 24 year old self...
In it I wrote about what I want from life, where I want to go, how I feel at this point in my life and where I hope I am when I next read the letter - I may not have written about my favourite colour...or my favourite food...or any of that, but it was strangely theraputic, It was theraputic for me get all the brain mush out on paper...and I hope when I do open the letter again in five years time, more of my hopes and ambitions will have happened and I will be able to look back on this slightly confusing period of my life and appreciate what will have changed for me in the next five years and the person I have become because of it :) :)

Loves xx

Also changing the subject. I have a friend at work called Phipps ( I use the term friend lightly.....). We laugh a lot but to be honest He is a bit of a nob. Yesterday he threw stuff at me, insulted me non stop and split a hot chip in half and pressed it onto my arm. He has also just said that Blogging is boring and implied that I am sad for blogging on a Friday night instead of being out (i'm actually out tomorrow night so mehhhhh) before asking to be mentioned in a blog for a claim to fame. So here is your mention. Loser. Bahahahaha xx

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