Friday 10 August 2012

A week home alone with something BUGGING me...

So I've been home aloney on my owny all week,
2 out of 3 of the housemates are yet to have taken up residence, whilst the other one skipped off to france for a week, leaving yours truly to run the house for 7 days...
To be fair - it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be, when we first bought the house I had my fears that I would be left alone for the majority of the summer, considering it's the first time I have moved out of home the thought of suddenly being in an empty house on my own scared me A LOT, luckily for me Maddie moved in straight away, as well as securing a job in Chichester, which has meant that I have had plenty of company and been safe from Zombies, Ghosts and anything else scary that may have invaded my house had I been here alone (apart from insects...but more of that later...) and the week has passed pretty quickly, there have been a couple of i-want-my-mummy incidents, which was probably down to the fact that she was in Italy where the phone signal was not very good and the fact that she was not easily reachable made me want to be able to reach her even is the way...

Now onto the insects -
A few months ago I wrote about the fact that a bumble bee flew out of my washing basket at 2 in the morning, scaring the jeepers out of me, and leaving me sleeping on the lounge floor alongside Pup who was very happy to see me....
A couple of months later I wrote a blog about the fact that a huge bumble bee crawled out of my pile of laundry much to my dismay...and that my nan had to come upstairs and remove it for me whilst I stood squealing on my bed....
Well the other day a pretty similar thing happened, except I was home alone, in a different home and the bestest wasn't due to arrive for another half an hour - and had a pile of clean laundry in my I began pulling out what I needed...



Oh faaaaaaack.
Luckily I am so used to these kind of things happening that I knew exactly what was going on...


I literally did not know what I was going to do. Or what I was going to find. So I just stood. In the middle of the room. And watched my pile of clothes buzzing...I then saw it....A lovely fat wasp crawl out of my clothes on to my bed...If I had any common sense, I would have put a glass over it and left it there until the bestest arrived to help me remove it...but I didnt, I ran squealing out my room and slammed the door shut behind me, leaving it nice and safe in my bedroom *sigh*
Eventually after the bestest arrived I managed to convince her to help me find it, we picked up each item of clothing from the pile and thoroughly examined it for any sign of wasps and even though there had been no sign of it, I still got changed with the fear of having wasps in my pants.... What was worse was the fact there was no sign of it, If I had seen it leave my room, I would have been happy - but the fact that it had last been seen crawling around on my bed made it worse and lying in bed that night I was convinced that I could hear a buzzing and flinched everytime the sheet brushed against my leg...3 days later and I still haven't felt any sign of it, So i'm assuming it is either dead...or just hiding somewhere planning a reaaaaallly evil attack on me...

As if it couldn't get any worse I then went into the toilet the next evening to discover a moth in my toilet...I hate moths...I know they can't hurt me...I know they are smaller and weaker than me....and that I could kill them in one STAMP (squish) - (or maybe it would be more of a crunch) but I still hate them. I had to remove a dead one from the windowsill the other day and the only way I could do it was to scoop it up in a ton of toilet roll and even then I squealed...But yes this moth, Not on my toilet wall...not on the toilet seat...sadly not floating dead at the bottom of my toilet...just sitting, all casually like - on my actual toilet bowl - I could have just flushed it away but then I couldn't bring myself to be so cruel (i'm a softie see) - So I just had to go to bed in need of the loo with nightmareish images going around my head of 'What if I hadn't seen that moth down my toilet bowl and sat on the seat....

Luckily the next morning it had flown off (I was pleased to discover after THOROUGLY inspecting my toilet) and calmness was once again restored...
Still I'm very happy that the housemate is back Sunday, I've actually rather missed her - Plus squealing over horrible insects is a lot less scary when you have someone else in the building with you to squeal alongside you and the bugs seem a lot less likely to 'attack' when your not home...alone..and vulnerable....


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