Sunday 29 July 2012

Lampshades down the stairs and blinds in the cupboards...

At the moment I am struggling slightly with the concept of 'Home'
I have 'Home' where I I have 'Home' as in old Home...where I used to live...but it's not really old Home...because I still feel like it is and always will be my Home - even if it is not the Home that I am neccesarily living in...Whereas living in my actual Home, still sometimes feels like some weird surreal adventure that will end soon and life will suddenly become 'Normal' again - well as normal as my life ever can be (That isn't very...)
So you see...struggling...

I am very much enjoying living in Chichester, as I have mentioned many a time, however it's only fair that I mention the struggles we have had...the struggles that have me breathing a sigh of relief as I return to Home-Home and don't have to think about them for a few nights...things such as...

* The fact that our front door does not always open - not the handiest of things for a front door to decide it does not want to do...many a times I have gone to leave for work in a rush and found myself trapped in my own hall way...However with a bit of anger and a mild will open...most of the time...

* The fact that our internet has still not arrived, we've only waited patiently for about 6 weeks, however according to the Orange lady, it will be up and working by tuesday..huzzah!

* The fact that we have had a landline put a new telephone number...and forgot the concept of buying an actual telephone....

* The fact that our lounge blind is currently chucked in the cupboard in the lounge after falling down when I went to close it the other night...accident? yes it was. The need to buy curtains for our lounge has just increased by a hundred million percent....

* The fact that..similar to the lampshade is currently at the bottom of the stairs after I booted it down them to teach it a lesson after it fell on my head for the kazzilionth is now even less likely to stay on my ceiling...and I doubt it will recover from it's down-the-stairs injuries (I'm a terrible person)

* The fact that sometimes our TV gives us every channel...and other times treats us to an exclusive small group of channels... BBC 1...BBC2...BBC3...CBBC....Cbeebies.... - sometimes being left with the choice of Sport...Sport...Repeat...Tracey Beaker...Come outside can drive us to the point of least we have our DVDs to watch....except it does not currently have a remote, so the ability to skip, stop, rewind and fast forward as pleased is pretty much non-existent...

So yes...despite the fun, there have been a fewwwww minor issues...
Still - We will learn to sweet talk out front door, our internet will be here soon, we will buy some curtains and a house phone, I will buy a new lampshade (but not a paper more tap dancing flies!) and our TV will either get a grip on life, or we will sort it ourselves (somehow) and calmness and order will be restored to the house...
Ahhhhh how perfect...I'll believe it when I see it though!


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