Tuesday 10 July 2012

"There's a fly tap dancing on my lightshade..."

So – It’s a Monday – Well I say that, It’s probably a Tuesday now that you are reading this, or maybe even a Wednesday – Lack of internet means I am still having to scrounge off free internet at Lloyds, however my Blog-Writing brain is slightly temperamental and does not always work when I want it too – which means when it does strike, I have to type out on good old Microsoft word and then do a bit of copy and pasting later on before the moment passes and my mind goes blank…

With today being Monday it means I have been living out of home for exactly four weeks. On one hand it feels like it has flown by, but on the other hand it feels like I have been out of home for ages. To be fair it’s just gone by in a whir of shifts at the Drug that is Super, Alcohol, DVDs, General randomness and junk food...I’m coping rather well, I did have my fears about moving out, but I’ve adapted to it pretty much instantly and I enjoy being able to do things at my own pace and in my own steady time…. (Let’s say ‘Steady’, sounds so much nicer than ‘Slow’)…

So….Things I’ve learnt since moving out of home…da da daaaaaaaaa:

Food goes off:  Before I moved out of home and was panicking over how much life was going to cost me, one of my main concerns was paying for food…my first payday here I went to Iceland and managed to get a good load of shopping and was pretty impressed when it cost me only £23…3 weeks later and I have just had to empty our fridge which was starting to smell pretty funky…Gone off chicken pieces, gone off bacon, Mouldy bread, Mouldy chocolate spread (yes really) – it was not very nice and made me realise that I don’t eat as much as I originally thought I would, which is good for my bank balance I guess – But does mean I need to start planning what I buy a bit more…which is just more thinking stuff to think!

I enjoy cleaning:  Indeed. You read that correctly.  I HATE tidying, when it comes to my room, the mess seems to appear just from me entering the room, but when it comes to actual CLEANING, I have found it very satisfying on a couple of occasions, cleaning the kitchen, wiping down the sides, putting everything back in the right place…making it look all shiny and lovely. I also had an impulse the other day to Hoover the whole lounge and even the stairs and the landing, however I feel this is a novelty that will soon wear off…

I’m a trailer:  Although I was aware of this when I was at home, it was always controlled by The Mumma, telling me to take all my stuff upstairs so it isn’t in the way…however here without those orders, I have become a trailer. For those of you who don’t know what a trailer is (to be honest I just came up with the term) it is someone who has the ability to leave a little bit of everything everywhere they go…for example I come in and kick off my shoes in the hallway…I then go into the lounge and dump my cardigan and into the kitchen where I put my bag on the side…It’s the same upstairs as well, at first I had all my makeup and things like that on my desk in my bedroom, whilst around the bathroom sink was some neatly placed toothbrushes and shower gel…However now our bathroom sink is just surrounded by bits of make-up, hairclips, cotton wool pads, cleansers, toners, body sprays, hairspray….where my morning beauty regime alternates between my bedroom and the bathroom, depending on what I’m doing and what light I need to do it in….Working at the Drug that is Super does not help, being surrounded by these kind of products every day AND getting discounts on them, definitely means I have become a beauty products hoarder…

I can cope:  Biggest shock of all, but as previously mentioned, I am surviving a lot better than I thought I would, nothing has gone toooo majorly wrong for me and Maddie since we have been living here – and any issues we have had…Front doors not opening/ Not having a landline/ Sorting out banking issue/ Paying off bills – we have managed to resolve ourselves…wooohoo! (Okay so there has been SOME scatty moments, buuuuut hey they don’t matter, I’ve still survived ;])  *

There’s a fly tap dancing on my light shade….” – This was a realisation I had the other night. In my room there is Light…and on that Light is a Light Shade…A light shade that is made out of tissue paper (probably not literally….but that’s what it looks…and feels like…okay looking at it now  maybe it is…). So anyway several times in my room I have heard like a scratchy tap tap tap tap…sitting on my bedroom floor the other night I heard it again and just could not work out where it was coming from, whenever I tried to work it out it seemed to be moving around…I even had visions of rats or something running around the inside of my bedroom walls or something ( I don’t know how that would work, but when you are confused and slightly freaked out, anything is possible) – I ignored it and carried on painting my nails….Bzzzzzz……Bzzzzzz…….Cue irritating fly buzzing around my head….Bzzzzz…..As it began to mildly irritate me I watched it buzzing around my room before settling on my lightshade…Bzzzzzzzzzz….Tap. It then began scurrying along my lightshade Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap….Ahhhh I see. Well if it isn’t rats scurrying around the inside of my wall, I can definitely cope with a Tap Dancing Fly!
*Also I had a dream the other night that I was swimming in the sea with my mum, holding on to her like I use to when I was little, I always get a bit nervous in the sea, but we were quite far out and the waves started to get bigger, I didnt like the fact that my feet were unable to reach the floor because it meant if one of the big waves went over my head, it would be difficut to get out of it...we seemed really far out and I could see the big waves coming, but because my mum was holding on to me and wasn't panicking herself, I felt calm and safe and stopped feeling so anxious.  I know i'm a bit of an airy fairy person, but I definitely took that dream as a sign that everything is going to be okay, no matter how scary it feels at times :)

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