Monday, 31 December 2012

Reflections, High School Bullies and being a personnnnnn.

So I’ve been feeling all reflective as of late.

Not in an ‘Omg I can’t believe it’s the end of 2012 bring on 2013 New Year new me!’ kind of way, that everyone becomes a fan of round about this time. Reflective of life.

Recently I’ve been chatting to my high school girlies and remembering times from being at school. At the time we hated it, it was school of course we did! But looking back I have some pretty funny memories: The RS teacher who had an so unreasonable-it-was-hilarious disliking for me, Getting sent out of science for laughing after Sophie pointed out our teacher looked like action man, Water fights, The ridiculous arguments we used to all have, stopping off at Sainsbury’s on the way home for 25p bars of chocolate, The secret house parties we used to have and the mad dash to tidy up before we were discovered….There are so many!! Everything was taken so seriously back then, but looking back on it, we had so little to worry about. Now with Uni and work and rent-paying and all this grown-up stuff, I sometimes wish I could go back to those days – even though at the time I’d have given anything to skip a few years and be where I am at now, Nineteen, able to go out drinking and living away from home – obviously at that time I thought about the fun side of it (which there is of course, massively so!) but didn’t really think about the scary grown-up side of it.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to those days, but really I would rather have the complicated grown-up side of life, if it also involves being able to be independent and go on nights out and do my own thing – Plus I think I’ve changed so much as a person, I’m much happier with who I am now, If I could go back even 4/5 years I would tell my younger self to stick up for herself a bit more and to have so, so, SO much more self-belief! High school was fun, yes – but it also brought on a whole load of insecurities, especially about how I looked, being called names is something that everyone probably goes through at some point or another, but looking back on it now I got SO much stick, maybe at the time I didn’t want to accept it, so wouldn’t let it seem as bad it was but boy was I called some names: Ghost, Zombie, Fish, Frog, Dobby, Hammer-head shark – All to do with my appearance, in particular my eyes and the fact that they were Big/Scary/Far Apart … I use to hate it and would wear eyeliner to try and make them look smaller, which thinking about it now is ridiculous. Now I think F U and wear my make-up exactly to highlight the fact I have big eyes! Looking back on it I get SO annoyed that people managed to make me feel so bad about myself, no one has the right to do that! I wish more than anything that I had stuck up for myself and stood my ground and fought my battles instead of not sticking up for myself and letting them get me down – to be fair I never showed that they got me down, only on occasions I would get upset – the rest of the time I was just the same, silly, clumsy scatter-brain that I am now – I just felt that it was better to ignore it…that way I could pretend it wasn’t happening.

I’m definitely more confident as a person now – I think doing Drama and Performing Arts at Sixth form helped me with this immensely, the fact I was suddenly surrounded by a group of people all with the same passion (and levels of insanity) as me really, really helped – Joining Bench Theatre helped as well for the same reasons and ditto to going on to University!! When you are suddenly away from anyone who drags you down and surrounded by people all with the same mind-set and passion as you, really gives you a boost and that confidence to just be yourself! Not going to lie, I still get insecure about stuff sometimes, like at work a few months back people were saying what kind of animal we would be, It was decided I would be a ‘Goldfish’ – as soon as I heard mention of that word the alarm bells were up and that dreaded feeling was back…Oh god is it because I look like a fish?! Do they think that as well?! Arghhh! – But it wasn’t. It was because of my (then) Orange hair and my lack of memory. Fair enough. It’s just about learning that not everyone is against you and just because one group of people had bad views on you, doesn’t mean that every single person in the world does. Now if anyone annoys me or makes me feel down, or even if I don’t agree with something small that they are saying then I will tell them. I say what I think, fight my case and put people in their place if I don’t like the way I am being spoken to (take that drunk customers at work) – because it’s your life, you are who you are and no-one has the right to make you feel bad about ANYTHING.

So there.



New Year’s Eve tonight – Wooohoo!

Have a good one everyone J


Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (yes I am feeling more kisses than normal…and what?!) xxx

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Clowning and when pranks go wrong.

I'm in the Uni Library.
Getting a sense of Deja vu here?
Because that's exactly how I started my last blog.
And it's exactly how I am starting this one. Obviously.
However this time I am doing better than last time.
I've actually typed some words...
398 of them to be precise...
I know it doesn't sound much, Buuuuut it's progress.
Plus I have a tutorial tomorrow and wouldn't want to write too much and then have to change it all.
Making excuses, moi?!

So unlike my last couple of blogs I have no drunken shennanigans or silly nights out to write about. My life has been over run with Uni.
We had our clowning assessments on Monday.
I have never been so glad to have a module over with.
To say it brought out my sometimes snappy, unreasonable, hot-headed side is an understatement.
For a module called 'Clowning' it got me pretty stressed. If I want to be a clown I can stick to every day life! We set our piece in a gym class, stupidly I chose my clown to be the Colourful, Silly, OTT (Okay it sounds like me so far...) SPORTY one.
Words I do not cope well with. So whilst I was happy to dance around in a leotard, orange leg warmers and bright pink tights with my hair in a back-combed side pony-tail. Having to do every exercise as big as I possibly could without being allowed to stop KILLED ME. Sit ups, Lunges, Jogging, Knees Up, Planks...I had to do all these things near perfectly AND look as though I was enjoying it. I looked like a tomato afterwards and can barely walk today, My legs and sides and back are dead.
THEN today, we had rehearsals for our production piece, when we do it we are flooding the show room and performing in several inches of water, sitting in it..walking in it...and for the majority of time LYING in it. We are gonna freeze. Sooo we had the sensible idea today of running our clothes under water until they were soaked through and then wearing them for our run through. I don't think there is anything worse in the world then pulling on soaking wet tops and leggings. It was horrificly cold. We will just have to hope on Friday that the adrenaline kicks in and keeps us warm. Otherwise we are gonna FREEEEEEEZE. Brrrrrr.


Obviously it has been big news this week about the nurse who killed herself after forwarding on a prank call from an Australian Radio show in which details of Kate Middletons condition were shared. (if you don't know what I'm talking about the rest of this blog will mean nothing to you so go read a newspaper and then come back!)
I think this really is a sad case, The whole prank itself was a step to far, the DJs said they didn't know that they would be put through and taken so seriously. But they should have cut off the call when they realised that it had gone further than they had planned it to. The nurse must have felt so ashamed and humiliated by the whole thing, if she felt that commiting suicide was the only way out of it..and the fact she has left behind two teenage children is desperately sad. It is horrible that she was put in a position where she felt that was her only option and I can completely get why there is so much anger surrounding the case.
However I do feel sorry for the DJs, they have had a lot of stick for the situation, which is understandable, they should not have done it. End of story. It was disrespectful, selfish and inconsiderate. Though I think when they carried it out they obviously had NO idea or any wanting, for the situation to end up how it did. That's the thing with pranks, they can so easily go wrong...
Take the other day...We have a huge purple exercise ball taking up our lounge, Housey Hannah arrived home the other day and I thought it would be hilarious to hide and then throw it at her as she walked through the lounge I stood in wait whilst Housey Olivia let her in...she walked through the door and I launched it at her...I didn't realise that she was holding her the ball hit her she managed to keep hold of her laptop, as the ball bounced off her, bounced onto my plate of dinner * that was on the floor and sent it flying all over the carpet.
It's a completely different case I know, we all ended up laughing and it is nowhere near in comparison. However it does show how quickly things can go wrong, obviously when I decided to throw it at her I had no idea that the outcome would be what it was, if i'd have known afterwards I would end up picking rice out my carpet for the next five minutes I wouldn't have done it. But I didn't know, So I had to deal with the outcome. Which exactly what these DJs are having to do now. Watching their interviews it is clear to see that they are heart-broken by the whole case, but now all they can do is apologise over and over for their actions and accept what has happened as a result of these.
On one hand, I guess the story shows that you should really think about how your actions are going to affect other people before you carry them out, but on the other hand it shows that things can quickly go so wrong, so beyond your control or what you ever imagined happening. So how do you get that balance right??

* I say dinner.....after having a kebab at tea-time I was mega craving some fruit or veg but had none to hand..however I did have some uncle bens express chinese rice...and some day out of date pre-packed salad which I pretty much mashed together in a bowl. It was absolutely vile and I managed about three mouthfuls. SO it's probably a good job it ended up over my carpet. apart from the fact it stank.


Monday, 3 December 2012

University and Money and Getting drunk at Tiger and mean ratty pig customers.

I'm in the Uni Library.
It is not my usual place to relax on a Monday evening which can only mean one thing.
I'm procrastinating.
Does it count as procrastinating when I haven't even opened word yet?
Or does it just become...Not doing work. Rather than Avoiding doing work.
Or maybe it's the same thing.
You see...

Uni is fackin' mental at the moment, it's just so busy and hard and manic...and kinda fun.
Some bits are fun and exciting.
Other bits make me want to jump out my bedroom window (Saying that if I was to do that I would fall about three feet onto the roof of our extension/turned-into-a-laundrette-by-us - I'm lucky my bedroom window is an emergency exit. Though knowing my luck I'd pop to the loo...come back and the stairs and the upstairs of the house would be on fire...including my bedroom. Then I'd be stuck -ahhhh!)...
Back to Uni modules...I worked out earlier during a particularly stressful rehearsal that I was paying £500 for this module. £500. My friend told me that they worked out that it's about £30 an hour. £30. I'm working 3 hours at Lloyds this week. £18. That would mean that my weeks wages for Lloyds, would pay for just over 15 minutes of Uni. I do not like this. At all.
I've suddenly become really funny about money and the price of things. It's kind of embarrasing. I'm like a middle aged dad. I've started declaring the price of things when it's announced to me.
Like when Katie was serving me a sarnie at work the other day...
"How has my shopping come to that much?! How much was the Sandwich??"
"£2.99?! FOR A SANDWICH?!?!"

Or when I bought my train ticket the other day...
"Can I get a Portsmouth Harbour to Chi return please..."
"Okay, That's £7.90 please..."

I really must get out that habit.

Speaking of Portsmouth Harbour...I went there for a night out the other night with Katie, Charlotte Burchy Wurchy and Charlottes friend Meg.
I don't know what's happened to me recently. I've either been drinking more than I used to.  Or...Well I think that's it. I again got very drunk. I tried to blame it on my dress, the last two times I have worn it I have got stupidly drunk "I reckon it's that must be cursed...".
So we pre-drank in my bedroom, got a taxi to the station (with our Vodka and Lemonade in Plastic bottles so we oculd finish it off enroute...CHAVS.) and hopped on the train. We were already quite merry by this point so just chatted, re-did our make-up, drank, laughed and were merry. We got to Gunwharf and went to Slug where we had a cocktail before going onto Tiger. In Tiger we had several more drinks...and I was in my element because we were in the cheesey music area dancing to Westlife, Britney Spears, Girls aloud..and I am sad and cheesey when it comes to things like that. We decided to go through to the clubby room (got to show some element of cool after all...) - I felt too drunk by this point (it suddenly hit me) and decided I wasn't going to drink anymore...I felt something on the bottom of my shoe...flicked it off...looked at my finger and saw a mahoosive gash on it where I had flicked off...a piece of glass. Showed Katie my finger...showed the bouncer man my finger who pulled a sad face and offered me no help. So katie being the loving friend she is put an empty plastic glass over my bleeding finger and pushed me towards the toilet, ran it under the tap and then wrapped some toilet roll around it. Managed to get blood on my dress. Was gutted. Went back into the bar area with finger wrapped up..suddenly felt REALLY rough...
Bearing in mind I have never been properly sick from drinking before...
Went up to the bar desperate for water, they took too long to serve me.
Katie I feel really rough...
You'll be okay just breathe...
No I feel horrific I need to go outside...
Went outside....
Sat down with Katie...
Charlotte and Meg came out to see if I was okay.
Yes. I vommed. Outside tiger. Whilst sitting down. In lovely Gunwharf Quays...
(TOO MUCH INFORMATION ALERT: Luckily..It looked just like Vodka and Lemonade...It wasn't all chunky and smelly so I was okay...)
And then I felt...fine.
"Katie I feel fine lets go inside..."
But Katie being the good friend she is suggested that wasn't a good idea.
Then we had to work out how to get home...
Our taxi was booked for 02.30 to take us to charlottes. But I needed to get home...
I rang my mumma, and was gonna get a taxi back there, but me and katie had work in the morning and I had no clean clothes with me (obviously).
Sooo I rang my nice friend Finch AKA Gramps, who after a phone call I can't remember too much off, Text me to say that he'd be there in 20 minutes to take us home. What a hero. (We even managed to get a Drive-Thru on the way home as well!) - I very much liked I've decided I'm going to go there again tres soon. Only this time. I'm not going to pre-drink...and I'm just going to drink WKDs all night...I've well and truly learnt my lesson with drinking now and shall not be getting myself into such states again. Cheesey dancing is enough for me...
(Please note: although this claim is true at this present moment in time, I cannot promise it will last forever.)


Occasionaly I have to have a rant about rude customers.
I am afraid this blog is one of those...
For the purpose of ease, said customer will be named as DH (you'll work it out.....) in the transcript I am about to share..
This happened when I was at the Littlehampton store on Sunday.
*Ahem* Right...
(Also...VI stands for what he was looking for...[VI is a type of Vitamin] - OKAY I WILL TELL MY STORY NOW...)

DH: Excuse me do you sell VI?
J (who I was working with): Do we sell VI Tas?
T: Do we sell what sorry?!
T: What's that?
DH: VI?? I can't believe you don't know what VI is...
T: Well..whats it for?
DH: I can't believe you don't's a vitamin...
*Takes to Vitamins*
T: I haven't heard of it before...
DH: Do they not train you?!
T: Well yes they do, but -
DH: Are you working here on release or something? (Do I look like the kinda person who's working here after being released from youth prison MATE?!)
T: No...I'm not...
DH: So you're just badly trained then...
T: *sigh* (breeeathe.....) No. I am trained. But we don't learn the name of every product in the shop!...what's it for?
DH: It's just a standard vitamin, I can't believe you don't know what it is (I THINK WE'VE ESTABLISHED THAT BUDDY!) to keep you going, keep the heart ticking. Give you a bit of va-va-voom. Do you know what that means?!


T: Yes. I know what that means. I'm really sorry I don't think we do it...
DH: I've got it in here before everywhere does it.
T: Well......
*Awkward silence*
DH: Okay fine...forget it...

Fumin' I was. Abso-flippin'-lutely FUMIN'.
So much so I had to take my lunch break and sit simmering for a while.
What a rat.

The christmas holidays soon - Hoorar!
4 weeks of Uni - Hoorar!
2 Assesments and an essay to get through first - Booooo!


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

72 MINUTES. and my housies

So the other night I went out...well I say other night...nearly 3 weeks ago...I went out and lost half my memory, half my liver and my front door key.
As a result of this I have been using the back door key to get into the extension and then coming in through the kitchen door.
All good until today when a certain housemate (ahem maddie) bolted the kitchen door from the inside...meaning I couldn't get in. I then spent an  hour or so  sitting in the freezing cold extension surrounded by drying laundry. Luckily I had a comfy chair and my phone...and after I got bored of twitter...and facebook... I decided to write a memo on my phone..of my exciting time....(I really tried to make it exciting...honestly!...)
So ladies and gentlemen...
Here in all it's glory...
Is my brand new potentially best selling novel...


15.36 - Locked out. Waiting for housemates. Decide to keep note for Blog purposes (see, always have my readers in my mind ;])

15.45 - * Sigh * I'm hungry...ALl I want is food.

15.47 - Facebook...Twitter....Daily Mail...Read story about smoking being bad for the brain...imagine smoke swirling round a brain. Think how weird the concept of a brain actually is. Definitely meant to be at filming very soon. (I have been filming for Housie Olivias boifs Media degree piece...)

15.49 - Text Housie Maddi saying 'Hungrrrrrrry'. Hope to evoke feelings of guilt. Get no reply. (Ten minutes ago she said be back soon.)

16.03 - Get a call from Housie Olivia checking I'm okay. Nothing to report. I am still locked out.

16.19 - Get a text from Housie Hannah asking if I'm in yet. I'm not.

16.21 - Get message on FB from drector of where I'm meant to be filming asking if I can just come anyway. No I can't. Im in my pre-assessment clothes, In completely different clothes to what I was wearing for the stuff we filmed last week (continuity people!), hair and make-up is not done and have soaking wet muddy feet. Get a slightly short and moody response, Give a nice but firm reply re-explaining my situation and declaring that in all fairness to myself I did originally say I would film tomorrow and not today (when did I get so gobby and able to say what I really think?!) Get nervous to the response when the 'F' symbol flashes up on my phone...but it's fine it's Rosie saying she misses me...awww yeah.

16.33 - Rosie can't wait to see me at Christmas. Yaaaay christmas. lalalalalala christmas.

16.33 - Mmmmm christmas dinner, Roast potatoes. Nom fucking nom. I'M HUNGRY.

16.34 - "Okay cool well just get here when you can." *SIIIIIIIIIIIGH* who knows when that's gonna be.

16.36 - I have a condition where the acid eats away at the inside of my stomach. its called HUNGER. *sigh* - My feet are cold.

16.38 - " I WISH NOTHING BUT THE BEST...FOR YOUUUUUU TWOOOOO" - Singing outburst. It sounds to loud in this echoey room. I don't like it. I haven't had an echo chocolate bar in years, Ohmigod I totally forgot about them. mmmm

16.39 - Text message "Sorry...round the took forever..." Mmmm I can taste the FREEDOMMMMMMMM


16.44 - "Just get here as soon as possible"  WAAAAAAAH NO I DONT WANT TO IM COLD, TIRED AND HUNGRY AND SAID I WOULD FILM ON TUESDAY. I want to lie face down on the floor and throw a tantrum.

16.51 - Wooohooo...freedom...Housey Maddie arrives home, unlocks the door and finds me curled up dying on our squishy chair. Tells me to close my eyes and hold out my hand...before dropping into it a new front door key. what. a babe.

A bowl of soup with cheese and onion discos crushed on top and I am SORRRRRRRRR-TED.

New action best seller...I think so!
I love my housemates, Like just now Me, Housey Hannah and Housey Maddie sat downstairs and just chatted for about an hour about life in general and general 'Girls stuff' and it was so lovely. We then came upstairs and brushed our teeth together (two over the sink and one in the bath...) for no reason other than we could and it was hilarious (what better reasons could you need). It's like one big sleepover (except we all sleep in our own rooms....and we all live in the same house....)
Speaking of housemates...its 01.00 and all I can hear is my next door neighbours. Either guys have really loud voices or our walls are super thin. They must be pissed. I can hear them clear as anything "HAHAHAHA THAT IS JOKES THAT IS JOKES. DID YOU SEE WHAT I WROTE? BAHAHAHAHA GUYS WANNA BE ME AND GIRLS WANNA BE NEAR ME"
No jokes. I actually just heard that.
I would complain, but it sounds like they are having fun. And they did lend me 50p to pay off my taxi the other day when it was dark and raining and I was locked out...Well I wasn't...But I thought I was...turns out Housie Hannah was in the bath which is why no one was letting me in to get to my spare change...but that's a whole other story, apparently 'Its good to help out a neighbour' - I think they were drunk then as well...

Jolly good fun.

P.S - Mummy and Daddy I know you will both be reading this, Just a note to say I love you both with all my heart, I may have been a little bit rubbish in communication recently but you really are the two most special people in my life and I always miss and love you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Drunker than a drunk thing that has been drinking more than a drunk drunkard.

So just like the Blog where I wrote about finding myself on my knees dry heaving over a train toilet after a drunken night out....or the one where I wrote about me and fiona letting the bus man drive us home in his car after we drunkenly missed the last train home one night....I must start this blog by both warning in advance...and my parents: ....You're the best.............

 Friday night I got drunker than I have ever been before. Ever. Ever. Ever.
I've written a blog entry like this before.
Don't get me wrong; I think it was an enjoyable night.
The five minutes of it I can remember.
And even that isn't a full five minutes,
Its lots of little bits put together.
I remember kinda the first 45 minutes of chatting and stuff, but then there is a literal point it just goes blank...
I remember laughing lots and lots...
I remember being on the dancefloor...but apart from that little moment I remember, I cannot tell you what I was dancing to, how I was dancing... what the songs's just a complete mind blank....
I remember being in the toilet and wondering how I got there...
I remember being outside with Katie sitting against the chinese restraunt and wondering why...
I remember telling our bouncer (we were out at my work AKA Lloyds) he looks like Al Murray (he does) and that he is my favourite bouncer (repeatedly...)

But that's all folks....
I have learnt some facts about the night from piecing together evidence the next day....
- I lost my front door key and camera SD card
- I kept repeating myself
- I was very happy but slightly confused
- I was "trying to find my friend Rosie" who never actually came out with us...

And from the bouncers I learnt "You have a great rack."
Great....the one night that Katie manages to convince me to be brave and show a bit more than usual, I end up too drunk to control myself and my apparent "Cleavage Crush" (I blame my mother...she's famous for it....) - However since the famous boob-falling-out-in-drama-dress-rehearsal incident a few yearss back that Katie so nicely mentioned in the post she wrote for me, nothing can be as bad as nothing can shame me anymore...bahahaha.

So we get home...(after Housie Hannah  [who was slightly intoxicated also but capable of survival] carried my shoes and confiscated my phone..)
Next thing I know I wake up....I'm lying with my head next to the toilet, my legs out the door on the landing...complete with Double duvet and pillows, Hannah is standing over me and helps me back to bed (I assume.)

Next thing I know I wake up again...No idea of the time...Mouth ridiculously dry...go to bathroom...down mug after mug of water....stumble back to bed...

Wake up again....Tummy churning...head spinning...5 o clock...can't get back to sleep...stay in this state of half concious queasiness for about two hours until 7 o clock...where I go downstairs...before running up them 10 minutes later to be sick....nice bit of dry heaving (niiiiiiice) and spend the next couple of hours there...until 9...when I have no choice but to get up and ready for work.

Spend 4 hours at work stuck on tills because it is stupidly busy...Dry mouth....feeling queasy...head slightly spinning...hands shaking....Get home....crash in front of telly...spend a few hours lying in a queasy but peaceful nap on the sofa...wake up to it suddenly pitch black and half past five with the housemates arriving home and asking me why I am lying on the sofa in the pitch black....

I'd like to say I then got up and had a wash, got in my pyjamas and sat with the housies watching x Factor before getting an early night...WRONG...20:30 - Leave my house. Set off for work. Spend all night serving alcohol and trying not to die...Get home...crash into bed at 02:00 - before up again at 07:30 to get the train to Littlehampton for work.


So yes. Interesting to say the least. And boys and all comes down to one thing...Not eating before we went out. Me and Katie had dinner at lunch and then spent SO long getting ready we forgot to eat, which means we were putting  A LOT of alcohol into A LOT of empty space...which is probably where we went a bit wrong...
I also have drunken text messages and a tweet saying:

Tasmin Rhianne@TasminRhianne93
Casj chilling with my head over the toillet, isn't that the kinda everyday shit that everyone tweets saying everything about their lives?

Oh to be young. and drunk. and stupid.


Friday, 9 November 2012

Hijacking Tasmins Blog...muhahaha

Soo while Tasmin is in the shower i thought i would hijack her blog! Im katie btw, you may know me as the girl that has had the pleasure of getting to see tasmins boob during a drama performance, or as her colleage at the drug that is super (is that how she says it?) or maybe even as the girl that has sudden moment of hate against men (it really is nothing personal boys...even though some of you need to be castrated..just saying). Anyways im one of her best friends and she really is as crazy as she seems on this blog, there is never a dull moment with her and she manages to make me smile even if i have had the worse day! I wouldnt change anything about her :). She phoned me up once after seeing a play about binge drinking and said 'just phoned up to say that it reminded me of you'...thanks tas.
I have known her now for over 3 years and it just seemed that the first time we met we just clicked and started calling eachother trollops and ho bags within the first few was love haha. We pretty much spent all of our time together in sixth form because we had all the same lessons, it was fate i think (even so much so that her dad and my uncle work together!). I remember a game we used to play in sixth form where i woud take her phone and she would sit there and panic for about 10 mins on where it has gone (if you dont know tasmin that well she looses things all the time and is the most scatty person i know!) after she realised i had it i still wouldnt give it back and we ended up with her chasing me around the school most times and then beating is the norm with us.
I love love love her blog and everyone who reads it all agrees that she should write a book because she is just so funny and talented. So tasmin when you do eventually listen and write your book i would like some of the big money you will get when you sell it. She really is one of the best people i know and even though when i hit myself in the eye with an elastic band, or trip over a box (that she put on the floor) and she cracks up laughing i know really its her way of saying she loves me haha. I have a bit of a confusing life at the best of times and tasmin is always there to sit there and listen and to say 'Katie you twat' when i need to be told. She is the first person i want to tell when something happens and akways has some advice for me. Me and tasmin have often been nicknamed Laurel and Hardy by quite a few people we know, and always get called trouble whenever were together. I remember a time we listed duos we were like aka richard and judy, ant and dec, sooty and sweep and tasmin ended it with 'Yeah were like the mitchell brothers' now i know niether of us our bald or have slept with sharon but i can see where she was getting at...We will always be there for eachother no matter what stupid things either of us do. I simply love her and she is the best friend a girl could have. :)

Katie xxxxxxxxx

Tasmin does a Questionaire....

SO BASICALLY: Its 01:30 in the morning and I cannot sleeeeeeeep.
I find myself browsing through 'Bored' websites in the hope of finding something entertaining to do, when I come across this questionnaire. I don't know what is funnier, The stupidity of the questions, The terrible grammar or the fact I am so amused by its stupidness that I can't help but fill it in.

Have u ever drank alcohol? - Yes. Yes I have. As 75 % of my Facebook pictures would show.
Have u ever killed an animal? I have stood on a snail barefoot. I do not like this. I feel instantly guilty and hope that it's got a strong little housey shell that will mend itself and it wont be lying dead beneath the rubble.
Have u ever done something sexual wit the same sex? No. Katie has seen my boob after it fell out in a Drama rehearsal. She has also seen my butt cheek after having to come to my rescue in New look changing room when I got caught in a very tight dress. But it was an accident. I promise...bahahaha.
Have u ever done drugs? Dude, with a brain like mine. You don't need drugs.
Have u ever gone a day with out talking? If I wanted to be the sarcastic person I am so obviously not(!) I would say...Yes...before I learnt to talk...but because I am not....I will say...No...Considering I'm a Theatre Student with two jobs in customer service, not talking would not go down well...I have to write a blog because I can't fit enough words into my every day speech...So in other words...No.
Have u ever felt like u were not wanted? mmmmm maybe more not needed...
Have u ever cursed out a teacher? Not to their face... ;) - Though in Year 11 Sophie pointed out that our Science teacher looked like Action man (he very much did...even the way he moved...) which I found hilarious...I got sent outside for laughing when he was trying to explain something ( I couldn't stop)...After leaving me outside to calm down for a few minutes (from which I could apparently still be heard giggling from inside the classroom even outside and the otherside of a closed door) He opened the door to let me in....I walked into the class...burst out laughing all over again and he wordlessly re-opened to the door and pointed for me to go back outside again. Ohhh I miss those days!
Have u ever peed somewhere besides a toliet? I will say yes...and leave it there.
Have u ever jumped off a cliff?  I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer.
Have u ever gone on a road trip? Does Mcdonads Drive-Thru count??
Have u ever got in a fist fight? I'm famous for them! No...Only with my Step-brothers...and even then I was more of a scratcher and hair-puller...Muhahaha.
Have u ever went sky diving? "Have u ever went sky diving?" - No I have never went sky diving and I probably never will went Sky Diving.
Have u ever went a nite with out sleeping?
Have u ever stole money from a friend?
Have u ever pet an elephant?
Have u ever been in jail?
Have u ever failed a test? DON'T EVEN GO THERE MATE....
Okay as you can see, the last few questions weren't even deemed deserving of an answer. It's now 01:53....and my eyelids are there you go...if you can't sleep...screw lavender oil, meditation and sheep counting...just spent twenty five minutes (though will never get them back) of your life, filling in and taking the piss out of a gramatically issued, pointless questionnaire.
Sorted ;)

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

" Honey I'm home!" Camp Psychics....Strange Relationships and A & E.

(Warning it's a long'un!)
I'm baaaaaack!
I say that like I have been somewhere really exciting...
Unfortunately the only place I have been in the last month is the great land of the uninspired, for which I have become a bit of a blog neglecter...for that I apologise, I know, I'm a terrible person.
I don't even know why I've been feeling so uninspired recently...
"You haven't written a blog for a while..."
"I know..I've just got nothing exciting to say."
I've just gone a long for a few weeks in such a routine of sameyness, until I got bored of being bored and decided I needed to snap out of it...
So I bought some watercolour paints...
Took some 'Academic' books out the library..
Sorted my bedroom...
And changed the look of my blog...
I know it could look more exciting, unfortunately I am not blessed enough with the correct skills to do any more than change the font and the basic background. But I try!

So whats been occurin' since I last wrote?
Me and Mumma went to Bath together for 2 nights...
It was very lovely, We did lots of walking and shopping and eating and swam in a spa...
Obviously because it is us it couldn't stay normal for too long...
On our last night we were in a pub when I went up to get us some drinks...
"Awww you're pretty...Don't worry...I'm not a perve...I'm gay...Are you from round here?...Do you go to the Uni?...How old are you like 12?!" - This came from a very camp man standing at the bar next to me...who I took an instant liking too and wanted to be my new GBF.
Anyway quick chat....sat back back up...went to the loo...came back and saw he was sitting at our table chatting to my mum...
We got chatting (well he chatted...we listened) an he told us how he was a bit tipsy but that he had the ability to be a psychic...
Me and mum have always believed in spiritually stuff (note spiritual not neccesarily religious) so couldn't help to be drawn into what he was saying...

"Now I can tell with you, you're a little bit different".  - There's that word again...different. Usually I get reassurance in these cases " You are different...its not a bad thing..." or "You're a good kind of different...just a bit.....scatty." - there was none of that...however lets just assume he meant it in a good way...(Though I don't know how he got this idea, if I show myself as being 'different' just when I'm sitting in the pub having a Vodka and Orange then I dread to think what I am on a slightly loopier day!)
"Mmm...yes...okay...I am..."
"You haven't got someone special in your life at the moment have you?"
"No not just now..."
"I think you'll meet someone in about five years...someone special?"
"Bloody hell! She's got to wait til she's 24?!" (mum...)
"Yes..but that's fine, you're still a baby, you've got plenty of time.."
"I think in the mean time you will date someone, but he will turn out to be gay..."



When I was re-telling this story to my manager at the Little drug that is Super the other day her response was "Hahaha you'll probably turn him gay....." - bahaha wow. Could easily be percieved that way yes. (If you want to be meeeean) - But I saw it more as he'd already be Gay...whether I'll be aware of this fact and still like him anyway (which would be a bit awkward...) or he'll show signs of it pretty early on...I will realise...and will adopt him as my new Gay best friend instead - Or maybe I'm thinking too much into it and it's not going to happen because I heard it from a 36 year old drunk man in a pub who used to own an icecream van.
He also said he could tell me and my mum are slightly psychic towards eachother in a way which is almost freaky...which is actually very true, we often freak ourselves out with levels of sameyness...and that I am going to have two daughters and a masculine son.
Apparently when I meet my dream guy ...He will be tall, dark, have no chest hair...and a little bit of back hair...
Does this mean any guy I date between now and five years time when I am twenty four I'm going to have an underlying suspicion that they are Gay? I have a feeling that could cause several relationship issues....we shall see!


A handy thing about the location of our house is that A and E is right at the end of our road...literally you turn out of our house, turn left out our gate and walk in a straight line, (give or take a few steps to the left or the right) you will end up in A and E - this is very handy.
I'm probably going to jinx it now, but despite my reputation for clumsiness, I have never broken/sprained any bones or anything, the worst I have done is run into my Nans kitchen work side when I was 3 - I had to go to A an E then because it was bleeding so much, I have memories of lying on a bed being held down screaming whilst they stuck my head back together with a pinky/purple glue that looked like a deodrant stick (though maybe that was just my 3 year old mind playing tricks on me, but thats how I rememeber it) and then walking around for a couple of weeks with Mr Bump style bandages around my forehead. That was Sixteen years ago and I haven't injured myself that badly since...I jumped off the back of my friends bike and badly scrapped my hips and elbow...and I fell down a hill at swanbourne lake and hurt my neck...but nothing seriously...
However yesterday I thought I was going to have to break the habit and take myself down to A and E...I thought my appendix was exploding. (- I know I am a bit of a drama queen, but this was not even me taking a tummy ache and being melodramatic....I actually ended up lying flat on my back on the sofa with my knees to my chest explain it: It felt like when you are really badly bloated, have a really back tummy ache, have a really bad period pain (though there is a 50% chance you are reading this and have never experienced that kind of pain before...WELL GOOD FOR YOU) and backache all hurt to even breathe, I couldn't stand up straight to walk and got myself in a right little tizzy.

Soooo I made a frantic call to my mum to come over and managed to get a hot water bottle, by the time she and Pup arrived an hour later the pain had eased a bit, however I of course googled my symptoms (never a good move) and did fear something had happened to my appendix, it described everything I had felt and was in the right place as well (the right hand side), it calmed down in the end (thank goodness) and just kept popping back up throughout the night in a little niggle...its the same today...I did go to bed last night with the fear that I'd wake up in the night screaming in agony as my appendix burst out a load of bacteria and pus into my bloodstream or something...luckily it didn't and I slept through the night...
Which cannot be said for my housemate Olivia, who woke up at 4 in the morning in a panic because a piece of her waxy ear plug  that moulds to the shape of your inside ear had broken in half and crumbled inside her ear and on her ear-drum...So she became the first member of the Adelaide  Road girls, to grace St Richards hospital A and E with her presence...
Never a dull moment!


Monday, 8 October 2012

Tasmin Vs. Daddy Long Legs/ The Time/ X Factarghhh...

I freakin' hate Daddy long legs. Yes I know they are smaller than me. Yes I know they are harmless. But when it comes to it, they can bounce around, they spring all over the place, they look freaky...and they are horrible. And I don't like them. So naturally when I went home (mummyhome) the other night I discovered one in my bedroom. I was in bed. Fairy lights on. Reading my Kindle. When I heard it...couldn't see it...assumed it had gone...returned to my kindle...suddenly saw it bounce past on the wall next to me...shot out of bed. Urgh.
Did what I always do, went downstairs, asked my (more or less) Stepdad Rob to get rid of it for me. "No I'm in the middle of doing something on here and can't leave it..."
"No it's not going to do anything to you it's harmless..."
"But I don't want it in my room!...."
"Well get rid of it then!"
"Nooo...I don't want too...Okay...I'll get a mug and a piece of card and just throw it out the'll be fine...I'll be a hero...I'm gonna do it!"
"*sigh* Okay..."
So off I marched to the kitchen and grabbed a mug and a piece of paper and went back upstairs...
As soon as I saw it again, I freaked out, all my braveness left me and I stood on the landing for five minutes watching it....hoping it would fly out my room and leave me be.
It didn't.
Pulled myself together, went back in the room with mug in hand...but then...I realised...This beast was huuuuge, there was no way that it would fit in the mug...and although I wasn't a fan, I didn't really want the little fella to lose a leg...arghhhh, I then decided the alternative would be to maybe knock him with a piece of paper, then he might get annoyed and fly out the door...So I left the mug, got a bit of paper and went to approach him, then I saw his legs wiggling and completely freaked out (all of this was going on as silently as I could manage as to not wake up my foster sister who's bedroom is right opposite mine...) - I THEN decided another approach, which was to shut my bedroom door as far as I could, hide behind it so I couldn't see its horrible long legs and then reach around the door and flap a bit of paper in its general direction and hope it would fly off and I wouldn't have to see it...tried it once...looked back...he was still sitting there waving at me...tried again...knocked him off...slammed the door shut...celebrated for a split second before seeing him on my bedroom floor trapped between my door and the floor..felt bad..opened the door and then squealed as he bounced back along the floor towards me before coming to a stop. Eventually I had to man up, I put two socks on my hands and pulled them up towards my elbows so it couldn't land on me, grabbed a bit of paper and went on a vicious attack, flicking him out towards the door until he was safely on the landing. I then slammed my bedroom door shut and then slept with a jumper lining the bottom of my door...just in case he came back in to get me...
It may have take a while but TASMIN - 1 VS. DADDY LONG LEGS - 0. BOOOOM.

Tasmin VS. Time...
So it is now part of my weekly life that on a Sunday I go over to the Littlehampton Drug that is Super... 1. To help out our old assistant manager Kerry who has recently moved over to become manager of that store and 2. To have more hours and more pay (rents and bills a biatchhh) - it does mean a slightly earlier start, but it's only twenty minutes away on train and more hours so all dandyyy.
Anyway - Saturday night I turned off my phone AKA the ShitBerry because it wasn't working right and then turned it back on about forty five minutes later...
Had a discussion with my housemates that involved me saying "Well I start in littlehampton at 10 - I am getting the train at 09.30 tomorrow, So will leave at 09.00 in order to get there in plenty of time and will leave when you guys do :)" All good.
Due to having a horrid groggy cold all week I went to bed early, I was surprised when I woke up how early it was, but figured I must have had a good sleep so slowly started getting myself ready. A little while later my housemates called upstairs to see if I was ready to leave yet, looking at the time on my phone, I saw that it was only 08.25, so assuming they were just leaving early I shouted that I was okay and would see them later. Got ready, still ended up running a bit late and got out the house at about five past nine, started walking up at a steady pace and then I got to new look...did what I always do which is to glimpse at the time on the clock attached it it...which read ten to ten. Thought oh that can't be right...the clock must have stopped last night. Kept walking, developed a feeling of dread when I realised that workers were standing outside shops waiting for them to up to the cross, saw the time...09.55.
Nearly had a mini-breakdown in the middle of town...before making one of the scariest calls of my life to explain what I'd done and that I was going to be late....
I've only got one person here...
Well you will be quite late...... it's ten o clock now...
How long are you going to be?
Eeeek. I know. I'm so sorry. Its Sunday service. I'll get there as soon as I can. I'm really sorry!
Got to the station, saw there wasn't a train for another fifteen minutes, that wouldn't get me into Littlehampton til just after eleven...Shiteeee. Rang the Nan in Bognor "Did dad stay there last night? He's at home in Brighton? Oh no. Wanted him to come get me. Never mind. Yes. I hope not. Okay. Love you. Bye!"
Then rang the best friend - "Are you awake? Do you have work? Are you hungover? Please can you do me a massive favour? basicallyiresetmyphonelastnightandit'sfortyminuteslateiwasmeanttobeatworkattenandthengottothecrossandsawitwasfivetotenmymanagermaybealittlebitcrosswithmesheonlyhasoneotherpersonworking canyoupleasepickmeupfrombarnhamanddrivemetherestofthewayiwillloveyouforeverpleaseimdesperate!
- Silence-
"Bahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha WHO DOES THAT?!"
"Me..I Know..I'm an idiot...Please?"
"I'll leave now and pick you up from Barnham....fifteen minutes?"

And so she beautiful best friend came out in her pyjamas from Rustington, she whizzed me all the way to work, parked as close to the little drug that is super as she could and even parked facing in the direction of it so I was close as possible...leaped out the car.legged it up the road and arrived about 10.45...flew in, in a huge rush (knocking several boxes off  a shelf enroute) but eventually, I was there.
Luckily I was not in huge trouble...I think my scattiness is half..-okay-make-that-almost-certainly-expected (it was just used in [semi]humour against me... all day.)
I then (after staying on an extra hour) returned home to discover that I had forgotten my front door key...luckily my housemates were in and I could start a relaxing evening until...


OH MY GOD. The X Factor. Never has a Tv show for entertainment purposes left me so stressed. Literally, as me and the housemates sat watching it on the telly the suspense was just unreal...
After seeing Rylan and Carolynne singing in the sing-off, it was obvious that there was one obvious winner...
Unless your Louis Walsh. Seriously. I like Louis Walsh. Normally he's just a cute little Irish fella that makes me go Awww in his sweetness and simpleness...but what was he thinking? As soon as I saw it was him that was down to have the final say I could tell that there was going to be drama. He wouldn't use his brain - Considering he was the reasoning behind Jedward and Wagner, he doesn't have the best reputation. Yes, I felt sorry for him, he was obviously in a difficult situation and didn't know what to do: I know there are rumours now that the producer man was seen telling him to take it to deadlock, and that he was torn between what he wanted to do (cue the reason he said: I want to save Carolynne...and was perhaps then torn between what he wanted and the producers wanted)...
But at the end of the day, it is a singing competition, He may have said about Rylan being entertaining, but at the end of the day when it comes to an album, you aren't going to see all the costumes and campness and are just going to hear the vocals; in which case Carolynne was miiiiiiiiiiles better.
I guess you could argue that when it comes down to it, she did have the least public votes and therefore technically lost...which would make it fair...but then you obviously get the moronic public who vote for the novelty acts just for lolz, who kind of ruin the whole thing really because it means the good people end up losing out...You then expect that the judges would know whats best and rescue the decent people from danger....unless you're Louis Walsh...and hence...slightly clueless it was seem.


Thursday, 27 September 2012

What I want to do in life...

Go to Drama school, spend a summer in America, go to disneyland, be a tv presenter, perform in a london theatre, act in a tv programme, go on a reality tv show, write for a magazine, write a book, swim with dolphins, travel the world, go to new york, live in london, live in brighton, do a skydive, be in a film, set up my own theatre company, meet my soulmate, get married, have lots of babies, write and produce a play, work as a holiday entertainer, work abroad, be a dramatherapist...

Not neccesarily in that order...

Crikey....I better get going!!


Sunday, 23 September 2012

Hibernation needed: "Wanted, A look-a-like of me who is sensible and organised..."

Earlier on, I sent a text message in which I stated that I would love to find myself a look-a-like of me, but who was sensible and organised and practical to live my life for me, whilst I hibernate for a while. Naturally the response was pretty much 'hahahaha...You're mad!' - But the more I think about it the more awesome I think it would be. Of course it's never going to happen, but it would be handy if it could! I wonder what choices for me someone would make if they were to live as me for a week - it's like that situation where you can easily give advice to others but it isn't always that easy to take your own advice - I think when it comes to situations in life where we dont know what to do, we tend to overthink them and think about them some more, until we have considered so many options and solutions we are at a loss of what to do - whereas someone else seeing the situation as it is, without all the background and confusion behind it, might be able to reach an instant practical decision of what to do, that actually works pretty darn well...
So thats what I need, someone who looks like me but who is sensible, organised, tidy, practical and level-headed to live as me, sort some bits and pieces out, whilst I have a well deserved, much needed, very long sleep...any offers? **
** Living as me involves: Drama, Acting, Melodrama, Weirdness, Confusion, Clumsiness, Working at the Drug that is Super, Working at the Little Drug that is Super (thats a new one...), Working at Lloyds, Studying, Reading stuff you don't understand, three housemates, a pantomime, quoting Gavin and Stacey/Family guy like a saddo, hair that never goes quite right, make-up that never quite stays, lack of sleep, a puppy called Doris, The ability to laugh in situations in which one really must not be laughing, too many crisps, weird shaped feet and a slight loss of direction.
(Go on, you know you want to....)

Monday, 17 September 2012

Four in the house and a spider on my thigh.

So, this is the third time in the last couple of days that I have attempted to write a post, The last two times I have got so bored of what I have had to say I have given up and scrapped it...I know that if I get bored writing a post, then it probably isn't going to be the most exciting thing in the world to read....And I'd hate to make you all suffer ;] (though you may well do anyway, but hey you don't have to click the link....)

So we now have a full house at Adelaide, Hoorar! Yes at first Me and Maddie were slightly nervous, having lived on our own for 12 weeks what would it be like suddenly having two new people living here? Well I can say, It has been rather fantastic! Yes - It has taken some getting use to, for example the Bathroom had to be well and truly cleared to make space (Okay 95% of the stuff taking up the Bathroom belonged to me...), Cupboards in the kitchen had to be re-arranged slightly to make room...and a Futon chair had to be bought in the lounge to create more sitting space. But we are getting there. It does take time to adapt, suddenly you have twice as many people using the bathroom, using the have twice as many dirty dishes to clean, twice as much rubbish filling the bins...but it also means you have twice as much fun.

For example last night was our first night in all together since we'd all been living there...and it was lovely, we had the Duvets downstairs so it was nice and cosy, we ate, drank, watched the x-factor, played on Singstar and Just Dance and laughed a huge amount - It was a lovely bonding time for us all...
There are a huge range of different personality traits in this house between the four of us - Loud, Quiet, Melodramatic, Scatty, Tidy, Eccentric, Organised, Practical, Sensible, Silly, Relaxed...So between us we pretty much have it covered!

One thing you do have to get use to though is remembering that there are other people in the house, for example I now have to think about and assess whether it is safe to go downstairs in the morning for some toast, bra-less in one of my dads old baggy t-shirts, with my fringe all over the place, no make-up on and morning breath or whether I will bump into a passing house-mate/house-mates-boif....or whether it is safe once i'm out the shower to do the quick danger-dash from the bathroom to my bedroom...or resisting the urge to sing as I go up/down the stairs at 7 in the morning/ 11 at night for fear of waking people up...
However the other day I did find myself in a situation in which thoughts of others did not cross my mind...
So I was on the loo (sorry for the image there, but had to set the scene...) the other morning just before taking a shower, When I happened to look down mid-pee (sorry again for the image but it's kinda relevant...) and spotted a spider casually strolling across my wasn't one of those little teeny spiders, it was a fairly big brown one...normally the kind you spot in the corner of your bedroom ceiling and hope wont come any closer....with fairly thick legs...
To say I completely freaked out is an understatment...however being in a situation where I could not jump up and leg it as I so wanted to, All I could do was close my eyes and squeal and drum my feet and wait for the looooongest pee in the world to finish, before leaping up and legging it across the landing stripping off absolutely all my clothes as I went along and locking myself in the bathroom...Looking back I don't know why the need to take off my clothes was there, I just could not bear the thought of it being on any part of me at all....Luckily for me no one was home apart from Hannah, whose bedroom is downstairs...
"Are you okay???"
*Drumming feet, slapping at skin, and in a mildly EXTREMELY  hysterical tone of voice* " hgfjfhgkdfhgjnyuhhhhhhhh oh my goddddddd therewasjustaspideronmythigh and i dontknowif itsstill on me and dhbgfhdjkhgbhb nyuhhhhhhh hoow did it get on me wheresitgoneicanthave it onmeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!"

Bahaha. Luckily we all seem to take the madness, hysteria an randomness as it comes, so we should all be just fine! ;]

Friday, 7 September 2012

Orange Custard Yellow HASHTAG HAIRMARE

I would never normally write two blog entries so close together, But just occasionally incidents occur in which I feel no choice but to blog - just because they tend to give another insight into the unintentional chaos I seem to cause for myself in life.

So when I was younger my hair (although I didn't think it at the time but looking back on it now) was a beautiful bright golden blonde...
Then I hit my teens and decided I wanted highlights so it was made blonder...
Then when I was fifteen I dyed it brown...
Then when I was Sixteen I had it dyed back blonde again...
Then I had a year trying to grow it out to its natural colour...
Then I got bored of it again...
So when I was Eighteen I dyed it Red....
When I was Nineteen I tried to Colour Strip it...
It went a slightly gingery blondey Colour...
So I dyed it Brown to keep it healthier...
Then 3 Days ago I Colour Stripped it again...
And then put Platinum Blonde Dye on it...
Which is when I discovered a new colour called...

"Orangey Custard Yellow" (as I described it to mummy dearest on the phone this morning...)
I know right....Attractive.
As the picture below shows.....I was not best pleased with the outcome...

The Pictures don't do its badness justice, it was kinda a light yellow on top, Bright yellow all over, with beautiful chunks of orange and dark blondey/browny patches that I had missed..

So yes, not my best look by far, when I woke up this morning I nearly had heart failure when I realised just how bad it was and that it looked even worse in the daylight. So a panicked call to my hairdresser Auntie was made and it was agreed I would go to her work later in the day and get it fixed, but first I had to get through work. Typically on the day when I just wanted to hide out back out of public viewing, I ended up on the tills for the whole shift. When I arrived our assistant manager Kayleigh said that "It wasn't that bad" and "It least it was all one colour" (which it later turned out NOT to be) - But it got me thinking that maybe I was just being melodramatic and that it was all fineeeee. Or not.
So much for expecting sympathy from my loving work colleauges..My face was well and truly laughed in...And I mean that literally in the case of Curly, who didn't say a word...just laughed.....and laughed....and laughed...and laughed....
At about three o clock I finally made it to the hairdressers, where again, I was laughed at, teased and affectionately but firmly put in place by my Aunties work friend who is a lovely but slightly scary person who I would HATE to get on the wrong side of...
Two and a half hours and £14.83 for the cost of hairdye later I was out of there and on the train home happy...
Although still ever so slightly bright I no longer have hair that looks like "A scottish wig" (as the Auntie so lovingly put it), That I am happy to be seen out in public with.
(Cue gentle background music and a montage of black and white pictures of long stretches of road...) "Me and my hair... we have a long way to go...and work will be needed to be done on it again in a couple of weeks... The road ahead is long. And tough. But I know in my heart...We will get through it..Day by Day, Wash by Wash, Strand by Strand....Just me...and my hair.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The customer is always right, even when they're not.

What I have noticed - If there is anything that tests your patience and your ability to control yourself and not punch people in the face, it is working in customer service.
Being that I have two jobs that revolve around customers, I sometimes struggle.
Don't get me wrong, when I'm just on tills at the Drug that is Super, I enjoy chatting to customers, you start to recognise the same people coming in and it's all very pleasant. Its the same with Lloyd's as well, as though you don't get as much time to chat to customers there, the majority of the time its nice enough and I would say 95% of the customers I serve are just nice normal happy people.
However occasionally you do get the difficult ones, the rude ones or the ones that make you so mad your face physically hurts from being tensed into a fake calm position for so long and drops as soon as their backs are turned....

One thing that customers seem to have an issue with is the concept of queueing, queueing in the right direction. At the Drug that is Super (DTIS) the other week, we got so fed up of customers not following the signs stuck on the post saying QUEUE THIS WAY with a big arrow, that we put a sign out on a stand marking the exact spot where customers should queue and they still ignored it and got all confused. Whats worse is they all begin queueing in different directions, then when you call them up to the till, two try to come up at the same time and then there is a big hoo-haa about who was where first and what way it actually goes. I was working at the Littlehampton DTIS yesterday, they have just had a refurbishment so it's all changed around slightly and customers now have to queue in the opposite direction which is quite obviously the most mind-boggling concept on this earth. I lost track of the amount of times I said...Excuse me the queue goes that way!....Sorry guys could you just go that way?....Sorry I think this lady was first the queue goes that way. As far as I could see there was a sign saying queue this way but it was apparently not enough. Sometimes I would just let them queue the wrong way, if they were all going in the same direction it doesn't matter. But then there is ALWAYS the one customer, who queues the right way just to make a point and then makes a scene by coming up to the till next and pushing in front of all the customers who are queueing the wrong way - who I can't tell off for pushing in because technically they were queueing the correct way even if it wasn't right at that moment in time...I then have a queue full of people annoyed with me for letting them queue the wrong way, even though I was doing it for them as to not cause them the confusing concept of changing the direction in which they are facing. (dont worry, I got lost reading that back myself as well....)

Another thing I have noticed about some customers is how impatient they can be, I find the worst offenders for this, can usually be found in Lloyd's on a Friday or Saturday night, Who - when you have a whole bar of people waiting for your service - don't understand that you may not be able to give them all your attention straight away.
You seem to get a few different types, You get the people who go "Can I have a Carlsberg please" whilst your in the middle of pouring another customers drink, not caring you are obviously with another customer. You get the customers that shout for your attention as you walk past and you get the ones that wave their arms about and wave in your face in an over the top way going HELLOOOOOOO? to get your attention. Or you get the ones that moan. Like Saturday night when it was jam packed..

Customer: (as I'm in the middle of pouring another persons drink) I've been waiting for ages.
Me: Yeah so has everyone else
Customer: Not as long as I have
Me: Well it is a bit -
Customer: And you've been making eye contact with me, so you've seen me...and not served me.

Okay maybe not the last bit... (But I thought it!)

Still because the customer is 'always right'...I simply said "I will serve you next..."


Friday, 24 August 2012

The head part of the head and the heart part of the head (and a shake-a-delic...)

"Why does life have to be so hard?"
"It's not life that's hard...Its the choices you have to make in life that are hard..."
".....Yeah but they are about life, so technically it IS life that is hard....."

That was Katie asking a question...
Me attempting a phillisophical philisophical wise sounding answer...
And Katie shooting it down in flames...
As per is the norm.

This afternoon I found myself with Katie (Close sixth form friend who then became close Superdrug work friend and has now earnt herself a position in the Best FriendS category of my friends...LUCKY HER EH?) sitting at Cathy Green (no change there) drinking a Shake-A-Delic* (no change there - except I decided to go for a brave change today and have a Smartie one - no good, tastes like a melted McFlurry and the Smarties kept jamming up the straw...) and attempting to talk sensibly about life, including..
*Also referred to as a Shakey-Baby..

Babies: "I've always just assumed in my life plan that I will have kids, I haven't really thought about the fact I will have to meet someone first to actually have kids with...."

Future Plans: "Lets just book a week away in October...." "I'll probably have no money..." "Oh maybe not yet then...."

Men: "Do you know what? I hate all men, they're all just absolute twats seriously!" "Awww not all men are...What about Channing Tatum? Or Colin Firth? Or Hugh Grant....He seems nice..." "NO I bet even they are twats, do you know what? Screw this, I'm just going to become a lesbian, It will be SO much easier!!"  (Katie was just having a bad day...nothing personal boys I'm sure........)

But then we came on to the discussion of Do you follow your head or your heart? Which then lead onto the discussion of..well really if you want to get technical your heart doesn't physically have the capability to create can respond in different ways to different emotions, based on what your head tells it to feel, which basically means it's not a case of deciding between head and heart...but rather chosing between one half of your head and the other, which seems kind of daft...that your own head has the ability to argue with itself pretty much - so really....we couldn't come up with the answer to that question...

However it is true, it does happen...the whole head/heart which is actually head/head thaaaang, take for example this, yesterday at the Drug that is Super we had a parcel arrive for us, upon it being opened there were several Barry M Nail Varnishes and some lipglosses that had been returned, with a note from someone saying that they were very sorry, their friends had convinced them to steal them and they felt so guilty afterwards they just had to return the stuff back to us...
This is when it kicked in...
My Heart (so one half of my head...) was saying: Awwww that's so sweet of them, what a good thing of them to do...
My head (so the other half of my head...which doesn't really make sense anymore butcha get ma meaningggg) was saying: Well you're a silly person for doing it in the first place, man up, don't give into peer pressure so easily, whats the point when its going to make you feel so horrible afterwards, its a shallow unnecessary thing to do, I could see why some people may do it in times of desperation, if it was food or drinks or baby food...actual survival neccessities - but stealing some pretty nail varnish? That's just STUPID.

Indeed. I think the heart side of my head is definitely the side I need to act on if I don't want to get a punch in the face....however I can still think with the head side of my head every now and then, even if it is for my own occasional harsh in-head self entertainment.....go on...everyone does it!!


Thursday, 16 August 2012

A Golden Day xx

I was just thinking that it felt like ages since I had written a blog..
In fact I couldn't even remember what my last blog was about...
And then I checked..and realised it had only been six days since I last wrote a blog...
Which is really not that long at all..
Still, needs must - the need to write a blog was there - and so I must.
(As short and sweet as it may be...)

Last Saturday as well as being the weekend - woohoo - Saw my Nan and Grandad celebrating their Golden wedding anniversairy - Wowwwww. It also a saw a party being held in honour of the occasion; my family love a good party and having a bit of a dance and this was no different really
We all got dressed up in our smart dresses, though it was a bit chaotic, my poor grandparents lovely tidy house was taken over by 2 Daughters and 4 Grandaughters all trying to get ready at once arguing over mirror space, dressing space, hairstyles, whether outfits looked right or not (meanwhile the men of the family stayed safely and calmly out the way downstairs...which was probably a wise choice..they may have ended up with an eyeliner jab in the eye or been hit by a passing shoe or something..)

The party meant seeing lots of family members and old friends of the family, some who i've seen recently, others who I've not seen for years; being that some of them I hadn't seen for years, it meant as though I found a bit of repetition going on in the conversations throughout my evening...

"I'm at University in Chichester..."
"I'm doing Drama...."
"Yes I would ideally like a career in performing but who knows..."
"Yes I've moved out of home...."
"Yes it's lovely....."
"No I haven't got a boyfriend at the moment..."
"Oh no I am interested, I just haven't really found the right person yet..but i'm sure I will..."

So on so forth - I started to feel like I was getting boring, but then I remembered what they say about acting etc about how " You may have done something 100 times but you have to remember it's the first time the audience have seen it..." and so just got on with it...

So yes it was a very lovely romantic evening and so sweet to see my Nan and Grandad looking so happy and still in love with eachother, when it came to making speeches my mother gave a lovely speech about how we are so proud of them, how she grew up in a household with no arguing or tension, how they were perfect for eachother and how their love gives a shining example and everyone hope that true love can exist and it is possible, before ending it with....

"Or maybe it's just all a load of bollocks!"


But the thought was there - and a lovely thought it was too :)


Friday, 10 August 2012

A week home alone with something BUGGING me...

So I've been home aloney on my owny all week,
2 out of 3 of the housemates are yet to have taken up residence, whilst the other one skipped off to france for a week, leaving yours truly to run the house for 7 days...
To be fair - it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be, when we first bought the house I had my fears that I would be left alone for the majority of the summer, considering it's the first time I have moved out of home the thought of suddenly being in an empty house on my own scared me A LOT, luckily for me Maddie moved in straight away, as well as securing a job in Chichester, which has meant that I have had plenty of company and been safe from Zombies, Ghosts and anything else scary that may have invaded my house had I been here alone (apart from insects...but more of that later...) and the week has passed pretty quickly, there have been a couple of i-want-my-mummy incidents, which was probably down to the fact that she was in Italy where the phone signal was not very good and the fact that she was not easily reachable made me want to be able to reach her even is the way...

Now onto the insects -
A few months ago I wrote about the fact that a bumble bee flew out of my washing basket at 2 in the morning, scaring the jeepers out of me, and leaving me sleeping on the lounge floor alongside Pup who was very happy to see me....
A couple of months later I wrote a blog about the fact that a huge bumble bee crawled out of my pile of laundry much to my dismay...and that my nan had to come upstairs and remove it for me whilst I stood squealing on my bed....
Well the other day a pretty similar thing happened, except I was home alone, in a different home and the bestest wasn't due to arrive for another half an hour - and had a pile of clean laundry in my I began pulling out what I needed...



Oh faaaaaaack.
Luckily I am so used to these kind of things happening that I knew exactly what was going on...


I literally did not know what I was going to do. Or what I was going to find. So I just stood. In the middle of the room. And watched my pile of clothes buzzing...I then saw it....A lovely fat wasp crawl out of my clothes on to my bed...If I had any common sense, I would have put a glass over it and left it there until the bestest arrived to help me remove it...but I didnt, I ran squealing out my room and slammed the door shut behind me, leaving it nice and safe in my bedroom *sigh*
Eventually after the bestest arrived I managed to convince her to help me find it, we picked up each item of clothing from the pile and thoroughly examined it for any sign of wasps and even though there had been no sign of it, I still got changed with the fear of having wasps in my pants.... What was worse was the fact there was no sign of it, If I had seen it leave my room, I would have been happy - but the fact that it had last been seen crawling around on my bed made it worse and lying in bed that night I was convinced that I could hear a buzzing and flinched everytime the sheet brushed against my leg...3 days later and I still haven't felt any sign of it, So i'm assuming it is either dead...or just hiding somewhere planning a reaaaaallly evil attack on me...

As if it couldn't get any worse I then went into the toilet the next evening to discover a moth in my toilet...I hate moths...I know they can't hurt me...I know they are smaller and weaker than me....and that I could kill them in one STAMP (squish) - (or maybe it would be more of a crunch) but I still hate them. I had to remove a dead one from the windowsill the other day and the only way I could do it was to scoop it up in a ton of toilet roll and even then I squealed...But yes this moth, Not on my toilet wall...not on the toilet seat...sadly not floating dead at the bottom of my toilet...just sitting, all casually like - on my actual toilet bowl - I could have just flushed it away but then I couldn't bring myself to be so cruel (i'm a softie see) - So I just had to go to bed in need of the loo with nightmareish images going around my head of 'What if I hadn't seen that moth down my toilet bowl and sat on the seat....

Luckily the next morning it had flown off (I was pleased to discover after THOROUGLY inspecting my toilet) and calmness was once again restored...
Still I'm very happy that the housemate is back Sunday, I've actually rather missed her - Plus squealing over horrible insects is a lot less scary when you have someone else in the building with you to squeal alongside you and the bugs seem a lot less likely to 'attack' when your not home...alone..and vulnerable....
