So the other night I went out...well I say other night...nearly 3 weeks ago...I went out and lost half my memory, half my liver and my front door key.
As a result of this I have been using the back door key to get into the extension and then coming in through the kitchen door.
All good until today when a certain housemate (ahem maddie) bolted the kitchen door from the inside...meaning I couldn't get in. I then spent an hour or so sitting in the freezing cold extension surrounded by drying laundry. Luckily I had a comfy chair and my phone...and after I got bored of twitter...and facebook... I decided to write a memo on my phone..of my exciting time....(I really tried to make it exciting...honestly!...)
So ladies and gentlemen...
Here in all it's glory...
Is my brand new potentially best selling novel...
15.36 - Locked out. Waiting for housemates. Decide to keep note for Blog purposes (see, always have my readers in my mind ;])
15.45 - * Sigh * I'm hungry...ALl I want is food.
15.47 - Facebook...Twitter....Daily Mail...Read story about smoking being bad for the brain...imagine smoke swirling round a brain. Think how weird the concept of a brain actually is. Definitely meant to be at filming very soon. (I have been filming for Housie Olivias boifs Media degree piece...)
15.49 - Text Housie Maddi saying 'Hungrrrrrrry'. Hope to evoke feelings of guilt. Get no reply. (Ten minutes ago she said be back soon.)
16.03 - Get a call from Housie Olivia checking I'm okay. Nothing to report. I am still locked out.
16.19 - Get a text from Housie Hannah asking if I'm in yet. I'm not.
16.21 - Get message on FB from drector of where I'm meant to be filming asking if I can just come anyway. No I can't. Im in my pre-assessment clothes, In completely different clothes to what I was wearing for the stuff we filmed last week (continuity people!), hair and make-up is not done and have soaking wet muddy feet. Get a slightly short and moody response, Give a nice but firm reply re-explaining my situation and declaring that in all fairness to myself I did originally say I would film tomorrow and not today (when did I get so gobby and able to say what I really think?!) Get nervous to the response when the 'F' symbol flashes up on my phone...but it's fine it's Rosie saying she misses me...awww yeah.
16.33 - Rosie can't wait to see me at Christmas. Yaaaay christmas. lalalalalala christmas.
16.33 - Mmmmm christmas dinner, Roast potatoes. Nom fucking nom. I'M HUNGRY.
16.34 - "Okay cool well just get here when you can." *SIIIIIIIIIIIGH* who knows when that's gonna be.
16.36 - I have a condition where the acid eats away at the inside of my stomach. its called HUNGER. *sigh* - My feet are cold.
16.38 - " I WISH NOTHING BUT THE BEST...FOR YOUUUUUU TWOOOOO" - Singing outburst. It sounds to loud in this echoey room. I don't like it. I haven't had an echo chocolate bar in years, Ohmigod I totally forgot about them. mmmm
16.39 - Text message "Sorry...round the took forever..." Mmmm I can taste the FREEDOMMMMMMMM
16.44 - "Just get here as soon as possible" WAAAAAAAH NO I DONT WANT TO IM COLD, TIRED AND HUNGRY AND SAID I WOULD FILM ON TUESDAY. I want to lie face down on the floor and throw a tantrum.
16.51 - Wooohooo...freedom...Housey Maddie arrives home, unlocks the door and finds me curled up dying on our squishy chair. Tells me to close my eyes and hold out my hand...before dropping into it a new front door key. what. a babe.
A bowl of soup with cheese and onion discos crushed on top and I am SORRRRRRRRR-TED.
New action best seller...I think so!
I love my housemates, Like just now Me, Housey Hannah and Housey Maddie sat downstairs and just chatted for about an hour about life in general and general 'Girls stuff' and it was so lovely. We then came upstairs and brushed our teeth together (two over the sink and one in the bath...) for no reason other than we could and it was hilarious (what better reasons could you need). It's like one big sleepover (except we all sleep in our own rooms....and we all live in the same house....)
Speaking of housemates...its 01.00 and all I can hear is my next door neighbours. Either guys have really loud voices or our walls are super thin. They must be pissed. I can hear them clear as anything "HAHAHAHA THAT IS JOKES THAT IS JOKES. DID YOU SEE WHAT I WROTE? BAHAHAHAHA GUYS WANNA BE ME AND GIRLS WANNA BE NEAR ME"
No jokes. I actually just heard that.
I would complain, but it sounds like they are having fun. And they did lend me 50p to pay off my taxi the other day when it was dark and raining and I was locked out...Well I wasn't...But I thought I was...turns out Housie Hannah was in the bath which is why no one was letting me in to get to my spare change...but that's a whole other story, apparently 'Its good to help out a neighbour' - I think they were drunk then as well...
Jolly good fun.
P.S - Mummy and Daddy I know you will both be reading this, Just a note to say I love you both with all my heart, I may have been a little bit rubbish in communication recently but you really are the two most special people in my life and I always miss and love you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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