Tuesday, 13 August 2013

What I learnt at my first festival...

So, this weekend saw me have my first festival experience, Myself, Kayleigh and Katie headed off to Boardmasters featival in Newquay for a much waited for weekend away. T'was epic! I was a bit concerned about sleeping in a tent, given my tendency to wake the place up with my night time screaming and shouting shennanigans, but there was none of that! I learnt a lot of life changing things during our time away...

1) Time goes so much quicker when you sit in the front of the car - When I was younger, on family holidays the middle seat was muchly fought for between myself and the Step-Brothers, I mean it's just so amazing, No real leg space, no head rest, no window to daydream out of and a lack of a proper seatbelt...I mean who WOULDN'T want that seat; however it was the place to be. Due to default now, any holiday we go on I now get plonked in the middle for the entire duration, I may not be the youngest, But I am the smallest. So there I spend many an hour in the car crammed between two 6 foot something Step-Brothers, with leg cramp, butt-ache and nowhere to rest my head. However this time, what with there being three of us and Katie liking sitting in the back (I reckon it was just so she could sleep in the car without being told off by Kayleigh, after all we did leave at five in the morning and were driving home sunday night until half midnight...) I got to sit in the front. It was amazing, I could open my window, stretch my legs, have proper conversations and was just lovely and made the time go much quicker...plus we were allowed to LISTEN TO RADIO ONE. Something else that is banned on family holidays...Just having a flashback to the time when Abbas greatest hits CD got jammed in the player and we had to listen to it the WHOLE HOLIDAY...

2)Portaloos are DISGUSTING - Literally, we knew that it would be disgusting, but these were SUMMINK ELSE, by the time we had even arrived on Friday late morning they were foul. Literally people have NO SHAME. It became a case of Roulette, the hope that you would end up in one that still had Loo roll, Sanitizer and a distinct lack of other peoples bodily fluids sprayed all over the place. I don't have the best of co-ordination, but even I had to become a pro at hovering to avoid catching germs (Or as one girl said a "Butt Infection") whilst clinging onto the door for dear life (There was no way I was trusting those locks...)

3) An £8 box of wine is not going to be good... So it stated in the rules that no Spirts were allowed into the festival, only boxes of wine or cans of drink, and even that was a limited amount - So me and katie decided to buy a box of wine each, sitting outside having a few glasses to drink, I was impressed how it didn't seem to be having too much of an effect on me, until a fellow camper that we got chatted to that our entire box of wine..was 4%...4%...as in a WKD 4%, as in...useless if you wanted to get merry...

4) Waltzers after a third of a bottle of Vodka are not cool - So before you go worrying that we were in for a total sober weekend, stop. We managed to get a bottle of Vodka into the campsite, through the 'tight' security, it took a lot of planning, filling of water bottles and myself putting my Theatre Degree to good use as I took a casual sip as we strolled up to security (The idea was if they just saw it in my hands, they would assume it was water.. because no one would be stupid enough to walk in carrying a disguised bottle of Vodka.. and not bother to check it...) and took an accidental mouthful...So at the cost of a burning mouth and looking casual, we managed to get it through. Much merriment followed on in our tent as it definitely took more of an effect than our lonely 4% box of wine that was left sitting in the corner..So we headed down to the main arena, and myself and Kayleigh thought it would be mega fun to go on the Waltzers, okay it was a bit fun but as soon as we stepped off I realised it had been a mistake. A much merriment filled night went on which leads onto lesson...

5) Dancing in the rain is awesome.. - I'd always had a feeling when I watched festivals on the news or whatever that I would hate it and be miserable if it rained...how wet and smelly and horrible - however when you are there, drunk, dancing to great music with your best friends and dancing in shorts, waterproof jacket, long socks and wellies with flowers tied round your head you REALLY don't care...amazing...

6) I never learn my lesson - So after the Waltzers, Drinkingness, Dancingness, Rainingness and Merrimentingness, we decided to head back to the tent, However there was one more ride Kayleigh wanted to go on, some awful thing where you spin round and round and upside down and backwards and URGH. You know whenever it comes to those kind of rides you stand in the queue watching, and there is always some person looking terrified or ready to Vom/Cry/Die who you watch throughout, yeah that was me. Some guy was sat next to me "WAHOOOOOO ARE YOU ENJOYING IT??" "FUCK MY LIFE GET ME OFF THIS THING." - That in summary meant...No. The whole time I just had visions of myself vomiting on the poor, drunken festival goers down below.

I've only really mentioned the minging parts, there was also tons of laughter, a lot of dancing, an amazing ice-cream, a vast consumption of chips, a lovely trip into town, some great live music and some drawing in the sand, all done with two of my bestest friends! I wouldn't have had it any other way... except maybe cleaner toilets.... Loves xxx

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