Sunday, 11 November 2012

Drunker than a drunk thing that has been drinking more than a drunk drunkard.

So just like the Blog where I wrote about finding myself on my knees dry heaving over a train toilet after a drunken night out....or the one where I wrote about me and fiona letting the bus man drive us home in his car after we drunkenly missed the last train home one night....I must start this blog by both warning in advance...and my parents: ....You're the best.............

 Friday night I got drunker than I have ever been before. Ever. Ever. Ever.
I've written a blog entry like this before.
Don't get me wrong; I think it was an enjoyable night.
The five minutes of it I can remember.
And even that isn't a full five minutes,
Its lots of little bits put together.
I remember kinda the first 45 minutes of chatting and stuff, but then there is a literal point it just goes blank...
I remember laughing lots and lots...
I remember being on the dancefloor...but apart from that little moment I remember, I cannot tell you what I was dancing to, how I was dancing... what the songs's just a complete mind blank....
I remember being in the toilet and wondering how I got there...
I remember being outside with Katie sitting against the chinese restraunt and wondering why...
I remember telling our bouncer (we were out at my work AKA Lloyds) he looks like Al Murray (he does) and that he is my favourite bouncer (repeatedly...)

But that's all folks....
I have learnt some facts about the night from piecing together evidence the next day....
- I lost my front door key and camera SD card
- I kept repeating myself
- I was very happy but slightly confused
- I was "trying to find my friend Rosie" who never actually came out with us...

And from the bouncers I learnt "You have a great rack."
Great....the one night that Katie manages to convince me to be brave and show a bit more than usual, I end up too drunk to control myself and my apparent "Cleavage Crush" (I blame my mother...she's famous for it....) - However since the famous boob-falling-out-in-drama-dress-rehearsal incident a few yearss back that Katie so nicely mentioned in the post she wrote for me, nothing can be as bad as nothing can shame me anymore...bahahaha.

So we get home...(after Housie Hannah  [who was slightly intoxicated also but capable of survival] carried my shoes and confiscated my phone..)
Next thing I know I wake up....I'm lying with my head next to the toilet, my legs out the door on the landing...complete with Double duvet and pillows, Hannah is standing over me and helps me back to bed (I assume.)

Next thing I know I wake up again...No idea of the time...Mouth ridiculously dry...go to bathroom...down mug after mug of water....stumble back to bed...

Wake up again....Tummy churning...head spinning...5 o clock...can't get back to sleep...stay in this state of half concious queasiness for about two hours until 7 o clock...where I go downstairs...before running up them 10 minutes later to be sick....nice bit of dry heaving (niiiiiiice) and spend the next couple of hours there...until 9...when I have no choice but to get up and ready for work.

Spend 4 hours at work stuck on tills because it is stupidly busy...Dry mouth....feeling queasy...head slightly spinning...hands shaking....Get home....crash in front of telly...spend a few hours lying in a queasy but peaceful nap on the sofa...wake up to it suddenly pitch black and half past five with the housemates arriving home and asking me why I am lying on the sofa in the pitch black....

I'd like to say I then got up and had a wash, got in my pyjamas and sat with the housies watching x Factor before getting an early night...WRONG...20:30 - Leave my house. Set off for work. Spend all night serving alcohol and trying not to die...Get home...crash into bed at 02:00 - before up again at 07:30 to get the train to Littlehampton for work.


So yes. Interesting to say the least. And boys and all comes down to one thing...Not eating before we went out. Me and Katie had dinner at lunch and then spent SO long getting ready we forgot to eat, which means we were putting  A LOT of alcohol into A LOT of empty space...which is probably where we went a bit wrong...
I also have drunken text messages and a tweet saying:

Tasmin Rhianne@TasminRhianne93
Casj chilling with my head over the toillet, isn't that the kinda everyday shit that everyone tweets saying everything about their lives?

Oh to be young. and drunk. and stupid.


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