So when I was younger my hair (although I didn't think it at the time but looking back on it now) was a beautiful bright golden blonde...
Then I hit my teens and decided I wanted highlights so it was made blonder...
Then when I was fifteen I dyed it brown...
Then when I was Sixteen I had it dyed back blonde again...
Then I had a year trying to grow it out to its natural colour...
Then I got bored of it again...
So when I was Eighteen I dyed it Red....
When I was Nineteen I tried to Colour Strip it...
It went a slightly gingery blondey Colour...
So I dyed it Brown to keep it healthier...
Then 3 Days ago I Colour Stripped it again...
And then put Platinum Blonde Dye on it...
Which is when I discovered a new colour called...
"Orangey Custard Yellow" (as I described it to mummy dearest on the phone this morning...)
I know right....Attractive.
As the picture below shows.....I was not best pleased with the outcome...

The Pictures don't do its badness justice, it was kinda a light yellow on top, Bright yellow all over, with beautiful chunks of orange and dark blondey/browny patches that I had missed..
So yes, not my best look by far, when I woke up this morning I nearly had heart failure when I realised just how bad it was and that it looked even worse in the daylight. So a panicked call to my hairdresser Auntie was made and it was agreed I would go to her work later in the day and get it fixed, but first I had to get through work. Typically on the day when I just wanted to hide out back out of public viewing, I ended up on the tills for the whole shift. When I arrived our assistant manager Kayleigh said that "It wasn't that bad" and "It least it was all one colour" (which it later turned out NOT to be) - But it got me thinking that maybe I was just being melodramatic and that it was all fineeeee. Or not.
So much for expecting sympathy from my loving work colleauges..My face was well and truly laughed in...And I mean that literally in the case of Curly, who didn't say a word...just laughed.....and laughed....and laughed...and laughed....
At about three o clock I finally made it to the hairdressers, where again, I was laughed at, teased and affectionately but firmly put in place by my Aunties work friend who is a lovely but slightly scary person who I would HATE to get on the wrong side of...
Two and a half hours and £14.83 for the cost of hairdye later I was out of there and on the train home happy...
Although still ever so slightly bright I no longer have hair that looks like "A scottish wig" (as the Auntie so lovingly put it), That I am happy to be seen out in public with.
(Cue gentle background music and a montage of black and white pictures of long stretches of road...) "Me and my hair... we have a long way to go...and work will be needed to be done on it again in a couple of weeks... The road ahead is long. And tough. But I know in my heart...We will get through it..Day by Day, Wash by Wash, Strand by Strand....Just me...and my hair.
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