Monday, 8 October 2012

Tasmin Vs. Daddy Long Legs/ The Time/ X Factarghhh...

I freakin' hate Daddy long legs. Yes I know they are smaller than me. Yes I know they are harmless. But when it comes to it, they can bounce around, they spring all over the place, they look freaky...and they are horrible. And I don't like them. So naturally when I went home (mummyhome) the other night I discovered one in my bedroom. I was in bed. Fairy lights on. Reading my Kindle. When I heard it...couldn't see it...assumed it had gone...returned to my kindle...suddenly saw it bounce past on the wall next to me...shot out of bed. Urgh.
Did what I always do, went downstairs, asked my (more or less) Stepdad Rob to get rid of it for me. "No I'm in the middle of doing something on here and can't leave it..."
"No it's not going to do anything to you it's harmless..."
"But I don't want it in my room!...."
"Well get rid of it then!"
"Nooo...I don't want too...Okay...I'll get a mug and a piece of card and just throw it out the'll be fine...I'll be a hero...I'm gonna do it!"
"*sigh* Okay..."
So off I marched to the kitchen and grabbed a mug and a piece of paper and went back upstairs...
As soon as I saw it again, I freaked out, all my braveness left me and I stood on the landing for five minutes watching it....hoping it would fly out my room and leave me be.
It didn't.
Pulled myself together, went back in the room with mug in hand...but then...I realised...This beast was huuuuge, there was no way that it would fit in the mug...and although I wasn't a fan, I didn't really want the little fella to lose a leg...arghhhh, I then decided the alternative would be to maybe knock him with a piece of paper, then he might get annoyed and fly out the door...So I left the mug, got a bit of paper and went to approach him, then I saw his legs wiggling and completely freaked out (all of this was going on as silently as I could manage as to not wake up my foster sister who's bedroom is right opposite mine...) - I THEN decided another approach, which was to shut my bedroom door as far as I could, hide behind it so I couldn't see its horrible long legs and then reach around the door and flap a bit of paper in its general direction and hope it would fly off and I wouldn't have to see it...tried it once...looked back...he was still sitting there waving at me...tried again...knocked him off...slammed the door shut...celebrated for a split second before seeing him on my bedroom floor trapped between my door and the floor..felt bad..opened the door and then squealed as he bounced back along the floor towards me before coming to a stop. Eventually I had to man up, I put two socks on my hands and pulled them up towards my elbows so it couldn't land on me, grabbed a bit of paper and went on a vicious attack, flicking him out towards the door until he was safely on the landing. I then slammed my bedroom door shut and then slept with a jumper lining the bottom of my door...just in case he came back in to get me...
It may have take a while but TASMIN - 1 VS. DADDY LONG LEGS - 0. BOOOOM.

Tasmin VS. Time...
So it is now part of my weekly life that on a Sunday I go over to the Littlehampton Drug that is Super... 1. To help out our old assistant manager Kerry who has recently moved over to become manager of that store and 2. To have more hours and more pay (rents and bills a biatchhh) - it does mean a slightly earlier start, but it's only twenty minutes away on train and more hours so all dandyyy.
Anyway - Saturday night I turned off my phone AKA the ShitBerry because it wasn't working right and then turned it back on about forty five minutes later...
Had a discussion with my housemates that involved me saying "Well I start in littlehampton at 10 - I am getting the train at 09.30 tomorrow, So will leave at 09.00 in order to get there in plenty of time and will leave when you guys do :)" All good.
Due to having a horrid groggy cold all week I went to bed early, I was surprised when I woke up how early it was, but figured I must have had a good sleep so slowly started getting myself ready. A little while later my housemates called upstairs to see if I was ready to leave yet, looking at the time on my phone, I saw that it was only 08.25, so assuming they were just leaving early I shouted that I was okay and would see them later. Got ready, still ended up running a bit late and got out the house at about five past nine, started walking up at a steady pace and then I got to new look...did what I always do which is to glimpse at the time on the clock attached it it...which read ten to ten. Thought oh that can't be right...the clock must have stopped last night. Kept walking, developed a feeling of dread when I realised that workers were standing outside shops waiting for them to up to the cross, saw the time...09.55.
Nearly had a mini-breakdown in the middle of town...before making one of the scariest calls of my life to explain what I'd done and that I was going to be late....
I've only got one person here...
Well you will be quite late...... it's ten o clock now...
How long are you going to be?
Eeeek. I know. I'm so sorry. Its Sunday service. I'll get there as soon as I can. I'm really sorry!
Got to the station, saw there wasn't a train for another fifteen minutes, that wouldn't get me into Littlehampton til just after eleven...Shiteeee. Rang the Nan in Bognor "Did dad stay there last night? He's at home in Brighton? Oh no. Wanted him to come get me. Never mind. Yes. I hope not. Okay. Love you. Bye!"
Then rang the best friend - "Are you awake? Do you have work? Are you hungover? Please can you do me a massive favour? basicallyiresetmyphonelastnightandit'sfortyminuteslateiwasmeanttobeatworkattenandthengottothecrossandsawitwasfivetotenmymanagermaybealittlebitcrosswithmesheonlyhasoneotherpersonworking canyoupleasepickmeupfrombarnhamanddrivemetherestofthewayiwillloveyouforeverpleaseimdesperate!
- Silence-
"Bahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha WHO DOES THAT?!"
"Me..I Know..I'm an idiot...Please?"
"I'll leave now and pick you up from Barnham....fifteen minutes?"

And so she beautiful best friend came out in her pyjamas from Rustington, she whizzed me all the way to work, parked as close to the little drug that is super as she could and even parked facing in the direction of it so I was close as possible...leaped out the car.legged it up the road and arrived about 10.45...flew in, in a huge rush (knocking several boxes off  a shelf enroute) but eventually, I was there.
Luckily I was not in huge trouble...I think my scattiness is half..-okay-make-that-almost-certainly-expected (it was just used in [semi]humour against me... all day.)
I then (after staying on an extra hour) returned home to discover that I had forgotten my front door key...luckily my housemates were in and I could start a relaxing evening until...


OH MY GOD. The X Factor. Never has a Tv show for entertainment purposes left me so stressed. Literally, as me and the housemates sat watching it on the telly the suspense was just unreal...
After seeing Rylan and Carolynne singing in the sing-off, it was obvious that there was one obvious winner...
Unless your Louis Walsh. Seriously. I like Louis Walsh. Normally he's just a cute little Irish fella that makes me go Awww in his sweetness and simpleness...but what was he thinking? As soon as I saw it was him that was down to have the final say I could tell that there was going to be drama. He wouldn't use his brain - Considering he was the reasoning behind Jedward and Wagner, he doesn't have the best reputation. Yes, I felt sorry for him, he was obviously in a difficult situation and didn't know what to do: I know there are rumours now that the producer man was seen telling him to take it to deadlock, and that he was torn between what he wanted to do (cue the reason he said: I want to save Carolynne...and was perhaps then torn between what he wanted and the producers wanted)...
But at the end of the day, it is a singing competition, He may have said about Rylan being entertaining, but at the end of the day when it comes to an album, you aren't going to see all the costumes and campness and are just going to hear the vocals; in which case Carolynne was miiiiiiiiiiles better.
I guess you could argue that when it comes down to it, she did have the least public votes and therefore technically lost...which would make it fair...but then you obviously get the moronic public who vote for the novelty acts just for lolz, who kind of ruin the whole thing really because it means the good people end up losing out...You then expect that the judges would know whats best and rescue the decent people from danger....unless you're Louis Walsh...and hence...slightly clueless it was seem.


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