Sunday, 8 April 2012

Time off and Drunken Merriment..

Woohoo....One week off...One week left to go...
If I had any common sense I would have used this week to get some work done, get it all out the way...and then use my last week to do lots of shopping, see lots of people and drink lots of alcohol...but obviously common sense is not one of my stronger areas....
So I instead have done lots of shopping, seen lots of people, had lots of laugh and drank a lot of alcohol....
Therefore meaning I will use THIS week to get some work done...*ahem*

In all fairness I have done a lot of money work even if not Uni work...having two jobs is very good, because it means more money...however it is very bad...especially when I have to work twice in one day at two different jobs (god thats confusing...) Like yesterday...I did 0830-1230 at superdrug...and then 1300-1600 at Lloyds...which is a slight bit of a drag...but again is just a case of think of the money....think of the money....think of the money.....

However, afterwards I got to go to the pub with the Bench lot....honestly we are such a random group of people...all different ages and careers and personalities...however (now to sound cheesy) we've all been brought together by one thing...a love for theatre and performing...thats the good thing about acting, it appeals to such a wide range of people..that you get the chance to form amazing close friendships with people that you may not otherwise have got the chance to meet...just because we'd otherwise be on such different paths/stages in life :')
Anyway back to the was karaoke night down where we were...which we didn't realise til we got there...Anyway as the night went on, people got more and more drunk, the performances got more and more extreme and the atmosphere got more and more merry...It was super duper extremely fun...
I was too nervous to sing all I didn't go up...but as soon as I was home with a good amount of JD in my system I wished that I had...
Which kinda shows that no matter how big or small it is...if you want to do something you should just go for it.....otherwise you could regret it!

Anyway, I've had a lovely week, seen some lovely people and done lots of lovely things...
Thanks to the after show party for Totton, A night out in Chi and then last night shennanigans, my liver is a tad on the delicate side I am sure...but boy has it been worth it ;)


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