Been a lovely if not crazy weekend...
Friday in particular was of tres interestingment.

This included our hair...Blue Hairspray for Rosie..Red and Glittery for me...
To avoid heart failure on my family and the cream carpet we had to perform this task outside in my garden...So I there I found myself...Friday afternoon...standing in my back garden spraying one of my best friends hair bright blue...pretty standard.
The party was very was lovely to see people I hadn't seen for a while and to spend time with the Benchies....Dancing and Drinking.
Drinking..hmmmm, After a couple of rums/whiskeys and coke I was convinced by Rosie and Siany to do a Tequila shot...I'm not the best as tequila..last time I did it was in worthing and ended up driblbing lemon down my chin in the most prettiest of manners...whilst wretching...luckily I didnt have that problem this time, maaaaaainly because there were no lemon or salt...So we did one...then we did another straight after...and then as it was my round another straight after that....ooooft, I would like to say we were sensible and stopped drinking after that...but obviously we didn' many of the pictures would suggest...

I somehow managed to get myself and Rosie in the house and up to bed...where I abandoned Rosie in the spare room with a carrier bag and glass of water....I had to text her a few minutes later saying shhh because she was playing something very loudly on her phone...turned out she wasn't...I had sat on my remote and turned my TV off...haha whoops.
The next day began with Rosie coming into my room and crawling into my bed...where we lay and recalled the nights events...whilst laughing (or OH MY GODing! in Rosies case) as memories slowly crawled back into our minds....
But then it all went slightly wrong...we were home alone and Rosies mum had arrived to collect her...I was going to coincide feeding the rabbits with seeing Rosie off and so headed for out my house in just my pyjamas...with pup in my arms...we got outside and I turned around in time to see Rosie slam the door shut and then instantly declare afterwards Oh my god I've just shut you out Tas!!!! Great. Unfortunately after scaling the outskirts of my house we disovered no window or door was unlocked or open. Great. So there I found myself. Shut out my my age 12-13 betty boop pyjamas with a XL filthy cancer research uk t-shirt over the top, barefoot with unwashed hair and unbrushed teeth. I didnt know whether to laugh or cry (I think I nearly did a bit of both...) and poor Rosie felt terrible...Mwahahaha. I couldnt even go to anyones house, I had no shoes or clothes to change into, didn't have my phone or any cash on me and had pup with me without a lead...after a few frantic phone calls and plan changing my mums partner had to drive back home....whilst I spent half an hour sat on my back doorstep...with nothing but pup to keep me warm and nursing a hangover....
Oh the good times!
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