Monday, 16 April 2012

Babysitting? Piece of cake....or make that Icecream...

Eight days since I last blogged, its gone so's not that I haven't had anything to say, I have, I've started writing a blog a couple of times this week and then just given up and deleted it...Shame, my last one was about movies on the telly and TV adverts that piss me off, however after a while it became apparent that it was just for my own benefit and no one elses, so it became one of those 'Write for relief' blogs that never make it into the public eye (and how sad that must be for you..) however if its any consolation they included adverts for spot cream, the wonga adverts and any adverts for household particular sensory air fresheners....

I had a lovely second week of from Uni, Tuesday night I stayed over at my nans as my beloved Auntie Jacqui was down with the sprogs Lewis (8) and Tilly Rose (TillyBoo - 3)...Wednesday morning I was disturbed in my sleep by the sound of my bedroom door being opened and tiny feet pattering in...silence....little feet pattering closer....more little feet coming in...getting closer...some whispering, Opening my eyes I was greeted with two little faces watching me; It normally takes me a while to get going in the morning, I wake up, lay bleary eyed and face down in my pillow, have a stretch, click everybone between my toes and my hips into place (with a satisfying CRUNCH) and then slowly rise from the ashes...However there is nothing like two children to wake you up quickly..and within two minutes I was being leapt on and giving aeroplanes...Though how I managed to find the strength within at that time of morning I do not know...hidden talent!
Anway being the lovely big cousin I am I babysat for a couple of hours whilst the Nan and Auntie went into town...It started off well...Sweets and comics from the corner shop...Cbeebies on the TV....taking photos on the laptop (see below...).however after a while the restlesness kicked in (to be honest it was probably me more than the kids...) So I made the brave decision to take them into town to buy an icecream...Its only about a 15 minute walk but with a three year old and no buggy has the potential to be a challenge...after a few minutes the feet-dragging kicked in and to have any chance of getting anywhere we had to 1....2.....3....Swwwiiiiiiing!!! pretty much the whole way to town....

Eventually...and with arms just about still in place..we arrived at the icecream shop...Upon looking at the icecreams TillyBoo decided she wanted THAT one...THAT one being BRIGHT BLUE bubble gum flavoured...literally I wouldn't have been suprised if it was glow in the dark...Here was when the responsible adult duties kicked in (and trust that doesn't happen often)...i'm no genius..But I know that that icecream would be FULL of colouring... Bright Colouring + 3 year olds = risky...

"Boooooo...why don't you have THIS princess pink icecream instead?"  (Strawberry to me and you...)
With princess pink icecream in hand...all was well (and safe...) until she spotted her big brother who (bless him) had just got his bubblegum icecream passed to him and was well and truly ready to tuck in...
"I don't want it...."
"But Tilly...Look! Its Princess Icecream!"
"Nooo...I want thaaaat!"
"But the man has made it for you now...look princess pink, you're so lucky!!"

Just as I was mentally preparing myself to handle a tantrum, Good old Lewis stepped in and agreed a swap with her...and off to the beach we went...TillyBoo with her Bright Blue Icecream...and Lewis with his 'Princess Pink' icecream - An hour later children were safely returned home, all safe and well and icecream happy (though it was revealed that TillyBoo had walked (or 1 2 3 swiiiiiiiiiiing'ed) her way around town with her boots on the wrong bad!) - Babysitting? Doddle ;)

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