A few weeks back I posted a blog,
A blog stating how I did not have long until I moved out of home, yet was feeling oerwhelmed with the amount I would have to do in my room, before moving, due to the state of it..
I then snapped shut my laptop, jumped up, went into town for some boxes, came home and sorted everything into neat boxes all packed and ready to go.
If anything my room is in a worse state than it was, and there is now five weeks to go until the big move, oooooft.
Last night I had an incident that caused me to realise the messy state of my existence. As far as I'm aware I do my best to be as tidy as possible around the house....however my bedroom is the one place where if I make a mess, I don't feel a sense of urgency to sort it...its just my little den and I love it muchly. However due to how busy the last week has been, maintaining a state of cleanliness has not been top of my list and my room was looking particulary pig-styish.
A few months ago I was in my room...it was 2 in the morning...I was up pottering when I heard a very, very loud buzing....Looking up I saw THE BIGGEST BumbleBee rise up out of the ashes of my laundy basket. I freaked out....ran down stairs slamming my door shut and not opening a window (sensible....) and left it there...(I then spent the night sleeping on the sofa...why I didnt go into the spare bedroom I am not quite sure.....) - The next day it had vanished until I saw it sitting on my window ledge...after a mini-freak out it was disposed of out the window by Rob (my mums partner) and was never seen of again..........
Yesterday morning I was getting ready for work when I heard a particularly loud Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzing sound....however I had to leave and so shut my door again and ignored it. Then last night I was getting ready to go out....I rummaged through a massive pile of clothes in the corner of my room and heard it again... Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....then I ave the pile a little kick to see if that was the source.......BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....
suddenly (DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN) THE BIGGEST BumbleBee appeared again...crawling out the wreckage of my clothes pile...I don't know if it was a different one....or the same one back....but yet again I majorly freaked out......
"WHAAAAT?" (That was Mum.....)
Luckily for me the Nan and Grandad were visiting and Nan came up...I pointed it out to her and she jumped into action...she asked for a glass...(I had several of them scattered around....and gave her one..the contents of which she had to empty into another glass....) and some Paper (yep plenty of that toooo...) and disposed of it out the window for me whilst I stood on my bed whimpering.....
I don't know if it was the same one....or it's friend...the Nan suggested there may be a nest nearby (argh...) but it would appear that my room is the perfect resting ground for them....
I guess I should learn from that to be more tidy....they always find a place to hide...alternatively I COULD just keep my window shut....hmmm.
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Sunday, 22 April 2012
An 'F'ing good weekend....
The Finchster officially turned 30...So Friday night was the much anticipated 'F' Fancy dress partayyy. Me and Rosie decided to go as Frost and Fire..We basically wore the same outfit and eyemake up, except mine was in shades of red and orange and hers blue and silver.

Lots of crazy merriment followed and it was all most delightful...slightly hazed memories...such as sitting on the bannister sideways as we were leaving the party whilst singing 'Supercalafragerlisticexpealidocious...' and declaring that I was being Mary Poppins...I dont know what I was thinking (everyone knows its actually spoonful of sugar...gaaaaad!) and a tres amusing car journey home in which Robin nearly crashed the car laughing after Rosie declared that she needed something Salty in her mouth....
Been a lovely if not crazy weekend...
Friday in particular was of tres interestingment.

This included our hair...Blue Hairspray for Rosie..Red and Glittery for me...
To avoid heart failure on my family and the cream carpet we had to perform this task outside in my garden...So I there I found myself...Friday afternoon...standing in my back garden spraying one of my best friends hair bright blue...pretty standard.
The party was very fun...it was lovely to see people I hadn't seen for a while and to spend time with the Benchies....Dancing and Drinking.
Drinking..hmmmm, After a couple of rums/whiskeys and coke I was convinced by Rosie and Siany to do a Tequila shot...I'm not the best as tequila..last time I did it was in worthing and ended up driblbing lemon down my chin in the most prettiest of manners...whilst wretching...luckily I didnt have that problem this time, maaaaaainly because there were no lemon or salt...So we did one...then we did another straight after...and then as it was my round another straight after that....ooooft, I would like to say we were sensible and stopped drinking after that...but obviously we didn't...as many of the pictures would suggest...

I somehow managed to get myself and Rosie in the house and up to bed...where I abandoned Rosie in the spare room with a carrier bag and glass of water....I had to text her a few minutes later saying shhh because she was playing something very loudly on her phone...turned out she wasn't...I had sat on my remote and turned my TV off...haha whoops.
The next day began with Rosie coming into my room and crawling into my bed...where we lay and recalled the nights events...whilst laughing (or OH MY GODing! in Rosies case) as memories slowly crawled back into our minds....
But then it all went slightly wrong...we were home alone and Rosies mum had arrived to collect her...I was going to coincide feeding the rabbits with seeing Rosie off and so headed for out my house in just my pyjamas...with pup in my arms...we got outside and I turned around in time to see Rosie slam the door shut and then instantly declare afterwards Oh my god I've just shut you out Tas!!!! Great. Unfortunately after scaling the outskirts of my house we disovered no window or door was unlocked or open. Great. So there I found myself. Shut out my house...in my age 12-13 betty boop pyjamas with a XL filthy cancer research uk t-shirt over the top, barefoot with unwashed hair and unbrushed teeth. I didnt know whether to laugh or cry (I think I nearly did a bit of both...) and poor Rosie felt terrible...Mwahahaha. I couldnt even go to anyones house, I had no shoes or clothes to change into, didn't have my phone or any cash on me and had pup with me without a lead...after a few frantic phone calls and plan changing my mums partner had to drive back home....whilst I spent half an hour sat on my back doorstep...with nothing but pup to keep me warm and nursing a hangover....
Oh the good times!
Monday, 16 April 2012
Babysitting? Piece of cake....or make that Icecream...
Eight days since I last blogged, its gone so quick....it's not that I haven't had anything to say, I have, I've started writing a blog a couple of times this week and then just given up and deleted it...Shame, my last one was about movies on the telly and TV adverts that piss me off, however after a while it became apparent that it was just for my own benefit and no one elses, so it became one of those 'Write for relief' blogs that never make it into the public eye (and how sad that must be for you..) however if its any consolation they included adverts for spot cream, the wonga adverts and any adverts for household objects...in particular sensory air fresheners....
I had a lovely second week of from Uni, Tuesday night I stayed over at my nans as my beloved Auntie Jacqui was down with the sprogs Lewis (8) and Tilly Rose (TillyBoo - 3)...Wednesday morning I was disturbed in my sleep by the sound of my bedroom door being opened and tiny feet pattering in...silence....little feet pattering closer....more little feet coming in...getting closer...some whispering, Opening my eyes I was greeted with two little faces watching me; It normally takes me a while to get going in the morning, I wake up, lay bleary eyed and face down in my pillow, have a stretch, click everybone between my toes and my hips into place (with a satisfying CRUNCH) and then slowly rise from the ashes...However there is nothing like two children to wake you up quickly..and within two minutes I was being leapt on and giving aeroplanes...Though how I managed to find the strength within at that time of morning I do not know...hidden talent!
Anway being the lovely big cousin I am I babysat for a couple of hours whilst the Nan and Auntie went into town...It started off well...Sweets and comics from the corner shop...Cbeebies on the TV....taking photos on the laptop (see below...).however after a while the restlesness kicked in (to be honest it was probably me more than the kids...) So I made the brave decision to take them into town to buy an icecream...Its only about a 15 minute walk but with a three year old and no buggy has the potential to be a challenge...after a few minutes the feet-dragging kicked in and to have any chance of getting anywhere we had to 1....2.....3....Swwwiiiiiiing!!! pretty much the whole way to town....
Eventually...and with arms just about still in place..we arrived at the icecream shop...Upon looking at the icecreams TillyBoo decided she wanted THAT one...THAT one being BRIGHT BLUE bubble gum flavoured...literally I wouldn't have been suprised if it was glow in the dark...Here was when the responsible adult duties kicked in (and trust that doesn't happen often)...i'm no genius..But I know that that icecream would be FULL of colouring... Bright Colouring + 3 year olds = risky...
"Boooooo...why don't you have THIS princess pink icecream instead?" (Strawberry to me and you...)
With princess pink icecream in hand...all was well (and safe...) until she spotted her big brother who (bless him) had just got his bubblegum icecream passed to him and was well and truly ready to tuck in...
"I don't want it...."
"But Tilly...Look! Its Princess Icecream!"
"Nooo...I want thaaaat!"
"But the man has made it for you now...look princess pink, you're so lucky!!"
Just as I was mentally preparing myself to handle a tantrum, Good old Lewis stepped in and agreed a swap with her...and off to the beach we went...TillyBoo with her Bright Blue Icecream...and Lewis with his 'Princess Pink' icecream - An hour later children were safely returned home, all safe and well and icecream happy (though it was revealed that TillyBoo had walked (or 1 2 3 swiiiiiiiiiiing'ed) her way around town with her boots on the wrong foot...whoooops...my bad!) - Babysitting? Doddle ;)
I had a lovely second week of from Uni, Tuesday night I stayed over at my nans as my beloved Auntie Jacqui was down with the sprogs Lewis (8) and Tilly Rose (TillyBoo - 3)...Wednesday morning I was disturbed in my sleep by the sound of my bedroom door being opened and tiny feet pattering in...silence....little feet pattering closer....more little feet coming in...getting closer...some whispering, Opening my eyes I was greeted with two little faces watching me; It normally takes me a while to get going in the morning, I wake up, lay bleary eyed and face down in my pillow, have a stretch, click everybone between my toes and my hips into place (with a satisfying CRUNCH) and then slowly rise from the ashes...However there is nothing like two children to wake you up quickly..and within two minutes I was being leapt on and giving aeroplanes...Though how I managed to find the strength within at that time of morning I do not know...hidden talent!
Anway being the lovely big cousin I am I babysat for a couple of hours whilst the Nan and Auntie went into town...It started off well...Sweets and comics from the corner shop...Cbeebies on the TV....taking photos on the laptop (see below...).however after a while the restlesness kicked in (to be honest it was probably me more than the kids...) So I made the brave decision to take them into town to buy an icecream...Its only about a 15 minute walk but with a three year old and no buggy has the potential to be a challenge...after a few minutes the feet-dragging kicked in and to have any chance of getting anywhere we had to 1....2.....3....Swwwiiiiiiing!!! pretty much the whole way to town....
Eventually...and with arms just about still in place..we arrived at the icecream shop...Upon looking at the icecreams TillyBoo decided she wanted THAT one...THAT one being BRIGHT BLUE bubble gum flavoured...literally I wouldn't have been suprised if it was glow in the dark...Here was when the responsible adult duties kicked in (and trust that doesn't happen often)...i'm no genius..But I know that that icecream would be FULL of colouring... Bright Colouring + 3 year olds = risky...
"Boooooo...why don't you have THIS princess pink icecream instead?" (Strawberry to me and you...)
With princess pink icecream in hand...all was well (and safe...) until she spotted her big brother who (bless him) had just got his bubblegum icecream passed to him and was well and truly ready to tuck in...
"I don't want it...."
"But Tilly...Look! Its Princess Icecream!"
"Nooo...I want thaaaat!"
"But the man has made it for you now...look princess pink, you're so lucky!!"
Just as I was mentally preparing myself to handle a tantrum, Good old Lewis stepped in and agreed a swap with her...and off to the beach we went...TillyBoo with her Bright Blue Icecream...and Lewis with his 'Princess Pink' icecream - An hour later children were safely returned home, all safe and well and icecream happy (though it was revealed that TillyBoo had walked (or 1 2 3 swiiiiiiiiiiing'ed) her way around town with her boots on the wrong foot...whoooops...my bad!) - Babysitting? Doddle ;)
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Time off and Drunken Merriment..
Woohoo....One week off...One week left to go...
If I had any common sense I would have used this week to get some work done, get it all out the way...and then use my last week to do lots of shopping, see lots of people and drink lots of alcohol...but obviously common sense is not one of my stronger areas....
So I instead have done lots of shopping, seen lots of people, had lots of laugh and drank a lot of alcohol....
Therefore meaning I will use THIS week to get some work done...*ahem*
In all fairness I have done a lot of money work even if not Uni work...having two jobs is very good, because it means more money...however it is very bad...especially when I have to work twice in one day at two different jobs (god thats confusing...) Like yesterday...I did 0830-1230 at superdrug...and then 1300-1600 at Lloyds...which is a slight bit of a drag...but again is just a case of think of the money....think of the money....think of the money.....
However, afterwards I got to go to the pub with the Bench lot....honestly we are such a random group of people...all different ages and careers and personalities...however (now to sound cheesy) we've all been brought together by one thing...a love for theatre and performing...thats the good thing about acting, it appeals to such a wide range of people..that you get the chance to form amazing close friendships with people that you may not otherwise have got the chance to meet...just because we'd otherwise be on such different paths/stages in life :')
Anyway back to the pub...it was karaoke night down where we were...which we didn't realise til we got there...Anyway as the night went on, people got more and more drunk, the performances got more and more extreme and the atmosphere got more and more merry...It was super duper extremely fun...
I was too nervous to sing all night...so I didn't go up...but as soon as I was home with a good amount of JD in my system I wished that I had...
Which kinda shows that no matter how big or small it is...if you want to do something you should just go for it.....otherwise you could regret it!
Anyway, I've had a lovely week, seen some lovely people and done lots of lovely things...
Thanks to the after show party for Totton, A night out in Chi and then last night shennanigans, my liver is a tad on the delicate side I am sure...but boy has it been worth it ;)
If I had any common sense I would have used this week to get some work done, get it all out the way...and then use my last week to do lots of shopping, see lots of people and drink lots of alcohol...but obviously common sense is not one of my stronger areas....
So I instead have done lots of shopping, seen lots of people, had lots of laugh and drank a lot of alcohol....
Therefore meaning I will use THIS week to get some work done...*ahem*
In all fairness I have done a lot of money work even if not Uni work...having two jobs is very good, because it means more money...however it is very bad...especially when I have to work twice in one day at two different jobs (god thats confusing...) Like yesterday...I did 0830-1230 at superdrug...and then 1300-1600 at Lloyds...which is a slight bit of a drag...but again is just a case of think of the money....think of the money....think of the money.....
However, afterwards I got to go to the pub with the Bench lot....honestly we are such a random group of people...all different ages and careers and personalities...however (now to sound cheesy) we've all been brought together by one thing...a love for theatre and performing...thats the good thing about acting, it appeals to such a wide range of people..that you get the chance to form amazing close friendships with people that you may not otherwise have got the chance to meet...just because we'd otherwise be on such different paths/stages in life :')
Anyway back to the pub...it was karaoke night down where we were...which we didn't realise til we got there...Anyway as the night went on, people got more and more drunk, the performances got more and more extreme and the atmosphere got more and more merry...It was super duper extremely fun...
I was too nervous to sing all night...so I didn't go up...but as soon as I was home with a good amount of JD in my system I wished that I had...
Which kinda shows that no matter how big or small it is...if you want to do something you should just go for it.....otherwise you could regret it!
Anyway, I've had a lovely week, seen some lovely people and done lots of lovely things...
Thanks to the after show party for Totton, A night out in Chi and then last night shennanigans, my liver is a tad on the delicate side I am sure...but boy has it been worth it ;)
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Preparing to move...Mission accepted..
If this was a movie right now...It would start with a view of the earth....it would then slowly zoom into the UK (maybe some birds would fly past...or a butterfly...), Then onto South England...and then into Hampshire..and then into Bedhampton...and then Park lane..and then my house...and then zoom in through my bedroom window to show me sitting on the edge of my bed tapping away, whilst some gentle harmonic opening-credit type music plays in the background....and then it would suddenly making that horrible 'Brake'-like sound and the music would come to a grinding hault, as the previous harmony is destroyed by the state of my room...
Its hit me that in nine weeks I am moving out of home....
It has also hit me that I need to start sorting out my bedroom...
Which in turn has hit me what a challenge I have....
My bedroom at the new house is relatively smaller than my room here at home...however due to the fact it was the cheapest room, the house was absolutely amazing and it will be so fantastic to live there...means I am not at all fussed by this. However it does face at present some difficulties, such as working out what to take and what to leave...and the fact that 60% of my room could probably be binned or given to charity...
Issues I am currently facing...
My Wardrobe: The hanging rail in it is jam packed, half the clothes I never wear, but when it comes to binning them I suddenly think of all the possible things I COULD wear those clothes with...so...they stay. The bottom of it is stuffed with shoes and old bags...again the whole argument that I could 'possibly' use them again makes it impossible to clear...The top is stuffed with old books from my childhood that I cannot bear to bin, old bedding and random bits of old costumes....Then we reach the top of the wardrobe...In which lies and huge betty boop glow in the dark clock, 6 boxes from the different ghost perfumes I obviously thought would be cool to collect, an old shoe box and an old toy telephone..oh and some christmas cards...Then NEXT to the wardrobe there is an old pink suitcase filled with old books...mainly Enid Blyton and books my mum passed on to me...that again cannot bear to be rid of....
My Bed: A supposed place of rest and relaxation..Or not...On one bed posts hangs a selection of bags and jackets...On the other the same again...only add a coat to that...On the other An asda bag with a pair of shoes on it and a flower hawaiin style thingy that you wear round your neck and I cant remember the name of....then we get to under the bed...More bags...Some hair straighteners, A lost teddy (sorry Huggles), Some hair curlers and a few half empty carrier bags....
My walls: This will be perhaps the hardest to deal with...On one wall...I have a huge collage of pictures...ranging from everything...From pictures of me and my parents when I was a baby, To me and my cousins being bridesmaids, Me and my stepbrothers on holiday...then there is a sudden change and the pictures merge into pictures of us in short dresses, high heels...Pictures of the Bench lot at 'Its a Sin', Me and the bestest on holiday....Not only am I fearful of taking these down and putting them back up again...but also the damage that I will have done to the walls with the blu-tac (hopefully it will be minimal!)...Then there is my 'Performing Arts' Wall..with collages from 'Daisy Pulls it Off', Singing certificates, Pictures from the Panto and old show flyers...not to mention my huge Olly Murs poster, mwahaha ;)
The thought of having to get all this sorted out, packed up, moved...and then unpacked again in a certain order, is rather terrifying.....
Mission Accepted
Its hit me that in nine weeks I am moving out of home....
It has also hit me that I need to start sorting out my bedroom...
Which in turn has hit me what a challenge I have....
My bedroom at the new house is relatively smaller than my room here at home...however due to the fact it was the cheapest room, the house was absolutely amazing and it will be so fantastic to live there...means I am not at all fussed by this. However it does face at present some difficulties, such as working out what to take and what to leave...and the fact that 60% of my room could probably be binned or given to charity...
Issues I am currently facing...
My Wardrobe: The hanging rail in it is jam packed, half the clothes I never wear, but when it comes to binning them I suddenly think of all the possible things I COULD wear those clothes with...so...they stay. The bottom of it is stuffed with shoes and old bags...again the whole argument that I could 'possibly' use them again makes it impossible to clear...The top is stuffed with old books from my childhood that I cannot bear to bin, old bedding and random bits of old costumes....Then we reach the top of the wardrobe...In which lies and huge betty boop glow in the dark clock, 6 boxes from the different ghost perfumes I obviously thought would be cool to collect, an old shoe box and an old toy telephone..oh and some christmas cards...Then NEXT to the wardrobe there is an old pink suitcase filled with old books...mainly Enid Blyton and books my mum passed on to me...that again cannot bear to be rid of....
My Bed: A supposed place of rest and relaxation..Or not...On one bed posts hangs a selection of bags and jackets...On the other the same again...only add a coat to that...On the other An asda bag with a pair of shoes on it and a flower hawaiin style thingy that you wear round your neck and I cant remember the name of....then we get to under the bed...More bags...Some hair straighteners, A lost teddy (sorry Huggles), Some hair curlers and a few half empty carrier bags....
My walls: This will be perhaps the hardest to deal with...On one wall...I have a huge collage of pictures...ranging from everything...From pictures of me and my parents when I was a baby, To me and my cousins being bridesmaids, Me and my stepbrothers on holiday...then there is a sudden change and the pictures merge into pictures of us in short dresses, high heels...Pictures of the Bench lot at 'Its a Sin', Me and the bestest on holiday....Not only am I fearful of taking these down and putting them back up again...but also the damage that I will have done to the walls with the blu-tac (hopefully it will be minimal!)...Then there is my 'Performing Arts' Wall..with collages from 'Daisy Pulls it Off', Singing certificates, Pictures from the Panto and old show flyers...not to mention my huge Olly Murs poster, mwahaha ;)
The thought of having to get all this sorted out, packed up, moved...and then unpacked again in a certain order, is rather terrifying.....
Mission Accepted
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