Tuesday, 27 November 2012

72 MINUTES. and my housies

So the other night I went out...well I say other night...nearly 3 weeks ago...I went out and lost half my memory, half my liver and my front door key.
As a result of this I have been using the back door key to get into the extension and then coming in through the kitchen door.
All good until today when a certain housemate (ahem maddie) bolted the kitchen door from the inside...meaning I couldn't get in. I then spent an  hour or so  sitting in the freezing cold extension surrounded by drying laundry. Luckily I had a comfy chair and my phone...and after I got bored of twitter...and facebook... I decided to write a memo on my phone..of my exciting time....(I really tried to make it exciting...honestly!...)
So ladies and gentlemen...
Here in all it's glory...
Is my brand new potentially best selling novel...


15.36 - Locked out. Waiting for housemates. Decide to keep note for Blog purposes (see, always have my readers in my mind ;])

15.45 - * Sigh * I'm hungry...ALl I want is food.

15.47 - Facebook...Twitter....Daily Mail...Read story about smoking being bad for the brain...imagine smoke swirling round a brain. Think how weird the concept of a brain actually is. Definitely meant to be at filming very soon. (I have been filming for Housie Olivias boifs Media degree piece...)

15.49 - Text Housie Maddi saying 'Hungrrrrrrry'. Hope to evoke feelings of guilt. Get no reply. (Ten minutes ago she said be back soon.)

16.03 - Get a call from Housie Olivia checking I'm okay. Nothing to report. I am still locked out.

16.19 - Get a text from Housie Hannah asking if I'm in yet. I'm not.

16.21 - Get message on FB from drector of where I'm meant to be filming asking if I can just come anyway. No I can't. Im in my pre-assessment clothes, In completely different clothes to what I was wearing for the stuff we filmed last week (continuity people!), hair and make-up is not done and have soaking wet muddy feet. Get a slightly short and moody response, Give a nice but firm reply re-explaining my situation and declaring that in all fairness to myself I did originally say I would film tomorrow and not today (when did I get so gobby and able to say what I really think?!) Get nervous to the response when the 'F' symbol flashes up on my phone...but it's fine it's Rosie saying she misses me...awww yeah.

16.33 - Rosie can't wait to see me at Christmas. Yaaaay christmas. lalalalalala christmas.

16.33 - Mmmmm christmas dinner, Roast potatoes. Nom fucking nom. I'M HUNGRY.

16.34 - "Okay cool well just get here when you can." *SIIIIIIIIIIIGH* who knows when that's gonna be.

16.36 - I have a condition where the acid eats away at the inside of my stomach. its called HUNGER. *sigh* - My feet are cold.

16.38 - " I WISH NOTHING BUT THE BEST...FOR YOUUUUUU TWOOOOO" - Singing outburst. It sounds to loud in this echoey room. I don't like it. I haven't had an echo chocolate bar in years, Ohmigod I totally forgot about them. mmmm

16.39 - Text message "Sorry...round the corner...bank took forever..." Mmmm I can taste the FREEDOMMMMMMMM


16.44 - "Just get here as soon as possible"  WAAAAAAAH NO I DONT WANT TO IM COLD, TIRED AND HUNGRY AND SAID I WOULD FILM ON TUESDAY. I want to lie face down on the floor and throw a tantrum.

16.51 - Wooohooo...freedom...Housey Maddie arrives home, unlocks the door and finds me curled up dying on our squishy chair. Tells me to close my eyes and hold out my hand...before dropping into it a new front door key. what. a babe.

A bowl of soup with cheese and onion discos crushed on top and I am SORRRRRRRRR-TED.

New action best seller...I think so!
I love my housemates, Like just now Me, Housey Hannah and Housey Maddie sat downstairs and just chatted for about an hour about life in general and general 'Girls stuff' and it was so lovely. We then came upstairs and brushed our teeth together (two over the sink and one in the bath...) for no reason other than we could and it was hilarious (what better reasons could you need). It's like one big sleepover (except we all sleep in our own rooms....and we all live in the same house....)
Speaking of housemates...its 01.00 and all I can hear is my next door neighbours. Either guys have really loud voices or our walls are super thin. They must be pissed. I can hear them clear as anything "HAHAHAHA THAT IS JOKES THAT IS JOKES. DID YOU SEE WHAT I WROTE? BAHAHAHAHA GUYS WANNA BE ME AND GIRLS WANNA BE NEAR ME"
No jokes. I actually just heard that.
I would complain, but it sounds like they are having fun. And they did lend me 50p to pay off my taxi the other day when it was dark and raining and I was locked out...Well I wasn't...But I thought I was...turns out Housie Hannah was in the bath which is why no one was letting me in to get to my spare change...but that's a whole other story, apparently 'Its good to help out a neighbour' - I think they were drunk then as well...

Jolly good fun.

P.S - Mummy and Daddy I know you will both be reading this, Just a note to say I love you both with all my heart, I may have been a little bit rubbish in communication recently but you really are the two most special people in my life and I always miss and love you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Drunker than a drunk thing that has been drinking more than a drunk drunkard.

So just like the Blog where I wrote about finding myself on my knees dry heaving over a train toilet after a drunken night out....or the one where I wrote about me and fiona letting the bus man drive us home in his car after we drunkenly missed the last train home one night....I must start this blog by both warning in advance...and apologising...to my parents: ....You're the best.............

 Friday night I got drunker than I have ever been before. Ever. Ever. Ever.
I've written a blog entry like this before.
But this...wow.
Don't get me wrong; I think it was an enjoyable night.
The five minutes of it I can remember.
And even that isn't a full five minutes,
Its lots of little bits put together.
I remember kinda the first 45 minutes of chatting and stuff, but then there is a literal point it just goes blank...
I remember laughing lots and lots...
I remember being on the dancefloor...but apart from that little moment I remember, I cannot tell you what I was dancing to, how I was dancing... what the songs were...it's just a complete mind blank....
I remember being in the toilet and wondering how I got there...
I remember being outside with Katie sitting against the chinese restraunt and wondering why...
I remember telling our bouncer (we were out at my work AKA Lloyds) he looks like Al Murray (he does) and that he is my favourite bouncer (repeatedly...)

But that's all folks....
I have learnt some facts about the night from piecing together evidence the next day....
- I lost my front door key and camera SD card
- I kept repeating myself
- I was very happy but slightly confused
- I was "trying to find my friend Rosie" who never actually came out with us...

And from the bouncers I learnt "You have a great rack."
Great....the one night that Katie manages to convince me to be brave and show a bit more than usual, I end up too drunk to control myself and my apparent "Cleavage Crush" (I blame my mother...she's famous for it....) - However since the famous boob-falling-out-in-drama-dress-rehearsal incident a few yearss back that Katie so nicely mentioned in the post she wrote for me, nothing can be as bad as that...so nothing can shame me anymore...bahahaha.

So we get home...(after Housie Hannah  [who was slightly intoxicated also but capable of survival] carried my shoes and confiscated my phone..)
Next thing I know I wake up....I'm lying with my head next to the toilet, my legs out the door on the landing...complete with Double duvet and pillows, Hannah is standing over me and helps me back to bed (I assume.)

Next thing I know I wake up again...No idea of the time...Mouth ridiculously dry...go to bathroom...down mug after mug of water....stumble back to bed...

Wake up again....Tummy churning...head spinning...5 o clock...can't get back to sleep...stay in this state of half concious queasiness for about two hours until 7 o clock...where I go downstairs...before running up them 10 minutes later to be sick....no sick....nice bit of dry heaving (niiiiiiice) and spend the next couple of hours there...until 9...when I have no choice but to get up and ready for work.

Spend 4 hours at work stuck on tills because it is stupidly busy...Dry mouth....feeling queasy...head slightly spinning...hands shaking....Get home....crash in front of telly...spend a few hours lying in a queasy but peaceful nap on the sofa...wake up to it suddenly pitch black and half past five with the housemates arriving home and asking me why I am lying on the sofa in the pitch black....

I'd like to say I then got up and had a wash, got in my pyjamas and sat with the housies watching x Factor before getting an early night...WRONG...20:30 - Leave my house. Set off for work. Spend all night serving alcohol and trying not to die...Get home...crash into bed at 02:00 - before up again at 07:30 to get the train to Littlehampton for work.


So yes. Interesting to say the least. And boys and girls....it all comes down to one thing...Not eating before we went out. Me and Katie had dinner at lunch and then spent SO long getting ready we forgot to eat, which means we were putting  A LOT of alcohol into A LOT of empty space...which is probably where we went a bit wrong...
I also have drunken text messages and a tweet saying:

Tasmin Rhianne@TasminRhianne93
Casj chilling with my head over the toillet, isn't that the kinda everyday shit that everyone tweets saying everything about their lives?

Oh to be young. and drunk. and stupid.


Friday, 9 November 2012

Hijacking Tasmins Blog...muhahaha

Soo while Tasmin is in the shower i thought i would hijack her blog! Im katie btw, you may know me as the girl that has had the pleasure of getting to see tasmins boob during a drama performance, or as her colleage at the drug that is super (is that how she says it?) or maybe even as the girl that has sudden moment of hate against men (it really is nothing personal boys...even though some of you need to be castrated..just saying). Anyways im one of her best friends and she really is as crazy as she seems on this blog, there is never a dull moment with her and she manages to make me smile even if i have had the worse day! I wouldnt change anything about her :). She phoned me up once after seeing a play about binge drinking and said 'just phoned up to say that it reminded me of you'...thanks tas.
I have known her now for over 3 years and it just seemed that the first time we met we just clicked and started calling eachother trollops and ho bags within the first few months...it was love haha. We pretty much spent all of our time together in sixth form because we had all the same lessons, it was fate i think (even so much so that her dad and my uncle work together!). I remember a game we used to play in sixth form where i woud take her phone and she would sit there and panic for about 10 mins on where it has gone (if you dont know tasmin that well she looses things all the time and is the most scatty person i know!) after she realised i had it i still wouldnt give it back and we ended up with her chasing me around the school most times and then beating me..as is the norm with us.
I love love love her blog and everyone who reads it all agrees that she should write a book because she is just so funny and talented. So tasmin when you do eventually listen and write your book i would like some of the big money you will get when you sell it. She really is one of the best people i know and even though when i hit myself in the eye with an elastic band, or trip over a box (that she put on the floor) and she cracks up laughing i know really its her way of saying she loves me haha. I have a bit of a confusing life at the best of times and tasmin is always there to sit there and listen and to say 'Katie you twat' when i need to be told. She is the first person i want to tell when something happens and akways has some advice for me. Me and tasmin have often been nicknamed Laurel and Hardy by quite a few people we know, and always get called trouble whenever were together. I remember a time we listed duos we were like aka richard and judy, ant and dec, sooty and sweep and tasmin ended it with 'Yeah were like the mitchell brothers' now i know niether of us our bald or have slept with sharon but i can see where she was getting at...We will always be there for eachother no matter what stupid things either of us do. I simply love her and she is the best friend a girl could have. :)

Katie xxxxxxxxx

Tasmin does a Questionaire....

SO BASICALLY: Its 01:30 in the morning and I cannot sleeeeeeeep.
I find myself browsing through 'Bored' websites in the hope of finding something entertaining to do, when I come across this questionnaire. I don't know what is funnier, The stupidity of the questions, The terrible grammar or the fact I am so amused by its stupidness that I can't help but fill it in.

Have u ever drank alcohol? - Yes. Yes I have. As 75 % of my Facebook pictures would show.
Have u ever killed an animal? I have stood on a snail barefoot. I do not like this. I feel instantly guilty and hope that it's got a strong little housey shell that will mend itself and it wont be lying dead beneath the rubble.
Have u ever done something sexual wit the same sex? No. Katie has seen my boob after it fell out in a Drama rehearsal. She has also seen my butt cheek after having to come to my rescue in New look changing room when I got caught in a very tight dress. But it was an accident. I promise...bahahaha.
Have u ever done drugs? Dude, with a brain like mine. You don't need drugs.
Have u ever gone a day with out talking? If I wanted to be the sarcastic person I am so obviously not(!) I would say...Yes...before I learnt to talk...but because I am not....I will say...No...Considering I'm a Theatre Student with two jobs in customer service, not talking would not go down well...I have to write a blog because I can't fit enough words into my every day speech...So in other words...No.
Have u ever felt like u were not wanted? mmmmm maybe more not needed...
Have u ever cursed out a teacher? Not to their face... ;) - Though in Year 11 Sophie pointed out that our Science teacher looked like Action man (he very much did...even the way he moved...) which I found hilarious...I got sent outside for laughing when he was trying to explain something ( I couldn't stop)...After leaving me outside to calm down for a few minutes (from which I could apparently still be heard giggling from inside the classroom even outside and the otherside of a closed door) He opened the door to let me in....I walked into the class...burst out laughing all over again and he wordlessly re-opened to the door and pointed for me to go back outside again. Ohhh I miss those days!
Have u ever peed somewhere besides a toliet? I will say yes...and leave it there.
Have u ever jumped off a cliff?  I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer.
Have u ever gone on a road trip? Does Mcdonads Drive-Thru count??
Have u ever got in a fist fight? I'm famous for them! No...Only with my Step-brothers...and even then I was more of a scratcher and hair-puller...Muhahaha.
Have u ever went sky diving? "Have u ever went sky diving?" - No I have never went sky diving and I probably never will went Sky Diving.
Have u ever went a nite with out sleeping?
Have u ever stole money from a friend?
Have u ever pet an elephant?
Have u ever been in jail?
Have u ever failed a test? DON'T EVEN GO THERE MATE....
Okay as you can see, the last few questions weren't even deemed deserving of an answer. It's now 01:53....and my eyelids are drooping...so there you go...if you can't sleep...screw lavender oil, meditation and sheep counting...just spent twenty five minutes (though warning...you will never get them back) of your life, filling in and taking the piss out of a gramatically issued, pointless questionnaire.
Sorted ;)

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

" Honey I'm home!" Camp Psychics....Strange Relationships and A & E.

(Warning it's a long'un!)
I'm baaaaaack!
I say that like I have been somewhere really exciting...
Unfortunately the only place I have been in the last month is the great land of the uninspired, for which I have become a bit of a blog neglecter...for that I apologise, I know, I'm a terrible person.
I don't even know why I've been feeling so uninspired recently...
"You haven't written a blog for a while..."
"I know..I've just got nothing exciting to say."
I've just gone a long for a few weeks in such a routine of sameyness, until I got bored of being bored and decided I needed to snap out of it...
So I bought some watercolour paints...
Took some 'Academic' books out the library..
Sorted my bedroom...
And changed the look of my blog...
I know it could look more exciting, unfortunately I am not blessed enough with the correct skills to do any more than change the font and the basic background. But I try!

So whats been occurin' since I last wrote?
Me and Mumma went to Bath together for 2 nights...
It was very lovely, We did lots of walking and shopping and eating and swam in a spa...
Obviously because it is us it couldn't stay normal for too long...
On our last night we were in a pub when I went up to get us some drinks...
"Awww you're pretty...Don't worry...I'm not a perve...I'm gay...Are you from round here?...Do you go to the Uni?...How old are you like 12?!" - This came from a very camp man standing at the bar next to me...who I took an instant liking too and wanted to be my new GBF.
Anyway quick chat....sat back down...got back up...went to the loo...came back and saw he was sitting at our table chatting to my mum...
We got chatting (well he chatted...we listened) an he told us how he was a bit tipsy but that he had the ability to be a psychic...
Me and mum have always believed in spiritually stuff (note spiritual not neccesarily religious) so couldn't help to be drawn into what he was saying...

"Now I can tell with you, you're a little bit different".  - There's that word again...different. Usually I get reassurance in these cases " You are different...its not a bad thing..." or "You're a good kind of different...just a bit.....scatty." - there was none of that...however lets just assume he meant it in a good way...(Though I don't know how he got this idea, if I show myself as being 'different' just when I'm sitting in the pub having a Vodka and Orange then I dread to think what I am on a slightly loopier day!)
"Mmm...yes...okay...I am..."
"You haven't got someone special in your life at the moment have you?"
"No not just now..."
"I think you'll meet someone in about five years...someone special?"
"Bloody hell! She's got to wait til she's 24?!" (mum...)
"Yes..but that's fine, you're still a baby, you've got plenty of time.."
"I think in the mean time you will date someone, but he will turn out to be gay..."



When I was re-telling this story to my manager at the Little drug that is Super the other day her response was "Hahaha you'll probably turn him gay....." - bahaha wow. Could easily be percieved that way yes. (If you want to be meeeean) - But I saw it more as he'd already be Gay...whether I'll be aware of this fact and still like him anyway (which would be a bit awkward...) or he'll show signs of it pretty early on...I will realise...and will adopt him as my new Gay best friend instead - Or maybe I'm thinking too much into it and it's not going to happen because I heard it from a 36 year old drunk man in a pub who used to own an icecream van.
He also said he could tell me and my mum are slightly psychic towards eachother in a way which is almost freaky...which is actually very true, we often freak ourselves out with levels of sameyness...and that I am going to have two daughters and a masculine son.
Apparently when I meet my dream guy ...He will be tall, dark, have no chest hair...and a little bit of back hair...
Does this mean any guy I date between now and five years time when I am twenty four I'm going to have an underlying suspicion that they are Gay? I have a feeling that could cause several relationship issues....we shall see!


A handy thing about the location of our house is that A and E is right at the end of our road...literally you turn out of our house, turn left out our gate and walk in a straight line, (give or take a few steps to the left or the right) you will end up in A and E - this is very handy.
I'm probably going to jinx it now, but despite my reputation for clumsiness, I have never broken/sprained any bones or anything, the worst I have done is run into my Nans kitchen work side when I was 3 - I had to go to A an E then because it was bleeding so much, I have memories of lying on a bed being held down screaming whilst they stuck my head back together with a pinky/purple glue that looked like a deodrant stick (though maybe that was just my 3 year old mind playing tricks on me, but thats how I rememeber it) and then walking around for a couple of weeks with Mr Bump style bandages around my forehead. That was Sixteen years ago and I haven't injured myself that badly since...I jumped off the back of my friends bike and badly scrapped my hips and elbow...and I fell down a hill at swanbourne lake and hurt my neck...but nothing seriously...
However yesterday I thought I was going to have to break the habit and take myself down to A and E...I thought my appendix was exploding. (- I know I am a bit of a drama queen, but this was not even me taking a tummy ache and being melodramatic....I actually ended up lying flat on my back on the sofa with my knees to my chest crying...to explain it: It felt like when you are really badly bloated, have a really back tummy ache, have a really bad period pain (though there is a 50% chance you are reading this and have never experienced that kind of pain before...WELL GOOD FOR YOU) and backache all together...it hurt to even breathe, I couldn't stand up straight to walk and got myself in a right little tizzy.

Soooo I made a frantic call to my mum to come over and managed to get a hot water bottle, by the time she and Pup arrived an hour later the pain had eased a bit, however I of course googled my symptoms (never a good move) and did fear something had happened to my appendix, it described everything I had felt and was in the right place as well (the right hand side), it calmed down in the end (thank goodness) and just kept popping back up throughout the night in a little niggle...its the same today...I did go to bed last night with the fear that I'd wake up in the night screaming in agony as my appendix burst out a load of bacteria and pus into my bloodstream or something...luckily it didn't and I slept through the night...
Which cannot be said for my housemate Olivia, who woke up at 4 in the morning in a panic because a piece of her waxy ear plug  that moulds to the shape of your inside ear had broken in half and crumbled inside her ear and on her ear-drum...So she became the first member of the Adelaide  Road girls, to grace St Richards hospital A and E with her presence...
Never a dull moment!
