The age where I am still considered young....and can get away with still doing young type things...yet at the same time...I'm having to be an adult in some ways...and sort out scary things...Like Bank Accounts....and House Renting...and Earning/Managing money...
On one hand I have people saying 'Oh to be that young again...' on the other I have people saying 'Wow I can't believe how grown up you are now!' ( I know..Me..Grown up...pfffft!)
I don't feel like a grown up person who still has the younger moments in life...I feel like a younger person who has to do grown up things occasionally to get by!

Argh my blog writing just got interrupted by a man at the door asking me where a road was he was looking for...the fact I had to answer in a L sized Sugar Puffs T-shirt, Age 13 PJ Shorts in an attractive gone off bluey green colour, greasy hair, eye make-up smudged under eyes, with my mums dressing gown thrown on top that I frantically grabbed state - suggests that I need to stop being so lazy....
I took out £10 at a cash point yesterday in town...went to pay for mine and The Finch's ice-cream (normally a hot chocolate...but you've gotta make the most of this weather...) and realised it was wasn't in my purse...pocket...bag...bag-pockets...gutted. Ten Pounds....TEN POUNDS...So I'm assuming I either dropped it or didn't take it out the machine and someone swiped it...TEN POUNDS!!!...That like...2 hours work at Superdrug!! you can was tough...and took me rather a long time to accept *sniff*
Off to meet my Chilli Mush in town for some lunch in the sun, Hooray...its amazing how much whimpering, moaning, bombarding and guilt-tripping you can inflict on someone to make them give into temptation ;)
Loves xx
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