Mwello everyone! Can I just say at risk of sounding like a cringey drunk popstar making their winners speech at the Brit Awards (though no one will be interrupting me....) - Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading my blogs! I have something like 980 page views, which is just crazy, so thank you to everyone who has been following my ramblings! I've had some really lovely messages/emails/comments from people saying that they have been enjoying thank you! Its nice to know I'm not just typing to myself! A couple of people have also suggested I should write a book, considering that I can barely tell you the difference between a pronoun and an adverb, this could be an issue - but then it's a good idea to keep as many options open as possible, so yes. I may give it a this space!
So, Me and Fiona went for a night out Friday night, we both had been feeling a bit crazy busy and hectic really so just wanted a bog standard get-drunk-eat-kebab-dance-like-crazy kind of night out, which we did...
We went to Lloyds AKA where I pre-planned and went and got our first round of drinks, this round included a 'Skittle shot' which I had served to someone when I had been working a couple of days before and really wanted to try out...jeebers...the shot itself tasted fine but the BURNING as it went down...ooft, you could literally feel it working its way down...
Anyway so we sat in this booth and were chatting away when some guy approached us...
He asked if we would like to chat to an irish guy (him)...why he sat with us...and introduced himself as Dan....He sat and chatted to us for a bit and then his friend came over (who wasn't irish...)...
Dan: This is my friend...Dan....
Me/Fi: Oh so you're both called Dan?
Dan: No he is Dan, My name is Dan...but I get called Ben......
"eh?! okay, well we'll just call you paddy" - Standard.
So I had Ben/Dan/Paddy (BDP) next to me, whilst Fiona was next to Dan...
I don't know how it happened, but suddenly BDP was showing me pictures on his phone...of his pet cat....there was a lot of awful lot...
BDP: So do you have any pets?
Me: Yes quite a few
BDP: What are their namess?
Me: (sigh) Ummm I have a puppy called Doris....and then Two rabbits called Wilbur and Ginny...A Guinea Pig called fluff and some fish....
BDP: Lets have a look...
Me: Okay well um....Thats Doris and her cousin Albert...Thats Wilbur and Ginny...Ummm I haven't got any pictures of the fish....
Meanwhile Fiona was the otherside of the table being spoken to by Dan....about everyones favourite subject on a night out...Shakespeare...and what his favourites were....fackin hell. Cue a quick escape to the toilets to phone the Bestest and fill her in on the nights current disaster, before casually returning downstairs to discover Dan and BDP had swapped seats, like some dodgey speed dating...
It turned out that they were apparently 22 and 25 and physics teachers or something equally odd....
Dan: So what d0 you do?
Me: I'm at Uni doing drama....
Dan: Yeah so what do you do?
Me: Ummmmm work, Uni, Do a theatre company, go out drinking...ummm
Dan: So what other subjects do you do...
(bearing in mind all these conversations are happening in a bar with music blaring, people dancing and having fun and alcohol.....)
Me:...Nothing I'm at Uni, I just do the one subject...Drama.
Dan: you not it not...a bit of a waste really...I mean...Drama?
(anyone who knows me knows that I am ADAMANT that Drama is not a waste, its a passion and where I want to go in life...lets not go there!)
Me: No.......not at all...I either wanna go to Drama school or be a Drama teacher or something...
Dan: Have you got a work placement....
Me: A work placement?!....No....
Dan: You wanna be a teacher and you haven't even got a placement yet?
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakin' 'Ell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile across the table a VERY uncomfortable looking Fiona was having a slimy BDP hand creeping up her thigh and declaring: This ones got the green light *creepy wink*
Cue our escape to the bar and dance floor (a comment about our drinking was the final straw...whats wrong with drinking a pitcher of cocktail out the jug with a straw? Its cheap...sorry we can't all be super intelligent classy 'physics teachers'....)
After a few more drinks and whilst waiting for Fiona I tried to explain the whole situation to my work friends...who were working (believe it or not...) however it was all so bizarre it was just passed off as me being drunk...Okay I was drunk, but it really was all that weird!!
Once we were finished at Lloyds we went to the height of sophistication that is 'Thursdays'...after a kebab and a long bus wait we finally got there...seriously...what a place, we just wanted a good dance, I decided to leave my coat in a corner so I wouldnt have to pay for the the time I got back from the bar the Bouncer had taken it...doh. I must say it took me a while to get into it...sometimes I dont care and just go along with it, but that night everytime some guy was dancing behind me (I hate the way they grind against you without even seeing your face..) I just wanted to punch their lights out, Like I said, sometimes I just laugh it off and go along with it but they just felt too much like they were in my space...the best fun was with the people that we just got chatting too and had a laugh with!!
We then got on the Bus back to Bognor at 03:00 to be told that this bus was going to Chichester, the last to Bognor was at 01.40 - Shiiiiiiiit. After whimpering that we had no money for a taxi and oh what were we going to do? The nice Bouncer/Bus man told us that he lived more or less round the corner to Fiona, so he gave us a lift home free of charge, it was perhaps a bit silly of us, but he seemed nice enough and by this point we were drunk and knackered... so he dropped us home without any issues at all, which was a major relief and very kind of him...thank you Mr. Bus man!
So...Yes...A standard classy chichester night out indeed ;)

Legend. Make sure you keep safe though my dear... don't want to have to come back and pound some guys face in. :) xx
ReplyDeleteI'm not gonna say a word ..... (but I thought you knew better).... (pair of berks) .....(he could have been anyone)!..... (some old pervy bouncer bus man)! ..... (and you are my lovely precious girl)!!...... (mums are here to be woken in the middle of the night, get mad about it and then safely bring you home)!.......(love you sweets) xxx (hmmmmph) xxx
ReplyDeleteWow mum, real anonymous ;)