Tuesday, 19 February 2013


It's reading week, Woohoo!
And I haven't done any reading yet....Boo!
But I will, I will!
I'm just making the most of spare time...
Its something I've recently found I have.
I finally handed in my notice at Lloyds...
I may have already told this story, or at least briefly mentioned it. But I can't remember.

When I did my last shift at Lloyds, I didn't know it was going to be my last shift, which is probably a good thing, or I'd have got all emosh.
Basically I worked on the Saturday, handed my notice in on the monday, Had no shifts down for that week and so that was it, I was done.
Luckily my last shift there I was in a foul mood, I was over-tired, Extra-Ratty and closing floor, which made handing in my notice not too hard.
Although I decided I'd miss the people there, that wasn't enough of a reason for me to stay - I was just fed up of being tired all the time and having to rearrange plans and never knowing if I would be free for things. Sooo it was bye bye Lloyds!

Free time means Lie-ins...Huzzah!
And that is what I was having this morning, until I got rudely awoken at Half Ten by a hammering on my door...
"Was that the door?!"
"I think so..." *
I should have ignored it, but our letting agents often send people round to fix things in our house without us knowing, so I assumed it was something I had forgotten - almost confirmed when I heard male voices outside...
Cue a mad dash with eyes still pretty much shut and in sleep mode..
"Oh god where's my bra?! I cant open my door without a bra on....where is it?! Okay is there a cardigan down there I can have..."
- Manage to get Cardigan on over Pyjama top -
Stumble downstairs...
Spend 30 seconds trying to get sticky front door open through closed eyes....finally get it open...people have gone, but turn around a walk back up the path...
Stand there in Pyjamas...
Hair scraped back....
No make-up....
Morning Breath...
And eyes still uncapable of opening the whole way, not helped by the brightness of daylight...
Incapable of speech...

"Hello, we have come to speak to you about God - and his amazing and wonderful ideas through these great times of hardship..."

"...? Nyuhhh, uh thats good, uhrgh okay...Thank you...."
" Here is a leaflet..sorry for waking you up..."
"..nyuh okay bye."
Close door.

I waited until the door was shut to say what I truly thought...
And God probably wouldn't have approved at my choice of language...
However, it was more at the idea of being woken up so suddenly, than to him personally.
If I had been more awake - I'd probably have been able to form sensible sentences. And say "Thank you for your time, Whilst I appreciate what you are doing and admire you for being so commited to your beliefs, I don't actually believe in God, or any form of religion. I think for something that is meant to be good, it causes way to much conflict in the world."
Okay that's what I like to think I would have said, I don't think I'd have been brave enough though! Which is silly really, if thy are brave enough to come round and talk about their beliefs, I should be able to do the same!!
Oh welllll, it was probably time for me to get out of bed anyway. (Hmmmph)

* I had Mini McFarlane stay overe last night, I wasn't just having a conversation with myself!


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