Saturday, 26 January 2013

2012, Going INSANE...And nose piercings.

This is my first post of 2013...Woohooooo!
I kinda thought that 2012 hadn't been THAT much of an interesting year,  however reading back over some of my old really has... (I've even linked them up to the relevant blog post for your own viewing pleasure...)
Moving houseGetting lost-memory level of drunk for the first time, Dealing with difficult silly customers... and the Exploding-Dry-Shampoo-At-Work incident...(Which for some reason is my most viewed and most commented on post yo' crazy fools!)
So yes, Interesting times I suposeee..

I'm back at Uni now, and I am so determined to do well this semester - Last semester drove (is that even a word?! It doesn't look right) me absolutely insane. Insane to the point of 'I would rather fail this semester than perform this piece of work,'...Insane to the point of 'I cannot finish this essay, it is literally impossible. I just cannot do it.', Insane to the point of 'Why the fuck am I studying Drama, its probably going to get  me nowhere, I wish I was training to be a primary school teacher.'
Sounds depressing I know. I was just working too darn hard.
Unfortunately I am one of those people that tries to do as much as possible, I guess as the saying goes 'I bit off more than I could chew' - How I did not end up going mad I do not know. For example one day I did Superdrug 09.00-13.00, Production rehearsals 13.30-17.30, Clowning rehearsals 17.30-20.30 and then Lloyds 21.00-00.00 - looking back on it now, it's no wonder that I was constantly stressed, crashing out at every moment I got and crying either in the morning when I woke up and realised what a long day ahead of me I had when I was already so tired, or crying at night when I got in from work at 02.00 in the morning and had to set my alarm to go off in another 5 hours...
However, Luckily we get crazy long holidays at Uni, So on the wednesday morning after 4 hours sleep (by the time I realised I COULD write this essay, it was 23.00 the night before hand in...) I handed in my essay, did a 10.00-20.00 at Superdrug and then a 20.30-01.00 at Lloyds got home and crashed out safe in the knowledge I had nooo Uni for another 4 weeks.

Boy that break was GOOD. I am back now and am already feeling so much happier with it all, I am loving this semester, I am enjoying the classes, happy with the my groups and I even enjoyed the lecture, feel really excited and inspired by it all, and am again realising why I chose theatre as a degree - I love it! So all good! I am determined to stay upbeat and positive by it all and even more determined not to get as run down as I did at the end of last year and just balance things out a bit more.  I was not a fan of Ratty-Snappy-Unreaonable-Tearful-Exhausted-Negative Tasmin...which is why she will not be coming back again...Woohoo!

I've been saying for ages I want to get it done, the amount of times I stood in front of my mirror with eyeliner dotted on my nose trying to work out it would suit me or not...well I finally decided to go for it and I love it! I went down there with Housie Hannah yesterday morning, bit of a disaster when I realised halfway there that both my debit cards and my ID were in my other bag from when we went out tuesday night, So I had to turn around and go back...But eventually I got there!
Luckily Hannah came in with me and asked the right quetions about Needles and Guns and Sterile equipment, stuff that hadn't even crossed my mind, because in my head I was in a mild state of hysteria over the idea of something being jammed through my nose...even though I SO wanted it done.
So I sat there and the nice lady explained everything to me, then she clamped my nose and kinda pulled it outwards in the most undignified manner, I had to shut my eyes. There was no way I wanted to see what was about to be shoved through my nose....I felt something nudging against my nose and then BAM. 'Ooooooooh owwwwwwwwwwwww argh!.......ahhhahahaaammmph!' - It hurt.
I felt in control of the situation (just about) until she let go of my nose to get the stud and said 'It will still fele uncomfortable just for a moment as you've still got the tube going through your nose..' - That was enough to gross me out, the fact that I was sitting there with my eyes jammed shut and a tube impaled through my nose, urgh.
She then had to stick my a finger up my nose to screw it in, for some mad reason I found myself apologising to HER.
"Sorry i'm just going to have to put my finger up your nose to screw it in..."
"Don't worry! I feel more sorry for you having to put your finger up my nose!"
"Its fine trust me, I have to do a lot worse!"

Which looking at the price list and list of places to get pierced did not suprise can anyone get THAT pierced?! ooft!

Anyway she screwed the stud on and the pain started fading away pretty much instantly. I am soo pleased with it...was worthwhile despite the pain...

And I even got a yellow lollipop for being such a brave girl....

xx  (Also if you could please give me a little comment (either on here or through the link on FaceyB) or a 'like' - Just so I can see who is reading :) I always see my views go up but never really know who or when...You don't have to...but if you did...that'd be nice ;) ) xx

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