Go to Drama school, spend a summer in America, go to disneyland, be a tv presenter, perform in a london theatre, act in a tv programme, go on a reality tv show, write for a magazine, write a book, swim with dolphins, travel the world, go to new york, live in london, live in brighton, do a skydive, be in a film, set up my own theatre company, meet my soulmate, get married, have lots of babies, write and produce a play, work as a holiday entertainer, work abroad, be a dramatherapist...
Not neccesarily in that order...
Crikey....I better get going!!
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Hibernation needed: "Wanted, A look-a-like of me who is sensible and organised..."
Earlier on, I sent a text message in which I stated that I would love to find myself a look-a-like of me, but who was sensible and organised and practical to live my life for me, whilst I hibernate for a while. Naturally the response was pretty much 'hahahaha...You're mad!' - But the more I think about it the more awesome I think it would be. Of course it's never going to happen, but it would be handy if it could! I wonder what choices for me someone would make if they were to live as me for a week - it's like that situation where you can easily give advice to others but it isn't always that easy to take your own advice - I think when it comes to situations in life where we dont know what to do, we tend to overthink them and think about them some more, until we have considered so many options and solutions we are at a loss of what to do - whereas someone else seeing the situation as it is, without all the background and confusion behind it, might be able to reach an instant practical decision of what to do, that actually works pretty darn well...
So thats what I need, someone who looks like me but who is sensible, organised, tidy, practical and level-headed to live as me, sort some bits and pieces out, whilst I have a well deserved, much needed, very long sleep...any offers? **
** Living as me involves: Drama, Acting, Melodrama, Weirdness, Confusion, Clumsiness, Working at the Drug that is Super, Working at the Little Drug that is Super (thats a new one...), Working at Lloyds, Studying, Reading stuff you don't understand, three housemates, a pantomime, quoting Gavin and Stacey/Family guy like a saddo, hair that never goes quite right, make-up that never quite stays, lack of sleep, a puppy called Doris, The ability to laugh in situations in which one really must not be laughing, too many crisps, weird shaped feet and a slight loss of direction.
(Go on, you know you want to....)
So thats what I need, someone who looks like me but who is sensible, organised, tidy, practical and level-headed to live as me, sort some bits and pieces out, whilst I have a well deserved, much needed, very long sleep...any offers? **
** Living as me involves: Drama, Acting, Melodrama, Weirdness, Confusion, Clumsiness, Working at the Drug that is Super, Working at the Little Drug that is Super (thats a new one...), Working at Lloyds, Studying, Reading stuff you don't understand, three housemates, a pantomime, quoting Gavin and Stacey/Family guy like a saddo, hair that never goes quite right, make-up that never quite stays, lack of sleep, a puppy called Doris, The ability to laugh in situations in which one really must not be laughing, too many crisps, weird shaped feet and a slight loss of direction.
(Go on, you know you want to....)
Monday, 17 September 2012
Four in the house and a spider on my thigh.
So, this is the third time in the last couple of days that I have attempted to write a post, The last two times I have got so bored of what I have had to say I have given up and scrapped it...I know that if I get bored writing a post, then it probably isn't going to be the most exciting thing in the world to read....And I'd hate to make you all suffer ;] (though you may well do anyway, but hey you don't have to click the link....)
So we now have a full house at Adelaide, Hoorar! Yes at first Me and Maddie were slightly nervous, having lived on our own for 12 weeks what would it be like suddenly having two new people living here? Well I can say, It has been rather fantastic! Yes - It has taken some getting use to, for example the Bathroom had to be well and truly cleared to make space (Okay 95% of the stuff taking up the Bathroom belonged to me...), Cupboards in the kitchen had to be re-arranged slightly to make room...and a Futon chair had to be bought in the lounge to create more sitting space. But we are getting there. It does take time to adapt, suddenly you have twice as many people using the bathroom, using the kitchen...you have twice as many dirty dishes to clean, twice as much rubbish filling the bins...but it also means you have twice as much fun.
For example last night was our first night in all together since we'd all been living there...and it was lovely, we had the Duvets downstairs so it was nice and cosy, we ate, drank, watched the x-factor, played on Singstar and Just Dance and laughed a huge amount - It was a lovely bonding time for us all...
There are a huge range of different personality traits in this house between the four of us - Loud, Quiet, Melodramatic, Scatty, Tidy, Eccentric, Organised, Practical, Sensible, Silly, Relaxed...So between us we pretty much have it covered!
One thing you do have to get use to though is remembering that there are other people in the house, for example I now have to think about and assess whether it is safe to go downstairs in the morning for some toast, bra-less in one of my dads old baggy t-shirts, with my fringe all over the place, no make-up on and morning breath or whether I will bump into a passing house-mate/house-mates-boif....or whether it is safe once i'm out the shower to do the quick danger-dash from the bathroom to my bedroom...or resisting the urge to sing as I go up/down the stairs at 7 in the morning/ 11 at night for fear of waking people up...
However the other day I did find myself in a situation in which thoughts of others did not cross my mind...
So I was on the loo (sorry for the image there, but had to set the scene...) the other morning just before taking a shower, When I happened to look down mid-pee (sorry again for the image but it's kinda relevant...) and spotted a spider casually strolling across my thigh...it wasn't one of those little teeny spiders, it was a fairly big brown one...normally the kind you spot in the corner of your bedroom ceiling and hope wont come any closer....with fairly thick legs...
To say I completely freaked out is an understatment...however being in a situation where I could not jump up and leg it as I so wanted to, All I could do was close my eyes and squeal and drum my feet and wait for the looooongest pee in the world to finish, before leaping up and legging it across the landing stripping off absolutely all my clothes as I went along and locking myself in the bathroom...Looking back I don't know why the need to take off my clothes was there, I just could not bear the thought of it being on any part of me at all....Luckily for me no one was home apart from Hannah, whose bedroom is downstairs...
"Are you okay???"
*Drumming feet, slapping at skin, and in amildly EXTREMELY hysterical tone of voice* " hgfjfhgkdfhgjnyuhhhhhhhh oh my goddddddd therewasjustaspideronmythigh and i dontknowif itsstill on me and dhbgfhdjkhgbhb nyuhhhhhhh hoow did it get on me wheresitgoneicanthave it onmeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!"
Bahaha. Luckily we all seem to take the madness, hysteria an randomness as it comes, so we should all be just fine! ;]
So we now have a full house at Adelaide, Hoorar! Yes at first Me and Maddie were slightly nervous, having lived on our own for 12 weeks what would it be like suddenly having two new people living here? Well I can say, It has been rather fantastic! Yes - It has taken some getting use to, for example the Bathroom had to be well and truly cleared to make space (Okay 95% of the stuff taking up the Bathroom belonged to me...), Cupboards in the kitchen had to be re-arranged slightly to make room...and a Futon chair had to be bought in the lounge to create more sitting space. But we are getting there. It does take time to adapt, suddenly you have twice as many people using the bathroom, using the kitchen...you have twice as many dirty dishes to clean, twice as much rubbish filling the bins...but it also means you have twice as much fun.
For example last night was our first night in all together since we'd all been living there...and it was lovely, we had the Duvets downstairs so it was nice and cosy, we ate, drank, watched the x-factor, played on Singstar and Just Dance and laughed a huge amount - It was a lovely bonding time for us all...
There are a huge range of different personality traits in this house between the four of us - Loud, Quiet, Melodramatic, Scatty, Tidy, Eccentric, Organised, Practical, Sensible, Silly, Relaxed...So between us we pretty much have it covered!
One thing you do have to get use to though is remembering that there are other people in the house, for example I now have to think about and assess whether it is safe to go downstairs in the morning for some toast, bra-less in one of my dads old baggy t-shirts, with my fringe all over the place, no make-up on and morning breath or whether I will bump into a passing house-mate/house-mates-boif....or whether it is safe once i'm out the shower to do the quick danger-dash from the bathroom to my bedroom...or resisting the urge to sing as I go up/down the stairs at 7 in the morning/ 11 at night for fear of waking people up...
However the other day I did find myself in a situation in which thoughts of others did not cross my mind...
So I was on the loo (sorry for the image there, but had to set the scene...) the other morning just before taking a shower, When I happened to look down mid-pee (sorry again for the image but it's kinda relevant...) and spotted a spider casually strolling across my thigh...it wasn't one of those little teeny spiders, it was a fairly big brown one...normally the kind you spot in the corner of your bedroom ceiling and hope wont come any closer....with fairly thick legs...
To say I completely freaked out is an understatment...however being in a situation where I could not jump up and leg it as I so wanted to, All I could do was close my eyes and squeal and drum my feet and wait for the looooongest pee in the world to finish, before leaping up and legging it across the landing stripping off absolutely all my clothes as I went along and locking myself in the bathroom...Looking back I don't know why the need to take off my clothes was there, I just could not bear the thought of it being on any part of me at all....Luckily for me no one was home apart from Hannah, whose bedroom is downstairs...
"Are you okay???"
*Drumming feet, slapping at skin, and in a
Bahaha. Luckily we all seem to take the madness, hysteria an randomness as it comes, so we should all be just fine! ;]
Friday, 7 September 2012
Orange Custard Yellow HASHTAG HAIRMARE
I would never normally write two blog entries so close together, But just occasionally incidents occur in which I feel no choice but to blog - just because they tend to give another insight into the unintentional chaos I seem to cause for myself in life.
So when I was younger my hair (although I didn't think it at the time but looking back on it now) was a beautiful bright golden blonde...
Then I hit my teens and decided I wanted highlights so it was made blonder...
Then when I was fifteen I dyed it brown...
Then when I was Sixteen I had it dyed back blonde again...
Then I had a year trying to grow it out to its natural colour...
Then I got bored of it again...
So when I was Eighteen I dyed it Red....
When I was Nineteen I tried to Colour Strip it...
It went a slightly gingery blondey Colour...
So I dyed it Brown to keep it healthier...
Then 3 Days ago I Colour Stripped it again...
And then put Platinum Blonde Dye on it...
Which is when I discovered a new colour called...
"Orangey Custard Yellow" (as I described it to mummy dearest on the phone this morning...)
I know right....Attractive.
As the picture below shows.....I was not best pleased with the outcome...

The Pictures don't do its badness justice, it was kinda a light yellow on top, Bright yellow all over, with beautiful chunks of orange and dark blondey/browny patches that I had missed..
So when I was younger my hair (although I didn't think it at the time but looking back on it now) was a beautiful bright golden blonde...
Then I hit my teens and decided I wanted highlights so it was made blonder...
Then when I was fifteen I dyed it brown...
Then when I was Sixteen I had it dyed back blonde again...
Then I had a year trying to grow it out to its natural colour...
Then I got bored of it again...
So when I was Eighteen I dyed it Red....
When I was Nineteen I tried to Colour Strip it...
It went a slightly gingery blondey Colour...
So I dyed it Brown to keep it healthier...
Then 3 Days ago I Colour Stripped it again...
And then put Platinum Blonde Dye on it...
Which is when I discovered a new colour called...
"Orangey Custard Yellow" (as I described it to mummy dearest on the phone this morning...)
I know right....Attractive.
As the picture below shows.....I was not best pleased with the outcome...

The Pictures don't do its badness justice, it was kinda a light yellow on top, Bright yellow all over, with beautiful chunks of orange and dark blondey/browny patches that I had missed..
So yes, not my best look by far, when I woke up this morning I nearly had heart failure when I realised just how bad it was and that it looked even worse in the daylight. So a panicked call to my hairdresser Auntie was made and it was agreed I would go to her work later in the day and get it fixed, but first I had to get through work. Typically on the day when I just wanted to hide out back out of public viewing, I ended up on the tills for the whole shift. When I arrived our assistant manager Kayleigh said that "It wasn't that bad" and "It least it was all one colour" (which it later turned out NOT to be) - But it got me thinking that maybe I was just being melodramatic and that it was all fineeeee. Or not.
So much for expecting sympathy from my loving work colleauges..My face was well and truly laughed in...And I mean that literally in the case of Curly, who didn't say a word...just laughed.....and laughed....and laughed...and laughed....
At about three o clock I finally made it to the hairdressers, where again, I was laughed at, teased and affectionately but firmly put in place by my Aunties work friend who is a lovely but slightly scary person who I would HATE to get on the wrong side of...
Two and a half hours and £14.83 for the cost of hairdye later I was out of there and on the train home happy...
Although still ever so slightly bright I no longer have hair that looks like "A scottish wig" (as the Auntie so lovingly put it), That I am happy to be seen out in public with.
(Cue gentle background music and a montage of black and white pictures of long stretches of road...) "Me and my hair... we have a long way to go...and work will be needed to be done on it again in a couple of weeks... The road ahead is long. And tough. But I know in my heart...We will get through it..Day by Day, Wash by Wash, Strand by Strand....Just me...and my hair.
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
The customer is always right, even when they're not.
What I have noticed - If there is anything that tests your patience and your ability to control yourself and not punch people in the face, it is working in customer service.
Being that I have two jobs that revolve around customers, I sometimes struggle.
Don't get me wrong, when I'm just on tills at the Drug that is Super, I enjoy chatting to customers, you start to recognise the same people coming in and it's all very pleasant. Its the same with Lloyd's as well, as though you don't get as much time to chat to customers there, the majority of the time its nice enough and I would say 95% of the customers I serve are just nice normal happy people.
However occasionally you do get the difficult ones, the rude ones or the ones that make you so mad your face physically hurts from being tensed into a fake calm position for so long and drops as soon as their backs are turned....
One thing that customers seem to have an issue with is the concept of queueing, queueing in the right direction. At the Drug that is Super (DTIS) the other week, we got so fed up of customers not following the signs stuck on the post saying QUEUE THIS WAY with a big arrow, that we put a sign out on a stand marking the exact spot where customers should queue and they still ignored it and got all confused. Whats worse is they all begin queueing in different directions, then when you call them up to the till, two try to come up at the same time and then there is a big hoo-haa about who was where first and what way it actually goes. I was working at the Littlehampton DTIS yesterday, they have just had a refurbishment so it's all changed around slightly and customers now have to queue in the opposite direction which is quite obviously the most mind-boggling concept on this earth. I lost track of the amount of times I said...Excuse me the queue goes that way!....Sorry guys could you just go that way?....Sorry I think this lady was first the queue goes that way. As far as I could see there was a sign saying queue this way but it was apparently not enough. Sometimes I would just let them queue the wrong way, if they were all going in the same direction it doesn't matter. But then there is ALWAYS the one customer, who queues the right way just to make a point and then makes a scene by coming up to the till next and pushing in front of all the customers who are queueing the wrong way - who I can't tell off for pushing in because technically they were queueing the correct way even if it wasn't right at that moment in time...I then have a queue full of people annoyed with me for letting them queue the wrong way, even though I was doing it for them as to not cause them the confusing concept of changing the direction in which they are facing. (dont worry, I got lost reading that back myself as well....)
Another thing I have noticed about some customers is how impatient they can be, I find the worst offenders for this, can usually be found in Lloyd's on a Friday or Saturday night, Who - when you have a whole bar of people waiting for your service - don't understand that you may not be able to give them all your attention straight away.
You seem to get a few different types, You get the people who go "Can I have a Carlsberg please" whilst your in the middle of pouring another customers drink, not caring you are obviously with another customer. You get the customers that shout for your attention as you walk past and you get the ones that wave their arms about and wave in your face in an over the top way going HELLOOOOOOO? to get your attention. Or you get the ones that moan. Like Saturday night when it was jam packed..
Customer: (as I'm in the middle of pouring another persons drink) I've been waiting for ages.
Me: Yeah so has everyone else
Customer: Not as long as I have
Me: Well it is a bit -
Customer: And you've been making eye contact with me, so you've seen me...and not served me.
Okay maybe not the last bit... (But I thought it!)
Still because the customer is 'always right'...I simply said "I will serve you next..."
Being that I have two jobs that revolve around customers, I sometimes struggle.
Don't get me wrong, when I'm just on tills at the Drug that is Super, I enjoy chatting to customers, you start to recognise the same people coming in and it's all very pleasant. Its the same with Lloyd's as well, as though you don't get as much time to chat to customers there, the majority of the time its nice enough and I would say 95% of the customers I serve are just nice normal happy people.
However occasionally you do get the difficult ones, the rude ones or the ones that make you so mad your face physically hurts from being tensed into a fake calm position for so long and drops as soon as their backs are turned....
One thing that customers seem to have an issue with is the concept of queueing, queueing in the right direction. At the Drug that is Super (DTIS) the other week, we got so fed up of customers not following the signs stuck on the post saying QUEUE THIS WAY with a big arrow, that we put a sign out on a stand marking the exact spot where customers should queue and they still ignored it and got all confused. Whats worse is they all begin queueing in different directions, then when you call them up to the till, two try to come up at the same time and then there is a big hoo-haa about who was where first and what way it actually goes. I was working at the Littlehampton DTIS yesterday, they have just had a refurbishment so it's all changed around slightly and customers now have to queue in the opposite direction which is quite obviously the most mind-boggling concept on this earth. I lost track of the amount of times I said...Excuse me the queue goes that way!....Sorry guys could you just go that way?....Sorry I think this lady was first the queue goes that way. As far as I could see there was a sign saying queue this way but it was apparently not enough. Sometimes I would just let them queue the wrong way, if they were all going in the same direction it doesn't matter. But then there is ALWAYS the one customer, who queues the right way just to make a point and then makes a scene by coming up to the till next and pushing in front of all the customers who are queueing the wrong way - who I can't tell off for pushing in because technically they were queueing the correct way even if it wasn't right at that moment in time...I then have a queue full of people annoyed with me for letting them queue the wrong way, even though I was doing it for them as to not cause them the confusing concept of changing the direction in which they are facing. (dont worry, I got lost reading that back myself as well....)
Another thing I have noticed about some customers is how impatient they can be, I find the worst offenders for this, can usually be found in Lloyd's on a Friday or Saturday night, Who - when you have a whole bar of people waiting for your service - don't understand that you may not be able to give them all your attention straight away.
You seem to get a few different types, You get the people who go "Can I have a Carlsberg please" whilst your in the middle of pouring another customers drink, not caring you are obviously with another customer. You get the customers that shout for your attention as you walk past and you get the ones that wave their arms about and wave in your face in an over the top way going HELLOOOOOOO? to get your attention. Or you get the ones that moan. Like Saturday night when it was jam packed..
Customer: (as I'm in the middle of pouring another persons drink) I've been waiting for ages.
Me: Yeah so has everyone else
Customer: Not as long as I have
Me: Well it is a bit -
Customer: And you've been making eye contact with me, so you've seen me...and not served me.
Okay maybe not the last bit... (But I thought it!)
Still because the customer is 'always right'...I simply said "I will serve you next..."
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