So I found this blog half unfinished (or half finished,
either/or I guess!), Saved on my laptop whilst reading through old documents,
(reading through old documents on my laptop, sounds very exciting, doesn’t it?
It’s amazing what fun-filled things you are driven too when you have a laptop
but no internet…10 days 10 days 10 days!) And decided that I wanted to finish
it off, especially for youuuuuu… *okay I’ve pretty much just retyped the whole
thing...but the basis was there…*
Whenever people talk about me, to me, I always say that I
prefer to use the word ‘Eccentric’ to describe myself, because it sounds so
much better than ‘Weird’ – which I guess I am slightly. Or maybe not. I think
‘Eccentric’ basically means that your way of thinking, or talking, or being is ‘Different’
(maybe slightly more…ummm…Airy Fairy/Scatty/Chaotic…)– I don’t think just
because something is different means that it’s weird, it is just ‘Different’…
‘Unintentionally weird’ I guess – which isn’t a bad thing, it’s just perhaps
slightly different from the norm… ‘Eccentric’ – Okay I’m going round and round
in circles here, I’m struggling to explain myself; but you know what I mean –
and if you don’t…just pretend okay??So yes, I think I’ve always been unintentionally eccentric (though I think I have embraced it more as I have gotten older, Since I have finished high school and therefore stopped having to act in a way that isn’t true to who I really am, in order to avoid the fear of going to the B block toilets during my lesson and having the Skivers in there stare and comment at me in such a way, that I’d have to pretend I was only there for a tissue so I could escape as soon as possible and then spend the rest of my lesson dying for a wee... could have been worse I guess…) – My mum was told by my Year 3 teacher that I was Eccentric, So it was bound to have an effect sooner or later…
Speaking of my mother, I think I definitely get the mildly
airy-fairy approach to life off of her, Myself and her are in tune with one
another in a way that has become so normal, it doesn’t even freak us out
anymore. We can finish one another’s sentences, We can say the exact same thing
at the exact same time, We can tell what the other one is thinking or meaning
without saying a word just by looking at each other in a certain way I guess,
(though I’m not too sure what that certain way is, it just happens when it
happens) and we often*sigh* or make the same random noises at the same time,
especially if we are watching something on TV or listening to the radio in the
car… We do silly things like narrate our
rabbits in their hutch as we stand watching them..saying what we think they may be saying to one
another based on what they are doing...I’ve
always kind of thought that silly things like that were done by
everyone...apparently not…this was proved when I slept over at Rachies house a
few weeks ago, when her fat cat Ollie casually strolled through the lounge and
found himself fall victim to my habit of narrating life…
(For this beautifully composed extract, I will be providing
the voices for both Ollie…and myself…)
Ollie you fat cat…
Noooo, I’m not a fat cat, Silly human who do you think you are?? (look he could
have said something more exciting okay? I know! But I was improvising and therefore
on limited time….)
Taz…………..are you talking to yourself?
Me: No
– I was narrating the cat…….
Yes. Slightly Doolally. I know. (I cannot be the only one
who does silly things like that people?? Please back me up…share your
weird-ness – we are all friends here!)
But; to be fair, I think the slightly doolally approach to
life is good, it’s good for people who want to look at things with a slightly
different view, otherwise it would just be really boring. I mean, Life is good
and I enjoy it and all, but it’s pretty routine-y – I work at the drug that is
Super 4/5 shifts a week, I work at Lloyds 2/3 shifts a week, I
eat…sleep…work….pay rent…get
drunk….work…sleep….eat….work…get drunk…work…sleep…eat pretty much on a cycle;
So if things have to be given a slightly more interesting approach to get by
on, why not? Some people join in on that approach with me, some people find it
endearing and let me get on with it accepting that it’s who I am, some people (okay when I say SOME people I mean MOST of
the people I work with…both jobs included…it’s a hard life being so
misunderstood *sigh*) tease me (in an
affectionate way…) endlessly about it… - and others in the past have probably
been ready to beat me up over it (B Block Toilets skivers, I’m talking to you…)
