Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Super-hero dreams - da-da-daaaaaaaaa

I saw Avengers the other day....
Its the first time ever that I have watched a film like that...
Despite a sleepy start (literally), I full on got into it.
I loved it.
That night I had a dream that I was walking along when I saw a guy walking, his feet were leaving stretchy blue stuff over the floor and I couldn't work out why...suddenly the area that he had walked the blue stretchy stuff across lifted the ground he could walk over the water. (I don't know where the water suddenly came from either okay? It was a dream....)
It's the first proper exciting(ish) superhero dream like that I have had...Okay the effect was ruined by the fact I was suddenly in the toilet absolutely desperate but couldn't work out how to take off my all in one suit....which in turn woke me up absolutely bursting for the loo...but if my bladder hadn't interrupted me who knows where that dream could have gone!
I think I need to watch exciting films more often!!*

*Last night I had a dream that I took pup to work with me and was getting paranoid that people kept leaving the door that leads to the back of the fragrance counter open so she kept pottering off - point proven.

1 comment:

  1. I dreamed I had a cockerel called Beef!
