Sunday, 27 May 2012

SunnyShine, SunnyBurn, SunnyBadSkinOutfits...

Four weeks ago I was working at Superdrug....on the fragrance counter (which is where I spend most of my time at Superdrug..which is not a bad means I leave work smelling of a thousand..or maybe five or six...lovely different smells, from whatever testers I've been spraying on customers...and opposed to when I leave Lloyds after working on floor after a curry club night.......) rather chilly and huddled under a fleece I'd managed to find under the counter....
Today..I was there...on fragrance counter....boiling the day went on my sunburn felt more painful, my fringe felt more sticky and my ponytail slowly deflated as the day went by..

I do really enjoy the weather when it is warm...however I do have the habit of becoming a bit of a whinger...hunting for whatever shade I can find...The issue being unlike most of my family, I have not been blesssed with tan-friendly skin...Some people would refer to my skin tone as typical 'English Rose' other words...white and pink. Pink cheeks - the reason I spend so much time in the morning smothering myself in concealer, foundation and powder....Having this pale skin means I don't tan...I get very pink and sweaty (yummm) very quickly...and then whinge about the sun being too bright/too hot and wish that it would rain (much to the protest of others) - it also means I am prone to burning...

Due to past experience I don't normally even try and tan...I just smother myself in Suncream of a very high factor and assume that I wont tan and must accept the fact I will always have glow in the dark white legs. However on Friday I went to Thorpe Park with Lucy, Polly and Fi, it was a lovely day, but very hot...very very hot...however as a result of the excitement of the day I did not think to reapply sun cream every two minutes like I probably a result....I have some VERY red patches...the issue here being what I was wearing..Sun burn often means you are left with dodgey pale 'Skin outfits' on bright red skin...I was wearing a dress with T-Shirt style sleeves on it...and leggings rolled up to just under my knees...I now have a very interesting tan/redness on the bottom half of my legs..while the tops are still as ghostly as always...I may have to go out in a skirt and knee high socks so that the top of my legs can catch up...doh. I didn't realise how burnt I was until I looked in the mirror at the back of my neck and realised it had a white stripe going down the middle of it, where curly whispy bits of hair hadn't quite made it into my ponytail..not the best of looks....
The good thing is though....Dodgy 'Skin outfits' seem to be avery popular walking through town at the moment....So at least I'm keeping up with the trends...Even if it does mean I wont be able to submerge my shoulders in a nice relaxing warm bath for at least a month...still in this weather...a nice cold shower seems much more appealing!!

Enjoy the sunshine and be safe younglings ;)

Sunday, 20 May 2012

*Cue dramatic theme music...* INDIAAAAANAAAAAA....

A couple of times in recent blogs I have mentioned the fact that I need to start sorting out my room to move out, yet again another week has passed, another blog is written.....and nothing has been done...
The fact that people are starting to show signs of shock now when I announce how soon til I move out and that I haven't even began sorting yet, shows that I am perhaps now pushing my luck slightly...
So tomorrow with no work to go to or complete and with oonay finished for summer I am finally going to start packing....

The thing is I just get toooooo easily distracted....the television....they all just grab my attention and steer it clearly away of the task in hand...
But this time I will not be defeated... da da daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Been a pretty mellow week really, after last fridays shennanigans I have been feeling slightly...put off alcohol-ish, I've been trying to eat and bit more healthily as well, which has kind of worked I guess (apart from the Ice-cream sundae at the pub today and the Chinese that was waiting for me when I got home...but hey I'm allowed a day off!)

Spent the afternoon sitting in the pub with the Benchies today, It's always lovely to see everyone and have a good chat and a laugh, Although some of the conversation about things that I am obviously not cultured enough for tend to go over my head, I enjoy just sitting and listening and being in their company...However, it came to light today that my history of film watching is it seems...absolutely shocking...
Films that caused a reaction of "HOW CAN YOU NOT HAVE SEEN THAT?!":
  • Any Lord of the Rings
  • Any Star Wars
  • Back to the Future
  • Indiana Jones *
  • Any of the Avenger related films - Iron Man, Superman, SuperHeroBatBoyPowerGod
I had to admit that my film viewing history mainly consists of Disney films and Musicals...though there are a few comedies and horror films chucked in the mix! - However it seems to be accepted in the film-watching culture, I need to brush up on my film viewing....doh.

* Although I have not seen the film I am aware of the music ... Da da da daaaaaaa da da daaaa, da da da daaaah, da da da da daaaaa (Or instead of Da da da daaaaa...Indiaaaaaanaaaa)....There was an epic moment (well for me anyway) in the pub today when I thrust my phone in the air to try and get signal JUST as the person on the table behind us phone started blaring the indiana jones ringtone...It suddenly made the sense of thrusting my phone into the air some epic, amazing, dramatic, "cue-theme-tune" film-like event...awesomeeeee!
(I apologise now to everyone who has that music stuck in there head...mahahahahaha)

Ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble!!!!


Also if possible could people please leave me a little comment in the box below?
You don't have to have an account or anything to do so, it's just I see my page views go up,
But never know who is actually reading...So if anyone would like to inform me....that would be topping!

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Bye Bye Oonay! and Vodkakayblue. Messy Messy Messy.

Yay, Hooray, Yippee, Yoohoo, Wahoo, Wahey, Rejoice, Huzaah, Jubilate!
I somehow, without ending up in a mental asylum, running face first into a wall, running away and joining a circus or quite simply sitting in a corner to cry...managed to finish my essays, which means I have now completed my first year of Oonay...
Its been such a good year, few rocky patches throughout and one very melodramatic 'Oh my god, this isn't right, where is my life going, waaaaaaah' moment....But in all fairness it has been amazing. My one regret was that I didn't get into halls so have struggled with the social evening side slightly, however, for Second year, I will become a proper student when I move out of home and into a house five minutes from uni with three other lovely students, I cannot wait...Some people have expressed concerns about how I will survive.....I'm not too sure yet...but I'm sure I will cope....*crosses fingers*

I went out with Fiona friday night to LLoyds...We started drinking at 7...Were tipsy by 8.30....drunk by 21.00....and wasted by 22.00 - Eurgh. Due to relatives reading this blog...I will not comment on how much was consumed....except say that it was a LOT. Which was probably how I found myself on my knees in a train toilet rattling home heaving over the bowl (aren't you proud of me mum and dad.........), Luckily I had a good work chum on hand  to guide me where I needed to be....otherwise who knows where else I would have ended up. Working at Superdrug at 08.30 Saturday morning was not fun....however I got through with only a couple of minor wobbles....and when I went back to Lloyds saturday night - I have never been so happy to be the working side of the bar...Even though I thought someone was going to go mental at me as I struggled to understand her foreign accent over loud music....No it wasn't Vodka and Redbull? She wanted...It wasn't Blueberry Vodka?....Or Blue Aftershock...It was 4 WKD Blue....(though all I could make out was vodkakayblue) Deary bad.

Since Saturday night I have seen a can only be described as hideous. Literally my skin looks GREY and I am currently in a state of 'Never drinking again'...

Lets see how long that lasts ;)

Chronological photos of the night... 'The Messy- Meter...'

Please note...For public safety I cannot show any more photos from beyond this point of the night...But lets just say it was jolly fun...until I found myself sitting in a train going backwards that is...Ahhh to be young....and drunk ;)

Loves xx

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Procrastinating and 'Off-Track'ness...

There are several things bothering me right now....

I'm hungry - but have nothing in decent to eat
I want to go out drinking - but I have no money really til friday
I want to go out friday night - but have work at 08:30 on Saturday...
I want to go out Saturday night - but I have work til 23.00...
I have an essay to write.

Okay the last ones what is really bothering me - the rest can be resolved, I will get something to eat, I will wait til Friday...I will man up and go out anyway.
However this essay will not write itself...

I guess this blog is a bit of an excuse to gently sliiiiiide away from having to write my essay, however it just follows me like an evil shadow. I've probably written more in this post than I have in my essay in the last half hour. I kind of know what I have got to write about, it's just putting it into words.
When I talk I tend to make up words, I sometimes go off track with what I say, ramble a bit, sometimes stumble on my words and have to explain a couple of times to get what I am trying to say out. I also tend to use gestures and voices to emphasize the point I am trying to make (they tend to get bigger the more excited I am...)Unfortunately with essays there is no animation required, it's just blah blah blaaaaaaah. I know what I want to say, it's just explaining what exactly I am trying to explain that is proving a challenge....

Problem is, It's only 2500 words, which is nothing really....I've got all my notes handwritten it is just having the patience to put them down into order....Patience and Order...something I am often slightly limited on...
Still after 2 o clock on friday I am freeeeeeee for a summer of sleeping, drinking, houses-moving and working...and I cannot wait!

Procrastinating over (for now...Back to work I go [Don't make meeeeee])*


*See brackets within brackets...confirmation of tendencies to 'Go off track'!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Super-hero dreams - da-da-daaaaaaaaa

I saw Avengers the other day....
Its the first time ever that I have watched a film like that...
Despite a sleepy start (literally), I full on got into it.
I loved it.
That night I had a dream that I was walking along when I saw a guy walking, his feet were leaving stretchy blue stuff over the floor and I couldn't work out why...suddenly the area that he had walked the blue stretchy stuff across lifted the ground he could walk over the water. (I don't know where the water suddenly came from either okay? It was a dream....)
It's the first proper exciting(ish) superhero dream like that I have had...Okay the effect was ruined by the fact I was suddenly in the toilet absolutely desperate but couldn't work out how to take off my all in one suit....which in turn woke me up absolutely bursting for the loo...but if my bladder hadn't interrupted me who knows where that dream could have gone!
I think I need to watch exciting films more often!!*

*Last night I had a dream that I took pup to work with me and was getting paranoid that people kept leaving the door that leads to the back of the fragrance counter open so she kept pottering off - point proven.