Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Night time Brain mush!

Why is it, that the time you do the most thinking always falls in those precious 8 hours of the day (or night), when you should be doing the complete opposite...and sleeping?
Honestly, I get plenty of opportunities throughout the day to ponder life, dawdling down to the train station, sitting on the train, walking the Doris...but I never do, instead I sing to myself and daydream about absolute rubbish and bizarre scenarios to keep myself occupied...
However it's as if as soon as I lie down in bed and try to sleep the 'sensible' part of my brain kicks in, the one part of my brain that wants to try and make sense of things, whilst the other parts are lazy and fail to co-operate, which means I tend to lie and think 'Huh?'

Like right now, some of the thinks going around my brain:

- Does my uni course feel right for me?
- What would I do if I were to quit uni?
- Is it worth trying to audition for Drama schools or should I just deal with Uni first (I may find once certain dodgey modules are over I will begin to enjoy it as much as I was at the start of term again and plus some elements of it I actually love!)
- When the hell am I going to do my christmas shopping?
- I desperately need to find another job to do along side Lloyds but where do I find one?
- If we get another puppy and it's a boy I want to call it Ralphie ( Okay I know that hasn't come from the sensible part of my brain, but since we discussed it the other day it's all I can think 'Doris and Ralphie' how CUTE does that sound?!)

All these questions that I can think and think and think and think but can't even come close to answering right now! (apart from the last one, I'm certain about that one..)

Maybe that's why it's a good idea that I have got into the routine of watching Family Guy in bed before I go to sleep, it means that instead of going to sleep thinking about things I can't answer, I go to sleep thinking about Stewie, Brian, Quaigmere and Herbert the Pervert...though on second thoughts..maybe thats not such a good idea. (Giggedy-Giggedy..O-Right!)

Sweet dreams!

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