Monday, 31 December 2012

Reflections, High School Bullies and being a personnnnnn.

So I’ve been feeling all reflective as of late.

Not in an ‘Omg I can’t believe it’s the end of 2012 bring on 2013 New Year new me!’ kind of way, that everyone becomes a fan of round about this time. Reflective of life.

Recently I’ve been chatting to my high school girlies and remembering times from being at school. At the time we hated it, it was school of course we did! But looking back I have some pretty funny memories: The RS teacher who had an so unreasonable-it-was-hilarious disliking for me, Getting sent out of science for laughing after Sophie pointed out our teacher looked like action man, Water fights, The ridiculous arguments we used to all have, stopping off at Sainsbury’s on the way home for 25p bars of chocolate, The secret house parties we used to have and the mad dash to tidy up before we were discovered….There are so many!! Everything was taken so seriously back then, but looking back on it, we had so little to worry about. Now with Uni and work and rent-paying and all this grown-up stuff, I sometimes wish I could go back to those days – even though at the time I’d have given anything to skip a few years and be where I am at now, Nineteen, able to go out drinking and living away from home – obviously at that time I thought about the fun side of it (which there is of course, massively so!) but didn’t really think about the scary grown-up side of it.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to those days, but really I would rather have the complicated grown-up side of life, if it also involves being able to be independent and go on nights out and do my own thing – Plus I think I’ve changed so much as a person, I’m much happier with who I am now, If I could go back even 4/5 years I would tell my younger self to stick up for herself a bit more and to have so, so, SO much more self-belief! High school was fun, yes – but it also brought on a whole load of insecurities, especially about how I looked, being called names is something that everyone probably goes through at some point or another, but looking back on it now I got SO much stick, maybe at the time I didn’t want to accept it, so wouldn’t let it seem as bad it was but boy was I called some names: Ghost, Zombie, Fish, Frog, Dobby, Hammer-head shark – All to do with my appearance, in particular my eyes and the fact that they were Big/Scary/Far Apart … I use to hate it and would wear eyeliner to try and make them look smaller, which thinking about it now is ridiculous. Now I think F U and wear my make-up exactly to highlight the fact I have big eyes! Looking back on it I get SO annoyed that people managed to make me feel so bad about myself, no one has the right to do that! I wish more than anything that I had stuck up for myself and stood my ground and fought my battles instead of not sticking up for myself and letting them get me down – to be fair I never showed that they got me down, only on occasions I would get upset – the rest of the time I was just the same, silly, clumsy scatter-brain that I am now – I just felt that it was better to ignore it…that way I could pretend it wasn’t happening.

I’m definitely more confident as a person now – I think doing Drama and Performing Arts at Sixth form helped me with this immensely, the fact I was suddenly surrounded by a group of people all with the same passion (and levels of insanity) as me really, really helped – Joining Bench Theatre helped as well for the same reasons and ditto to going on to University!! When you are suddenly away from anyone who drags you down and surrounded by people all with the same mind-set and passion as you, really gives you a boost and that confidence to just be yourself! Not going to lie, I still get insecure about stuff sometimes, like at work a few months back people were saying what kind of animal we would be, It was decided I would be a ‘Goldfish’ – as soon as I heard mention of that word the alarm bells were up and that dreaded feeling was back…Oh god is it because I look like a fish?! Do they think that as well?! Arghhh! – But it wasn’t. It was because of my (then) Orange hair and my lack of memory. Fair enough. It’s just about learning that not everyone is against you and just because one group of people had bad views on you, doesn’t mean that every single person in the world does. Now if anyone annoys me or makes me feel down, or even if I don’t agree with something small that they are saying then I will tell them. I say what I think, fight my case and put people in their place if I don’t like the way I am being spoken to (take that drunk customers at work) – because it’s your life, you are who you are and no-one has the right to make you feel bad about ANYTHING.

So there.



New Year’s Eve tonight – Wooohoo!

Have a good one everyone J


Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (yes I am feeling more kisses than normal…and what?!) xxx

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Clowning and when pranks go wrong.

I'm in the Uni Library.
Getting a sense of Deja vu here?
Because that's exactly how I started my last blog.
And it's exactly how I am starting this one. Obviously.
However this time I am doing better than last time.
I've actually typed some words...
398 of them to be precise...
I know it doesn't sound much, Buuuuut it's progress.
Plus I have a tutorial tomorrow and wouldn't want to write too much and then have to change it all.
Making excuses, moi?!

So unlike my last couple of blogs I have no drunken shennanigans or silly nights out to write about. My life has been over run with Uni.
We had our clowning assessments on Monday.
I have never been so glad to have a module over with.
To say it brought out my sometimes snappy, unreasonable, hot-headed side is an understatement.
For a module called 'Clowning' it got me pretty stressed. If I want to be a clown I can stick to every day life! We set our piece in a gym class, stupidly I chose my clown to be the Colourful, Silly, OTT (Okay it sounds like me so far...) SPORTY one.
Words I do not cope well with. So whilst I was happy to dance around in a leotard, orange leg warmers and bright pink tights with my hair in a back-combed side pony-tail. Having to do every exercise as big as I possibly could without being allowed to stop KILLED ME. Sit ups, Lunges, Jogging, Knees Up, Planks...I had to do all these things near perfectly AND look as though I was enjoying it. I looked like a tomato afterwards and can barely walk today, My legs and sides and back are dead.
THEN today, we had rehearsals for our production piece, when we do it we are flooding the show room and performing in several inches of water, sitting in it..walking in it...and for the majority of time LYING in it. We are gonna freeze. Sooo we had the sensible idea today of running our clothes under water until they were soaked through and then wearing them for our run through. I don't think there is anything worse in the world then pulling on soaking wet tops and leggings. It was horrificly cold. We will just have to hope on Friday that the adrenaline kicks in and keeps us warm. Otherwise we are gonna FREEEEEEEZE. Brrrrrr.


Obviously it has been big news this week about the nurse who killed herself after forwarding on a prank call from an Australian Radio show in which details of Kate Middletons condition were shared. (if you don't know what I'm talking about the rest of this blog will mean nothing to you so go read a newspaper and then come back!)
I think this really is a sad case, The whole prank itself was a step to far, the DJs said they didn't know that they would be put through and taken so seriously. But they should have cut off the call when they realised that it had gone further than they had planned it to. The nurse must have felt so ashamed and humiliated by the whole thing, if she felt that commiting suicide was the only way out of it..and the fact she has left behind two teenage children is desperately sad. It is horrible that she was put in a position where she felt that was her only option and I can completely get why there is so much anger surrounding the case.
However I do feel sorry for the DJs, they have had a lot of stick for the situation, which is understandable, they should not have done it. End of story. It was disrespectful, selfish and inconsiderate. Though I think when they carried it out they obviously had NO idea or any wanting, for the situation to end up how it did. That's the thing with pranks, they can so easily go wrong...
Take the other day...We have a huge purple exercise ball taking up our lounge, Housey Hannah arrived home the other day and I thought it would be hilarious to hide and then throw it at her as she walked through the lounge I stood in wait whilst Housey Olivia let her in...she walked through the door and I launched it at her...I didn't realise that she was holding her the ball hit her she managed to keep hold of her laptop, as the ball bounced off her, bounced onto my plate of dinner * that was on the floor and sent it flying all over the carpet.
It's a completely different case I know, we all ended up laughing and it is nowhere near in comparison. However it does show how quickly things can go wrong, obviously when I decided to throw it at her I had no idea that the outcome would be what it was, if i'd have known afterwards I would end up picking rice out my carpet for the next five minutes I wouldn't have done it. But I didn't know, So I had to deal with the outcome. Which exactly what these DJs are having to do now. Watching their interviews it is clear to see that they are heart-broken by the whole case, but now all they can do is apologise over and over for their actions and accept what has happened as a result of these.
On one hand, I guess the story shows that you should really think about how your actions are going to affect other people before you carry them out, but on the other hand it shows that things can quickly go so wrong, so beyond your control or what you ever imagined happening. So how do you get that balance right??

* I say dinner.....after having a kebab at tea-time I was mega craving some fruit or veg but had none to hand..however I did have some uncle bens express chinese rice...and some day out of date pre-packed salad which I pretty much mashed together in a bowl. It was absolutely vile and I managed about three mouthfuls. SO it's probably a good job it ended up over my carpet. apart from the fact it stank.


Monday, 3 December 2012

University and Money and Getting drunk at Tiger and mean ratty pig customers.

I'm in the Uni Library.
It is not my usual place to relax on a Monday evening which can only mean one thing.
I'm procrastinating.
Does it count as procrastinating when I haven't even opened word yet?
Or does it just become...Not doing work. Rather than Avoiding doing work.
Or maybe it's the same thing.
You see...

Uni is fackin' mental at the moment, it's just so busy and hard and manic...and kinda fun.
Some bits are fun and exciting.
Other bits make me want to jump out my bedroom window (Saying that if I was to do that I would fall about three feet onto the roof of our extension/turned-into-a-laundrette-by-us - I'm lucky my bedroom window is an emergency exit. Though knowing my luck I'd pop to the loo...come back and the stairs and the upstairs of the house would be on fire...including my bedroom. Then I'd be stuck -ahhhh!)...
Back to Uni modules...I worked out earlier during a particularly stressful rehearsal that I was paying £500 for this module. £500. My friend told me that they worked out that it's about £30 an hour. £30. I'm working 3 hours at Lloyds this week. £18. That would mean that my weeks wages for Lloyds, would pay for just over 15 minutes of Uni. I do not like this. At all.
I've suddenly become really funny about money and the price of things. It's kind of embarrasing. I'm like a middle aged dad. I've started declaring the price of things when it's announced to me.
Like when Katie was serving me a sarnie at work the other day...
"How has my shopping come to that much?! How much was the Sandwich??"
"£2.99?! FOR A SANDWICH?!?!"

Or when I bought my train ticket the other day...
"Can I get a Portsmouth Harbour to Chi return please..."
"Okay, That's £7.90 please..."

I really must get out that habit.

Speaking of Portsmouth Harbour...I went there for a night out the other night with Katie, Charlotte Burchy Wurchy and Charlottes friend Meg.
I don't know what's happened to me recently. I've either been drinking more than I used to.  Or...Well I think that's it. I again got very drunk. I tried to blame it on my dress, the last two times I have worn it I have got stupidly drunk "I reckon it's that must be cursed...".
So we pre-drank in my bedroom, got a taxi to the station (with our Vodka and Lemonade in Plastic bottles so we oculd finish it off enroute...CHAVS.) and hopped on the train. We were already quite merry by this point so just chatted, re-did our make-up, drank, laughed and were merry. We got to Gunwharf and went to Slug where we had a cocktail before going onto Tiger. In Tiger we had several more drinks...and I was in my element because we were in the cheesey music area dancing to Westlife, Britney Spears, Girls aloud..and I am sad and cheesey when it comes to things like that. We decided to go through to the clubby room (got to show some element of cool after all...) - I felt too drunk by this point (it suddenly hit me) and decided I wasn't going to drink anymore...I felt something on the bottom of my shoe...flicked it off...looked at my finger and saw a mahoosive gash on it where I had flicked off...a piece of glass. Showed Katie my finger...showed the bouncer man my finger who pulled a sad face and offered me no help. So katie being the loving friend she is put an empty plastic glass over my bleeding finger and pushed me towards the toilet, ran it under the tap and then wrapped some toilet roll around it. Managed to get blood on my dress. Was gutted. Went back into the bar area with finger wrapped up..suddenly felt REALLY rough...
Bearing in mind I have never been properly sick from drinking before...
Went up to the bar desperate for water, they took too long to serve me.
Katie I feel really rough...
You'll be okay just breathe...
No I feel horrific I need to go outside...
Went outside....
Sat down with Katie...
Charlotte and Meg came out to see if I was okay.
Yes. I vommed. Outside tiger. Whilst sitting down. In lovely Gunwharf Quays...
(TOO MUCH INFORMATION ALERT: Luckily..It looked just like Vodka and Lemonade...It wasn't all chunky and smelly so I was okay...)
And then I felt...fine.
"Katie I feel fine lets go inside..."
But Katie being the good friend she is suggested that wasn't a good idea.
Then we had to work out how to get home...
Our taxi was booked for 02.30 to take us to charlottes. But I needed to get home...
I rang my mumma, and was gonna get a taxi back there, but me and katie had work in the morning and I had no clean clothes with me (obviously).
Sooo I rang my nice friend Finch AKA Gramps, who after a phone call I can't remember too much off, Text me to say that he'd be there in 20 minutes to take us home. What a hero. (We even managed to get a Drive-Thru on the way home as well!) - I very much liked I've decided I'm going to go there again tres soon. Only this time. I'm not going to pre-drink...and I'm just going to drink WKDs all night...I've well and truly learnt my lesson with drinking now and shall not be getting myself into such states again. Cheesey dancing is enough for me...
(Please note: although this claim is true at this present moment in time, I cannot promise it will last forever.)


Occasionaly I have to have a rant about rude customers.
I am afraid this blog is one of those...
For the purpose of ease, said customer will be named as DH (you'll work it out.....) in the transcript I am about to share..
This happened when I was at the Littlehampton store on Sunday.
*Ahem* Right...
(Also...VI stands for what he was looking for...[VI is a type of Vitamin] - OKAY I WILL TELL MY STORY NOW...)

DH: Excuse me do you sell VI?
J (who I was working with): Do we sell VI Tas?
T: Do we sell what sorry?!
T: What's that?
DH: VI?? I can't believe you don't know what VI is...
T: Well..whats it for?
DH: I can't believe you don't's a vitamin...
*Takes to Vitamins*
T: I haven't heard of it before...
DH: Do they not train you?!
T: Well yes they do, but -
DH: Are you working here on release or something? (Do I look like the kinda person who's working here after being released from youth prison MATE?!)
T: No...I'm not...
DH: So you're just badly trained then...
T: *sigh* (breeeathe.....) No. I am trained. But we don't learn the name of every product in the shop!...what's it for?
DH: It's just a standard vitamin, I can't believe you don't know what it is (I THINK WE'VE ESTABLISHED THAT BUDDY!) to keep you going, keep the heart ticking. Give you a bit of va-va-voom. Do you know what that means?!


T: Yes. I know what that means. I'm really sorry I don't think we do it...
DH: I've got it in here before everywhere does it.
T: Well......
*Awkward silence*
DH: Okay fine...forget it...

Fumin' I was. Abso-flippin'-lutely FUMIN'.
So much so I had to take my lunch break and sit simmering for a while.
What a rat.

The christmas holidays soon - Hoorar!
4 weeks of Uni - Hoorar!
2 Assesments and an essay to get through first - Booooo!
