"It's not life that's hard...Its the choices you have to make in life that are hard..."
".....Yeah but they are about life, so technically it IS life that is hard....."
That was Katie asking a question...
Me attempting a
And Katie shooting it down in flames...
As per is the norm.
This afternoon I found myself with Katie (Close sixth form friend who then became close Superdrug work friend and has now earnt herself a position in the Best FriendS category of my friends...LUCKY HER EH?) sitting at Cathy Green (no change there) drinking a Shake-A-Delic* (no change there - except I decided to go for a brave change today and have a Smartie one - no good, tastes like a melted McFlurry and the Smarties kept jamming up the straw...) and attempting to talk sensibly about life, including..
*Also referred to as a Shakey-Baby..
Babies: "I've always just assumed in my life plan that I will have kids, I haven't really thought about the fact I will have to meet someone first to actually have kids with...."
Future Plans: "Lets just book a week away in October...." "I'll probably have no money..." "Oh maybe not yet then...."
Men: "Do you know what? I hate all men, they're all just absolute twats seriously!" "Awww not all men are...What about Channing Tatum? Or Colin Firth? Or Hugh Grant....He seems nice..." "NO I bet even they are twats, do you know what? Screw this, I'm just going to become a lesbian, It will be SO much easier!!" (Katie was just having a bad day...nothing personal boys I'm sure........)
But then we came on to the discussion of Do you follow your head or your heart? Which then lead onto the discussion of..well really if you want to get technical your heart doesn't physically have the capability to create emotions...it can respond in different ways to different emotions, based on what your head tells it to feel, which basically means it's not a case of deciding between head and heart...but rather chosing between one half of your head and the other, which seems kind of daft...that your own head has the ability to argue with itself pretty much - so really....we couldn't come up with the answer to that question...
However it is true, it does happen...the whole head/heart which is actually head/head thaaaang, take for example this, yesterday at the Drug that is Super we had a parcel arrive for us, upon it being opened there were several Barry M Nail Varnishes and some lipglosses that had been returned, with a note from someone saying that they were very sorry, their friends had convinced them to steal them and they felt so guilty afterwards they just had to return the stuff back to us...
This is when it kicked in...
My Heart (so one half of my head...) was saying: Awwww that's so sweet of them, what a good thing of them to do...
My head (so the other half of my head...which doesn't really make sense anymore butcha get ma meaningggg) was saying: Well you're a silly person for doing it in the first place, man up, don't give into peer pressure so easily, whats the point when its going to make you feel so horrible afterwards, its a shallow unnecessary thing to do, I could see why some people may do it in times of desperation, if it was food or drinks or baby food...actual survival neccessities - but stealing some pretty nail varnish? That's just STUPID.
Indeed. I think the heart side of my head is definitely the side I need to act on if I don't want to get a punch in the face....however I can still think with the head side of my head every now and then, even if it is for my own occasional harsh in-head self entertainment.....go on...everyone does it!!