Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Lots of not a lots going on. but still a lot has gone on.

Okay I haven't written for a while. There's been lots of scrappy bits and pieces going on, but nothing worth dedicating it's own blog to...well I could of but it wouldn't have been very exciting...So anyway here is what's been going on...(drum roll please...)

My Essay: Yes I finally finished it, it took a week and a half, one changing the question, one lot of scrapping everything I'd written, several hours in the library, a couple of near misses, several outbursts complaining about the stupidness of the essay, university in general and myself and one set of tears of frustration and I got it done :) I don't know if what I have written is right, whether I have gone about it in the right way, or whether I'll pass, but finally posting it off and signing my name off the list was the best feeling ever!

My hair: I've finally plucked up the courage and dyed my hair red, I've been moaning for ages about my hair, since its come back to its natural colour after dying it brown three years ago its been such a dull boring colour, I tried making it blonder and it had no really affect, I wanted something a bit quirky and vibrant, so I got some 'very berry' hair dye and slapped it went red, but still not as red as I wanted it to be, so a couple of days later I bought a red toner from £1.29 I did have my doubts at how well it would work, I have a bad history of these kind of things in the past = Year 9 + Naturally blonde hair + Mahogany Toner = ORANGE hair), It said the tube of it should be enough for three goes and should be left on for 5 minutes, so naturally I used 2/3rds of it and left it on for twenty minutes...If my hair wasn't red enough definitely is now ;)

Jobby Jobby Jobby: Woohoo I finally found a new job, I love working at Lloyds and have such a laugh there, but I've been needing to find another job to do alongside it, seeing as I have no university for a month and am currently on a £60 loan from my mother.  I had my first shift at Superdrug yesterday and loved it...the till was very easy to grasp and I enjoyed serving people - the pays not great but it still an extra bit of cash a week which will help me so much, woohoo!

One of the best things about Christmas is my favourite people are home, in particular Rachel Delooze, We went down to Wests last night - a big bunch of us, I only had £10 to spend and didn't think that this would be of much use, however on discovering a bottle of wine was £7.99 I thought about things economically and figured I would get a much larger Alchohol intake for my money by buying a bottle, as opposed to two drinks at 4 pounds each which would not have as much success...I was right and a jolly good night was had by all ;) despite the fact I woke up at half past six with a tounge like a slug that's just had a tub of salt poured over it...dried up and crispy (yummay)

But...there has been a lot of not a lot going on, mainly due to my financial situation there have been a lot of days that have consisted of lying in front of the telly all day.. Jeremy Kyle, This morning, Loose women, Relocation Relocation,  May the best house win, Come dine with me,  Coach trip - definitely been on a Daytime tv overload in the last week...and as for the chocolate I've been eating, I'm going to have to be rolled into University when we go back in January - but I am LOVING the time off - woohoo!

I get paid on friday, so hoping I can finish my last little bits of Christmas shopping, very excited for Christmas, lots of exciting stuff planned with all the people I love :)

Loves xx

Monday, 12 December 2011

Drama aint no doss!

Zzzzzz....eeeep feeling so fuzzy headed today, I think my body is still recovering from Saturday nights drink-a-thon and 4.30 am finish (but more of that later..), followed by 6 hours of rehearsals, uni rehearsals, seven hours sleep, uni assessment and essay writing...But now I find myself, at home, in my room, on my bed, heating on, nice and shnig waiting for dinner, exactly where I want to be :']

Had a fair amount going on this last week, mainly writing this stupid fecking essay for University, Whoever says that all Drama students do is doss needs a kick. A hard one, it aint no doss! It requires so many skills, Confidence, Imagination Team work and so many hours of dedication!..The whole reason I took Drama is because I don't consider myself to be an academic person, don't get me wrong...I knew that essays would  be involved of course I did and compared to other peoples courses we've been so lucky with the written side of the course, but it's still just so mehhh. When I'm in the mood to chat and discuss I can talk and talk and talk...thats's why I've got a blog, buuut ask me to critically analyse and research etc etc my brain just goes 'Huh?' - but i'm getting there slowly but surely, I just hope I'm writing the right thing, I do have the habit of drifting off track slightly...I know it doesn't really account for much, but I still want to do well!!

Went up to London on Saturday to see Dreamboats and Petticoats with the best friend and her mum and sister, I've become a musical theatre nerd in the last few years and really enjoy it, so I was very excited! Overall it's not a bad show, The vocals and stuff were good but not the kind to blow you away, all the songs were old sixties songs, so I did't know all of them - however two thirds of the theatre were over 50 and sang and danced along to songs that they had grown up too which were so sweet to watch. It is strange though, I couldn't imagine a show in 50 years featuring songs from the Noughties..Rhianna, Jessie J, Lady Ga Ga, Nicki Minaj...I dread to think what kind of show that would be!!
Saturday night came so it was time for a classy night out in Littlehampton with the best friends and her friends, we stopped enroute at the kebab shop for some food - we wanted to get a kids meal to share with eachother, but apparently they were for under 10's only, I know I look young but I don't think I could pull off being that age. Off to the George where we went on to get drunk very quickly (probably for the best when you're out in Littlehampton!) and then went on to Coco Lounge, one of those places that is soo bad that it is good! Where we went on to drink even more..including smuggled in Vodka and Orange (three of us crammed into a toilet cubicle knocking it back...classy!) and £1 shots - So overall a very drunken but brilliant fun night!

Its nearly Christmas - eeeeeep, My bank account is dismal at the moment - I get a pay day friday and then a slightly bigger one the following friday, I have a feeling that last minute shopping on the 23rd will be required. Applied for several jobs in the last week, Butlins, Vue Cinema (where I use to work), many places. I had a missed call from Santas grotto the other day, so I rang them back, I am on the Elf reserve list, they must have had an elf fall ill (or maybe they couldn't cope with the screaming children...) but anyway, I was very excited at this concept and rang back...but by that point they'd already given the job to someone else as well..dammit. Though I hear its a dangerous place to work...bad 'elf and safety...*ba boom chhh!*

Very excited about next saturday, performing in a christmas concert with TA productions, We had our last rehearsal yesterday before the  tech, it's all very christmassy and fun, Singing a duet with the lovely Becca Anderson [Faith Hill - There you'll be...] - Just hoping I dont let the nerves get the better of me, in the last show I sang my first big solo and that was an amazing buzz, so I'm feeling positive :) Though the family couldnt make that show so this will be the first time they hear me sing properly.. Its an emotional song and the lyrics mean a lot to me, So i'm hoping I dont start blubbing on stage - singing with a snotty nose and blotchy face, not a good look!!

loves xx

Monday, 5 December 2011

"Tasmins concentration has left the building..."

Despite the fact I was very proud earlier of the fact I ACTUALLY went to the Uni library and ACTUALLY printed off things to read before my massive essay writing mission I am about to undertake like an intelligent student that knows what they are doing..There are many things I should be doing right now...
  • Reading up on my essay...
  • Writing my essay...
  • Writing my actors book...
  • Job searching...(still staying at Lloyds but need more hours man!)

Like I doing, but I'm not...obviously, I'm doing everything in my power to distract myself from doing any of the above...'Tidying my room', sorting out Christmas presents, ordering free prints of pictures for my ever growing wall collage, writing a blog and waiting for my mum to come back from the shop with chocolate (despite the fact since yesterday I have eaten 2 Wispa Bars, Half a pack of chocolate biscuits, Half a box of Maltesers, a bag of aero bubbles and 4 Kinder suprises [which in all fairness are very small..]) and now...wittering away in a blog. (Okay i've just realised in my quick 'pre-post scan that i've written that twice, but as it backs-up my title..I'll keep it in.)

I dont know what it is that is making it so hard to get motivated at the moment, I think the year has caught up with me, its been absolutely manic (but more of that in what will no doubt be my end-of-year-reflections-30th-December-2011 blog...) but my concentration has hit an all time low, For example, I find myself zoning out when people are talking to me, it's not that I'm being rude or ignorant, I've always been one for a good chit-chat, but I just suddenly find myself drifting off, then I catch myself out and have to snap myself back into it and force eye-contact and say something coherent that forms some kind of response to what they have just said and that is realistic and suggests I have been hanging on to their every word...
Another example of my ever declining lack of concentration is at work, I've suddenly found myself in the habit of repeating everything the customer says...several times, not normally an issue (albeit slightly irritating) - 'cept i still get the order wrong every now and then...hmmm.

There's just been so much going on, but its uni that's wiped me out, there is just so much to think about and consider, I now regret all the times I moaned about A-Level work!!
I am absolutely buzzing for the Christmas holidays, I LOVE uni (okay I know i said slightly different in my last blog but that was a bad week okay?!) but the concept of 3/4 weeks off is just heaven, I'm so excited for some of my favourite people to come home from Uni!! Rachie, Rosie, Sir Eggicus...I cannot wait to see (and in Eggies case ABUSE) them all again - eeeee!

This is a break that's definitely needed for me, as my wise mother once said to me (imagine this being said in a voice just like mine but deeper and not as babyish) "You need to spend less time DOING and more time BEING!" - and I actually see her point, sometimes you can spend so much time doing things and rushing around thinking about too much, that you forget to just spend time relaxing in your own thoughts, and just being - wise words Mumma Halford (you can obviously see where I get my intelligence and words of wisdom from ;] )

Now I'm off to do some of previously mentioned tasks that I should be soon as I've eaten the phish food ben and jerries that mumma has bought home and finished watching 'I'm a celebrity - coming out'...hmmm one more night off wont hurt...and if my mother complains...well...she did say I should spend less time doing, I'm just following her advice ;) [though i'm sure i wont be feeling so sarky tomorrow when i'm one day closer to my essay deadline and panicking...]
